SWAG + Donuts - Dynamic Spawn Waves and Custom Spawn Points 3.3.5

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to v3.8.3. Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Spawn bots anywhere - Reserve D2, Customs Crackhouse, exfils, etc. - all possible with a custom spawn point editor and dynamic spawns. Custom spawn presets, spawn options and much more. Want total spawn unpredictability and freedom? This mod is for you.

SPT 3.8.0-3.8.3 ONLY


Waypoints by DrakiaXYZ


SAIN by Solarint
Looting Bots by Skwizzy
Questing Bots
by DanW


  • Version 3.3.5

    SPT 3.8.0 ONLY

    This update includes performance improvements, bug fixes and some new stuff.

    Performance Improvements

    Some Donuts code has been refactored from running every frame and instead runs every second which should provide a significant performance boost. Huge thanks to Chomp for the idea and DanW (Questing Bots mod author) for using some of their code!

    Global Minimum Spawn Distance From Player Improvements

    Before this update the code for checking player distance from bots was slow at certain times which would still cause certain bots to spawn too close to the player. Now this code has been improved greatly so that it checks this distance value just before the bot is ready to spawn instead of earlier in the process which makes this check far more accurate.

    NEW: Global Minimum Spawn Distance From Other Bots (Optional)

    Similar to Distance From Player, these values set a minimum distance that bots can spawn from each other. If this check fails then that spawn will be skipped. Default is disabled.

    NEW: Set your own Despawn Interval (Advanced Settings, Optional)

    Under the BepInEx Advanced Settings for Donuts you can adjust how fast Donuts despawns bots in your raid. By default this is set to 10 seconds. Note: lowering this value may affect your performance!


    All spawn points re-balanced


    all boss spawn chances updated to match live (Kollontay added to Ground Zero)

  • Version 3.3.4

    SPT 3.8.0 ONLY

    This in a minor update that adds compatibility and support for Punisher mod by GrooveypenguinX and Raid Overhaul mod by DjLang for custom bosses.

    NEW: Legion - Raid Overhaul Custom Boss

    The future SPT 3.8 update of Raid Overhaul will include a custom boss, Legion. To enable, go to bossConfig and scroll down to custom bosses. For more info, stay tuned for the new RO update 8) (thank you DjLang!)


    - Punisher compatibility improvements for SPT 3.8 (contributor: GrooveypenguinX)

    - Labs added to Killa in bossConfig (was previously missing)

  • Version 3.3.3

    SPT 3.8.0 ONLY

    This update includes a number of fixes and improvements that should bring more consistency to spawn counts and PMC/SCAV numbers on all presets, especially at the start of raid.

    Additionally, this update includes performance improvements with bot spawning stutters many people experience, special thanks to DrakiaXYZ!

    Be sure to install Waypoints 1.4.2+ for the best possible performance.

    As always, thank you all for reporting issues and providing feedback and thanks for using this mod! A special thanks to Nahl from the SPT discord for all of their time spent testing many of the changes below.

    NEW: Despawn PMCs or SCAVs

    You can now enable/disable despawning for either PMC, SCAV or both (thank you Solarint for the suggestion!)

    NEW: starting-pmcs-only-late-scavs (preset)

    Same as starting-pmcs-only-live-like but 0 SCAVs spawn at the start of raid (Default is some SCAVs may spawn). With this preset there is a 2-5 minute window from the start of raid before SCAVs can start spawning. This preset has also been added to the random selections of "Starting PMCs Only (Random)" from the Donuts preset selector.


    - Global Minimum Spawn Distance From Player for Each Map not working as intended

    - Customs: SCAV sniper in odd places (was using an incorrect bot zone, thanks Nahl!)


