Game is crashing as usual

  • Server version
    Game client version
    Client log file…UmdpfBsE22DwyPEJrkN2Dets2
    BepInEx log file…muZkGtsAmivVbENA1owKH84pU
    Server log file…32nKJ1aocTva8gy4DC4D9q9tp
    Have you read the FAQ?
    Where did you download your game from?
    Client from BSG launcher and SPT AKI installer
    List of used mods
    AssAssin-Olympus (chest, helmet and medical mod)
    Blurr-ammo info
    Maid Traiders
    Virtual's Custom Quest Loader
    Gunsmith trader

    BeinEx Mods
    Amands Hitmarker
    Kaeno-Trader scrolling

    Well you know how it goes, one second you're playing and the next your computer goes BRRRRTTTT and crashes to desktop.

    With my game, it hiccups a few times and I notice it really likes to hang up when I finish a quest in game. About the 12-15 minute marks it gets really bad and starts to freeze instead of hang for 10-15 seconds and if I don't leave raid it crashes. I removed a few mods that others have said was the issue but nothing worked for me.



    32GB DDR5 5000MHz

    Ryzen 5 7600X

    Playing on an M.2 drive Gen 3

  • timpar3 hi bud, so I've just had a look at your logs and I can see some errors and things that are incompatible with your client version. From what I can see these are:

    • LittleMaid trader - did you remove the mod without discarding all items in your inventory first?
    • NamelessMaid trader - did you remove the mod without discarding all items in your inventory first?
    • Svetlana trader - did you remove the mod without discarding all items in your inventory first?
    • Alex-Gunsmith trader - this is incompatible with your current version of AKI, just needs updating to latest.

    I have a screenshot of these mods for better context - Here

    You may need to reinstall these mods and remove all relative items from each trader and then removing the mods from your modlist. In the meantime I will continue to check your other logs, please update when you can. Thanks!


  • timpar3 hi bud, so I've just had a look at your logs and I can see some errors and things that are incompatible with your client version. From what I can see these are:

    • LittleMaid trader - did you remove the mod without discarding all items in your inventory first?
    • NamelessMaid trader - did you remove the mod without discarding all items in your inventory first?
    • Svetlana trader - did you remove the mod without discarding all items in your inventory first?
    • Alex-Gunsmith trader - this is incompatible with your current version of AKI, just needs updating to latest.

    I have a screenshot of these mods for better context - Here

    You may need to reinstall these mods and remove all relative items from each trader and then removing the mods from your modlist. In the meantime I will continue to check your other logs, please update when you can. Thanks!

    Thank you for taking the time to look at this.

    Gunsmith trader is just for the Gunsmithing quests. The trader still works just fine, I never even bring the guns into raid with me, they stay in the stash until the next part is unlocked through the Trader quests.

    Littlemaid and Nameless Maid don't have anything custom, just access to everything in game. Would that still screw with something? Would I need to flush my entire inventory and restart my profile?

    Svetlana, I will look into, I know I only grabbed that one because I was trying to find a fun custom trader with quests to break the normal cycle but maybe I didn't do something right. I know I deleted the BepinEx plugin and the mod so it wouldn't load. I am not sure what items I would need to get rid of, I have no custom items outside of the AssAssin Olympus stuff which is just super armor and a ridiculously large backpack.

    I tested it after deleting everything and it's still the same. It's like 100% maxing my CPU and causing my entire computer to get ridiculously bogged down. Finishing a raid (if I can make it to the end) takes about 6 minutes to load the victory screen.

  • Do you have an Antivirus running? Maybe making an except for the server ane client exe would help, since your PC has quite good stats and should handle the game quite easily.

    What else you can do is, check your system files per commando prompt. Make sure you run it as admin. There are walkthroughs in the interweb.

    Also you can check your RAM, Windows comes with a tool for that. There are walkthroughs for that too.

    The occasional crashes arent just an EFT problem. In fact, many of the RAM-hungry games (like Cities Skylines e.g.) have that issue.

    When you play, keep an eye on the performance tab of your task manager and see, how much of your RAM is been used, especially when you join a raid. I got 32gb myself, and with all my mods loaded i got like 12gb left, which gets lower during the raid, because (i think) of the spawning bots.

  • I recently started having the game just close to desktop.

    I have solved this and these are things I noticed while troubleshooting.

    First check your error log, Feel free to send me a copy straight after a CTDT

    I found in mine to be system out of memory which was odd as i was never hitting more than about 20 gigs during a raid.

    I tried uninstalling particular mods i had recently installed (Not saying its one in particular but new ones may have upset my tried and true set, its a matter of getting back to a stable set)

    Something i really didn't think of when installing was my location, I have 3 NVMEs 1 for OS, 1 for games, 1 for programs. but somewhere someone mentioned virtual memory, which tbo i kind of forgot about VM after vista haven't needed to think about it since, I noticed in VM in CP that only c drive has page file for all drives... I moved my install to c drive and set my page file size (has had performance uplift as far as stuttering goes)

    I installed ISCL and process lasso there are some guides on youtube how to configure them they aren't hard.

    So far I haven't had any further issues and in the process of adding back a couple of the new mods as I really liked them and defiantly had a performance lift and less stuttering.

    Cant really tell you what specifically was the problem just how i fixed it, hope it helps

  • You should mention to adjust the page file you should strictly follow the instructions on the Microsoft page. There is a walk through.

    Because if you change it and you dont know, what you are exactly doing without any advice, you can still have breakdowns, because the page file is too big.

    But yes, its a valid solution after all. It worked for me too.

    As i said, the random crashes arent a particular eft problem, there are a lot of games with this issue and most of them are related to the RAM usage, respectivelly to the management of the virtual memory.

    Second thing: before i come up with this solution, i would like to make sure, everything is fine system vice. Random crashes are mostly related to RAM, but its so vague, there can be a lot of other problems still.

    Its like going to the doctor with a headache. There are thousands of illnesses with headache as a symptome.

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