Server Crashing when loading into streets

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    Client log file…dPVg7J7Lkfd6A4vx9cmCvd4ot
    BepInEx log file…Yk1nc12yGent6oct3mGnz8yfH
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    Painter - Trader version: 1.0.3 by: MoxoPixel
    Expanded Task Text version: 1.4.2 by: Dirtbikercj
    MoreCheckmarksBackend version: 1.5.12 by: VIP
    Black Core version: 1.0.7 by: MoxoPixel
    Mag Tape version: 1.0.4 by: MoxoPixel
    ProfileEditorHelper version: 0.0.4 by: SkiTles55
    AmmoStats version: 3.1.0 by: RaiRaiTheRaichu
    SVM version: 1.8.1 by: GhostFenixx
    SWAG + DONUTS version: 3.3.0 by: nooky and props
    WinterMode version: 1.0.0 by: Dirtbikercj
    SAIN version: 2.1.11 by: zSolarint


    My game Crashing when I try to play on Streets. When loading (slowly) I reach the point, when the countdown begins, then the server crashing, only the launcher stay open. I can play any other map, except this one. Im not in lighthouse yet, maybe that map is crashing too. (in the previous version ,3.7.6, i cant play on streets and lighthouse at all. The server crashing after a few min. Even on vanilla, without any mod, but other maps stays ok.)

    Please help my poor soul. Any suggestion appreciated!

    p.s.:Sorry for my bad english. :)

    Update 1: Tried Lighthouse, working.

    Update 2: My pc: 5600x, 16gb ram, 6700xt, 1tb nvme SSD.

    Edited 2 times, last by TomTata ().

  • Hi!

    Tank you for your reply. At the moment of the crash 15.5gb. Its slowly build up from around 7-8 gb. You think more ram can solve it? Or is it the famous ram leak, that can not be solved?

    Edited once, last by TomTata ().

  • I usually play 1440p, medium settings. A moment ago i tried lowering the res to 1080p, lowest settings. Still crash. When ˝local game starting˝ the ram usage jumped greatly. 15.6-7 gb and crash.

    Then try ground zero (most similar to streets imo.), 1440p medium. Stable 80-90 fps, 12,5-13.5gb ram usage.

    Edited once, last by TomTata ().

  • Tarkov requires a minimum of 16GB of RAM and even that is a problem. (your are close to 16gb)

    You got this error in your log : 2024-04-08 20:12:22.382 +02:00||Error|Default|OutOfMemoryException: Out of memory

    1-You add 16gb of ram

    2-You uninstall some app (use in your memory)

    3-Dont set your raid to Horde (try low or medium for test)

    In your spt-aki folder go in /sptfolder/Aki_Data\Server\configs\bot.json and search for

    Change the value for lower for tarkovstreets


  • I will give it a try today evening. I will lower the botcap to 20 every map. Yesterday i played shorline, it crashed when i try to evac.... :(

  • I make some test without any mods.

    My pc :

    Windows 10 64bit

    Cpu 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700K 3.61 GHz

    Ram 32,0 Go

    Gpu 3070ti

    In conclusion in my case this game without mod need 16g of ram. (imagine with mods)

  • Holy sh.t! XD

    Im sorry, but yesterday i was so tired, i dont has energy to play. Today we have a planned blackout (8-16, im so happy...), at 17 i will go to nigthshift. I hope tomorrow afternoon i will be able to play. Maybe with the new rams.

    As your data shows this monster can eat up almost 30gb of ram... And I wonder why my game crash.... 🤣 Thank you for the test. I will get back when i will be able to play and test (hopefully with my New ram).

    Update: I Just received a mail, that said the new rams will be arrive today. Yaaaaay. I hope the power will be back a bit sooner, and i will be able to do a quick test run. 😉

    Edited 2 times, last by TomTata ().

  • The rams has arrived and installed. ;) Waiting for power, then update Donuts and give it a try. If i fail, i will delete everything and do a clean reinstall, after that give it a try without any mods. (I hope this will not be necessary.)

    Update: Power is back. Rams ok. Donuts updated.

    Do a quick run on streets. Loads up, everything looking good (except the fps, 40-50). Ram usage is 20-21gb at max. Tomorrow i will test every map with a full raid. But so far so good. 😉

    Edited once, last by TomTata ().

  • Good Luck 8)

    Today i have enough time, and try out every map. Doing proper raids, take the time, questing etc.

    It worked! On avarage 20-21gb ram was in use, the peak was on streets (of course) with 26-27gb. 1440p, medium settings, bot amount as online.

    On the problematic maps the biggest issue was my fps. Sometimes is dropped to low 30's. On avarage 40-60. In the future i will work on that.

    So i can say the ram upgrade is worked.

    Tank you for your help and your support! 😉

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