Error Popup after raid

  • Server version
    Game client version
    Client log file…Z8x27Qwas17grB7BHeE3eWeXz
    BepInEx log file…CkSisUkLLqBu25rMV2igCuEdq
    Server log file…dmGmA4ZcwwSiw3zrKbwDt8ymz
    Have you read the FAQ?
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    From the official site
    List of used mods
    BoopsQuestApi 1.1.0
    Virtual's Custom Quest Loader

    Just exited a raid on customs and got immediately sent to the main menu with the an error:

    Critical error receiving profile data. Close the game and contact us at the forum
    In respone to http:/
    Input string '1707831480.2' is not a valid integer.
    Path '[0].Hideout.Areas[21].completeTime', line 1,
    position 22006.

  • caloris guten tag, I don't speak a lot of German sorry bud :)

    I've had a look over your logs and it looks to me that BoopsQuestApi 1.1.0 is outdated and/or incompatible with 3.7.6 that's why you are receiving that error message. Please go to BoopsQuest mod page and see if there is a version compatible with 3.7.6, if there is none the mod will need to be updated from the mod author themselves which you would have to speak to them about.


  • Kippa thanks for the reply and your time first and foremost. English is just fine thanks :P

    I've found an update for the questapi from CactusPie for 3.7.6 (since Boop doesn't have a 3.7.6 version yet) but it doesn't seem to work unfortunately, I still get the same error.
    I've wiped my profile 2 days ago and it seemed to work until today, when I exited a raid and the same error popped up again.

    I wiped my profile twice and in the first wipe I played, I played with (the outdated) boopsquestapi till lvl 35 without any problems. Since the error hints at the hideout, could it be some sort of hideout config from Valens-AIO that could be the problem?

    I'm absolutely illiterate when it comes to modding and programming so I don't know where and what I should look for.


  • Not a problem my friend glad to help as best as I can.

    When you say wiped, do you mean completely restart from the beginning for a new profile? And Valens-AIO has been known to cause some issues with the hideout and not want to work with certain mods, this is most likely the cause but it's difficult to judge without having your screen in front on me.

    So I would recommend you to temporarily remove Valens-AIO mod from your list and see if that works. If not come back here and let me know.

    Thanks dude.


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