    - spawn point balancing for all points, all presets

    - starting-pmcs-only-live-like-alt: some starting PMC points have been changed on certain maps for added variety

    - live-like-alt-2: now uses the same starting PMC points as above for added variety

    - starting-pmcs-only (all presets)

    - balanced all SCAVs - SCAV pop on all maps should be much better (especially smaller maps)


    - Woods

    - re-grouped points so that it is less crowded in Zone_RedHouse at the start of raid

    - Customs

    - re-grouped points so that it is less crowded in ZoneCustoms at the start of raid


    - performance improvements (contributor: DrakiaXYZ)

    - improved some Donuts menu option descriptions for clarity

    - re-adjusted default Global Minimum Distance From Player values for all maps to more sensible levels


    - re-zoned some bosses and other types (like Bloodhounds) so that no "boss" share a zone (by default). This is to avoid any spawn blockage due to zone sharing (thank you Luna for the suggestion!)

  • Version 3.3.2

    SPT 3.8.0 ONLY

    Global Minimum Spawn Distance From Player for Each Map

    Instead of a single value for all maps you can now set the global min spawn distance per map from the F12 menu. The global option must be enabled for these to work, otherwise the spawn point parameter is used instead (in the Donuts spawn files).



    - all presets, all maps re-balanced

    - added new SCAV hot spot spawn point to Old Gas on Customs (all presets)


    - boss-mania Labs properly spawns bosses instead of PMCs

    - Woods Big Mountain cliff spawn point where bots would fall off and die

    - Ground Zero spawn points inside of the bank, 2nd floor in particular would get pretty crowded

    To Install

    1. download zip

    2. unzip to your SPT directory, overwrite if needed

    3. play

  • Version 3.3.1

    SPT 3.8.0 ONLY

    NEW: Global Min Spawn Player Distance option

    If enabled, uses this distance (in meters) for ALL spawns as the minimum spawn distance from the player (you). Disabled by default (uses the spawn point configs instead).

    - balanced all presets: minor increase to SCAVs; Labs and Factory should be more consistent in spawn count

    - fixed Donuts Force Bot Type option

    - fixed broken Woods spawn point by the big mountain

    - fixed missing scav snipers on Lighthouse and Streets

  • Version 3.3.0

    SPT 3.8.0 ONLY

    SWAG + Donuts v3.3.0

    A huge thanks to the SPT development team for all of their time, efforts and hard work on releasing SPT 3.8 to the masses!

    This is a big update - a lot of things have changed for both SWAG and Donuts. Please take a few minutes to read through the changes as well as the mod page, as I've re-written a lot of the mod page for more clarity. Thank you for using this mod and enjoy!

    SAIN is no longer a requirement though it is strongly recommended along with Looting Bots and Questing Bots. Waypoints is still absolutely required, please make sure you have the latest version installed.


    The majority of spawn points have been completely overhauled. I've created hundreds of new spawn points for all maps that correspond to custom zones. Additionally, some PMC starting points have been adjusted from their live counterparts for better map spread and balance. Each preset has been balanced separately for their given purpose.

    Please see the Custom Zones sections of the mod page for more details.

    NEW: Ground Zero spawn points and presets

    Custom spawn points have been created in custom zones (see: Donuts - Custom Zone Maps). All starting PMC spawn points are separated by zone and side of map. In live, PMC spawns can be a bit too close to each other on Ground Zero. I've adjusted starting PMC spawns so that they make more sense in regards to location. There are 2-3 points per zone, 1 on each side.

    NEW: Force All Bot Type

    You can now force PMC or SCAV spawns for all spawn points from the Donuts F12 menu. This can be toggled mid-raid. I've removed the "all-scav" and "all-pmcs" presets since they are no longer necessary with this option.

    NEW: PMC/SCAV Hotspot Spawn Boost

    If enabled, forces all spawn points labeled with "Hotspot" to always spawn (100% spawn chance) when triggered. This can be toggled mid-raid.

