Airdrops are not appearing

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    Client log file…1YZVEuvNhpDhuN51aVg8JmgrC
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    Bought and Downloaded from the official Tarkov Website (Edge of Darkness Edition)
    List of used mods
    gunsmith trader
    Virtual's Custom Quest Loader
    Weightless Ammo
    DrakiXYZ Waypoints

    I have noticed that I have not had a single Airdrop in around 30+ runs. I then tested a modified spawnchance with ServerValueModifier and set it to 100% spawn chance. My Airdrop does not appear, at all, even when set to 100% spawn chance and being in mission for even the max amount of time before going MIA. Is it an issue with a Mod I have installed or the current version?

  • It will be a mod, also check aki data and configs in airdrop but make sure SVM is low on the load order and turn off item stacking in SVM to test it will kill air drops, y ou can use true items to get around this if it is the caus. Most of those mods look fine but look for a extra settings that has been missed but putting svm 2nd last always put Sain last may help narrow the cause, try those couple thing while i have a look through your logs

    Edited once, last by CrankyY ().

  • How do I even adjust the load order? I know there is a json that I can edit but not familiar with coding so I don't really know how to specifically write it.

    oh forgot as i dont use swags atm last 2 should be swags then sain, make sure SVM is before swags

  • few ways

    PIA was is go into your /user/mods folder open order.json and manually type in the mod folder names new line each ( I saw SVM adding to order so it should be populated just rearrange the order make sure the is a comma after each line but the last one.

    Easy way use SPT Mini Launcher makes life really easy you will need to install the load order mod and i suggest the profile editor to ( i noticed a few profile errors in the logs)

  • few ways

    PIA was is go into your /user/mods folder open order.json and manually type in the mod folder names new line each ( I saw SVM adding to order so it should be populated just rearrange the order make sure the is a comma after each line but the last one.

    Easy way use SPT Mini Launcher makes life really easy you will need to install the load order mod and i suggest the profile editor to ( i noticed a few profile errors in the logs)

    What kind of errors?

  • [2024-01-20T09:01:47.591Z] error: Eintrag armalite gefunden, welcher nicht in der Gegenstandsdatenbank vorhanden ist. Profil nicht verwenden! Profilkorruption und Probleme sind wahrscheinlich. Mögliche Grundsache ist, dass gemoddete Items nicht aus dem Inventar entfernt wurden, bevor der Mod gelöscht worden ist.

    [2024-01-20T09:01:47.591Z] error: Eintrag gunsmith gefunden, welcher nicht in der Gegenstandsdatenbank vorhanden ist. Profil nicht verwenden! Profilkorruption und Probleme sind wahrscheinlich. Mögliche Grundsache ist, dass gemoddete Items nicht aus dem Inventar entfernt wurden, bevor der Mod gelöscht worden ist.

    Usually means at some point you have removed a trader, and not removed any mod ect from inventory so if you go into your aki data and go to core.json and set "fixProfileBreakingInventoryItemIssues" to true.

    "fixes": {

    "fixShotgunDispersion": true,

    "removeModItemsFromProfile": false,

    "fixProfileBreakingInventoryItemIssues": false

    Then fire up the server

    You will also need go into the profile and look for all traces of the offending trader and items

    once you have cleaned it up set it back to false

  • Well, I have not removed any trader. They are not 3.7.6 edition traders but 3.7.1 edition.

  • I haven't found any either. I am just confused as I haven't played in a while and mostly have the same mods (just updated) installed than the 3.5.7 that I played back then and there was no issue then. I even had more things installed back then that interact with the map. I checked with SPTAki Profile Editor and there is nothing from a mod that I have uninstalled inside, and I set the core.json setting to true and started the server, but I would have to test again if the airdrop appears.

    I mean I can play without it, I was just confused as to *why* it isn't appearing at all.

  • so my understanding is if it is broken it would throw an error ive seen them fail in generation and not appearing but the logs still throw an error, it its working as intended then you wont see any entries about airdrops in the logs which means if they arent appearing they are turned off

    you could try DJ raid overHaul and set air drop event on and get multi drops in a raid or put a red on a trader and trigger one watch the server output

  • Alright, I'll try the DJ Raid Overhaul and see if that works, but also, you stated Armalite and Gunsmith are pushing out errors, but they are working completely fine ingame. It might be because of the mod ,,WeaponCategoriesFixer'' that adjusts categories.

  • oh if you try DJs make sure to disable heart attacks and power out events in f12..... heart attacks is meh... and power out will lock you in if you are in a keycard room when it triggers and you cant get back out as the doors reset... meaning alt f4

  • oh if you try DJs make sure to disable heart attacks and power out events in f12..... heart attacks is meh... and power out will lock you in if you are in a keycard room when it triggers and you cant get back out as the doors reset... meaning alt f4

    Alright, I set up DJ's Raid Overhaul and starting a raid now, will get back to you once I am finished/see if I can find anything. You said I should keep an eye on the aki server for errors?

  • when im looking for problems i susualy put server out put when i can see what its doing the other thing is make sure first airdrop spawn time is like in the first 3 or 4 mins but i think that might be default djs is random the thing with that is its not using airdrop core to trigger as such its pushing its own trigger so if its broken then should throw an error

  • make sure to read and check config set up for djs it does a fair few things can leave things like secure changes off ect

    I have activated advanced settings in f12 menu and set the min and max timer for the Events to 1 min and 4 max (minutes). I'll also quickly change it in the SVM.

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