    NEW: PMC/SCAV Hotspot Ignore Hard Cap

    If enabled, all spawn points labeled with "Hotspot" ignore the "Hard Cap" option. I'll explain with a couple of examples:

    Despawn Enabled

    Hard Cap Enabled

    Spawn Boost Enabled

    Hotspot Ignore Hard Cap Enabled

    Customs - 10 PMC, 10 SCAV caps

    - Raid is full (20 bots total)

    - Player enters hot spot area

    - Hot spot spawn point is triggered (100% chance)

    - Donuts spawns bots over the cap (ignore hard cap is enabled)

    - Donuts begins despawning bots furthest away from you down to the max caps

    For an optimal experience I suggest enabling all 4 options above, you'll get extra hot spot spawns but save on FPS with the hard cap.


    - some presets removed

    - all Donuts caps are now the same for all presets by default. Configurable in the ScenarioConfig.json.

    - boss-mania

    - all PMCs removed - it's you vs everyone now

    - bot type is more random now and includes a chance for Bloodhounds, Raiders or Rogues to spawn in addition to named bosses


    - 'INS' and 'DEL' default key binds removed from spawn point editor (not set by default now)



    All SWAG config files have changed name, location or both. Please be sure this is a clean SWAG install. All SWAG files have changed in some way and use a new directory structure:








    Some older SWAG options have been removed (mostly because I don't want to maintain old features anymore), some new options have been added, please read the below:

    NEW: disableAllSpawns

    This new option provides a simple way to disable all bosses or other bot type spawns.

    NEW: useGlobalSpawnChance & useGlobalBossSpawnChance

    Set these to true to use the map spawn chance defined in config.json or bossConfig.json.

    If set to false then SWAG will use the "BossChance" defined in the spawn files (i.e. user\mods\SWAG\config\bosses\kaban.json)

    NEW: Add other bot types to all maps

    You can now add/remove other bot types (i.e. rogues, raiders, etc.) by adjusting the map spawn chance. By default, SWAG adds a single spawn of each bot type to all maps each in a random zone. All spawns are configurable, you can add/remove as much as you would like, see: user\mods\SWAG\config\other\ and the mod page for more info.

    - SWAG difficulty "asonline" is a valid option and now randomly selects between easy, normal, hard and impossible.

  • Version 3.2.5

    SPT 3.7.5-3.7.6 ONLY

    SWAG + Donuts v3.2.5

    Note: SPT 3.7.5+ is required for this update.

    FIX: extra spawns (vanilla spawns) would sometimes occur in the first raid after game load

    This would unfortunately cause a significant performance drop simply due to the number of bots in that raid. This has been fixed. Special thanks to DrakiaXYZ for investigating and troubleshooting and PreyToLive (BSP mod dev).

    NEW: Force PMC faction option

    In the F12 menu under a new section, Additional Spawn Settings, you can set to force all your PMC spawns to be USEC, BEAR, or Default which is random.

    NEW: PMC & SCAV Spawn Hard Stop option

    If enabled, all PMC/SCAV spawns are skipped once there is 300 seconds or less (default) remaining in your raid. The time left in raid is configurable per PMC or SCAV. This is particularly useful for those who prefer fewer spawns depending on time in raid.


    Plans for 3.8.0

    I'm in the process of a huge spawn point rework with what will be custom "zones" on every map with new, properly labeled spawn points throughout. This will hopefully increase spawn location density and parity significantly for all presets, allow for easier user customization, new mod features in the future and some other cool stuff, stay tuned!

  • Version 3.2.4

    SPT 3.7.4-3.7.6 ONLY

    Delete this file BepInEx\config\com.dvize.Donuts.cfg
    lot has changed in the config so this is important to avoid any potential issues.

    A huge personal thank you to props, DrakiaXYZ, DanW, the SPT dev team and all who use this mod!

    This is a big update - there are a lot of new things and changes, please take the time to read through it all <38)

    SWAG + Donuts v3.2.4

    NEW: Santa

    There is a new SWAG config file for event specific bosses, such as Santa. Santa has been added to all maps and his spawn chance, time and zones are defined here: user\mods\SWAG\config\eventsBossConfig.json, similar to bossConfig.json.

    By default, SWAG Santa has a 25% chance to spawn on all maps. SWAG will automatically check if your SPT Christmas event is enabled, if enabled then Santa spawns are automatically enabled. If the SPT event option is disabled, then all Santa spawns are automatically disabled and Christmas is ruined.

    NEW: SCAV Raid Preset Selection

    You can now select a spawn preset specifically for your SCAV raids. "Random SCAV Raids" is selected by default which randomly selects between one of the new SCAV raid presets (see below)

    NEW: scav-raids presets

    "scav-raids" and "scav-raids-starting-pmcs-only" have been added. As of SPT 3.7.4, when you enter a raid as a SCAV it will be mid-raid, just like live. To emulate this behavior with presets, SCAV raid presets can spawn more SCAVs, fewer PMCs at the start with moderate variance and lower bot caps. Instead of PMCs spawning at their usual starting locations they will instead spawn near "hot zones" or other areas of the map to simulate PMC location when you enter the middle of a raid as a SCAV.

    "scav-raids" includes dynamic PMC spawning throughout the raid (useful for longer raid timers)

    "scav-raids-starting-pmcs-only" only spawns a small number of PMCs when you first enter the raid as a SCAV then no more

    Each SCAV preset support SCAV Labs raids too, if that's your thing.

    NEW: Bot Hard Cap (optional)

    If enabled, Donuts will skip PMC and SCAV spawns if your bot count has reached your Donuts caps. Keep in mind that spawn points will continue to trigger regardless, there just won't be any bots spawning if you are at your caps already.

    NEW: Configure group chance weights

    Group chance weights have been changed to relative weights (similar to how random presets work). The way it works is the same: 25/25/10/10/5 where group sizes are 1/2/3/4/5 respectively.

    group odds use this formula: group size weight / total weight = % chance.

    To configure, check "Advanced Settings" in the BepInEx Donuts F12 menu.

    NEW: Group chance "Random" option

    If you can't decide what group chance you want to use selecting "Random" will randomly select between all the group chance options (None and Max included)

    NEW: starting-pmcs-only-live-like-alt-2

    Most PMC points are different and not like most live points. This is to add variety to PMC action/placement for starting-pmcs-only enjoyers. Donuts bot caps are the same as the other starting-pmcs-only presets and it has been added to the random pool.

    NEW: starting-pmcs-only-live-like-late-scavs

    Similar to the other starting-pmcs-only-live-like presets but this preset makes it so that SCAVs only start spawning in several minutes into a raid instead of some at the start. This is mostly for users who don't really like PMCs and SCAVs getting into fights very early on.


    - Rogues and some other bot types ignore SWAG max bot caps

    Huge thanks to Cynco for reporting this and DrakiaXYZ for finding the cause. Previously, SWAG spawned Rogues (and sometimes other bots) would seem to ignore any max bot caps set by SWAG. This is because the spawn time is "-1", which ignores any bot caps (this is base game behavior).

    So because of this I've adjusted all Rogue spawns, some Cultist and Raider spawns to Time: 1 so that they adhere to the max bot caps set by SWAG as intended. Bosses, snipers and triggered spawns will be left at -1 and continue ignoring the cap. Additionally, all SWAG max bot caps have been reduced slightly (mostly for performance reasons). Friendly reminder that SWAG caps only affect SWAG spawns, NOT Donuts spawns.

    - "morescavs" preset had way too many PMCs

    - "impossibleraids" on Factory was too empty unintentionally


    - improved Punisher mod compatibility - now all you have to do is flip the punisher option to true, Punisher mod handles the rest and adds the boss to your SWAG spawns automatically. Huge thanks to GrooveypenguinX for all the hard work!

    - MinSpawnDistanceFromPlayer increased for all spawns. This is primarily to avoid bots from spawning too close to you in any situation, i.e. mid-looting after a tough fight. Going forward by default all bots will spawn a significant distance away from you. If you prefer close spawns please feel free to change this as you wish.

    For spawns that are configured to spawn further away, TriggerDistance is increased to compensate for the increased distance. This is to add variety to the location and distance of scav spawns in particular, so that no matter where you are SCAVs can still far away from you.

  • Version 3.2.3

    SPT 3.7.1-3.7.4 ONLY

    DONUTS (updated to 1.3.3)

    NEW: RandomScenarioConfig file

    You can now create your own random preset pools in a separate file located here: BepInEx\plugins\dvize.Donuts\RandomScenarioConfig.json

    Once they're created they can be selected from the drop-down preset selector menu from the Donuts F12 menu. All Donuts bot caps are still defined in ScenarioConfig.json

    By default, Donuts ships with the following random presets (defaults to "Random Live Like"):

    "Random Live Like" - An equal chance for any of the live-like presets (live-like, alt2, alt3, alt4)

    "Random Starting PMCs Only" - An equal chance for either of the starting-pmcs-only-live-like presets

    "Whole Lotta SCAVs" - An equal chance for either of the morescavs presets with a small chance for "all-scavs"

    "I Like Pain" - A mix of chances for the following presets: "split-starting-pmcs", "crazyraids", "impossibleraids", "boss-mania"

    "Quiet Raids" - An equal chance of either of the quietraids presets

    Random preset pools are defined like this in the new file:


    You can create your own and name them whatever you want, just make sure the preset names match.

    NEW: "split-starting-pmcs" preset

    This preset spawns PMCs at the start like usual, but also respawns all starting PMCs later in the raid and only them. In most cases, this will happen every 10-20 minutes and all spawn points only have a 50% chance, so there's a good bit of randomness. So, dynamic PMC spawns take longer but there may be more of them if they trigger, it's a bit of a gamble. SCAV spawns are the same.

    BUG FIX: Donuts would sometimes not spawn solo bots when supposed to due to a bug in the code. This mostly affected boss-mania bosses, some solo PMC and SCAV spawns, especially when using None or Low group chance. This has been fixed now.

    Other Changes

    - squad spawns greatly improved (thank you DrakiaXYZ!) - this also improves SAIN compatibility with squads

    - lots of balancing in all presets; SCAV spawns increased overall. New points added inside Interchange mall


    Please use Questing Bots 0.3.1+ for full compatibility with squads!

  • Version 3.2.2

    SPT 3.7.1 ONLY

    Special thanks to props and DanW (Questing Bots, Late to the Party mod author) for all of your work on implementing bot groups!

    DONUTS (updated to v1.3.2, thank you props!)

    NEW: PMC and SCAV Squads

    Now and going forward, any spawns with bot counts greater than 1 will spawn as a squad. What does this mean? Donuts squads use squad AI, so they will generally stick together as they roam, loot and fight throughout your raids. If you use Questing Bots (if you don't, you should - be sure to install the latest), all squads will travel as a squad and quest as a squad, so as they move around the map they'll stick together just as you would expect in live.

    NEW: PMC and SCAV Group Chance option

    From the F12 menu, you can select the odds of bot squads in your raids. By default, "Default" is used, which is a mix of solos and groups, with 3, 4 and 5-mans decreasing in chance, respectively. None is all solo. Max is the max possible group size defined for the spawn points (in most cases this is 5). This means you can spawn 10-man PMC death squads if you wanted to.

    The weight distribution is currently as follows and is subject to change based on feedback:

    Group Chance / Solo / 2-man / 3-man / 4-man / 5-man

    "None" - 100% solo

    "Low" 0.80, 0.18, 0.02, 0.0, 0.0

    "Default" 0.42, 0.42, 0.09, 0.05, 0.02

    "High" 0.0, 0.15, 0.35, 0.35, 0.15

    "Max" 100% max possible count


    - All presets have been re-balanced for bot squads

    - live-like presets re-balanced for fewer PMCs and more SCAVs (still

    - impossibleraids, crazyraids bot caps decreased down to live-like bot caps (mostly for performance reasons)

    - all-scavs and morescavs presets re-balanced for SCAV squads



    - Default PMC and SCAV difficulty is now "Normal" instead of "AsOnline". This is because when set to "AsOnline", Donuts has a bit more work to do in the backend to cache bots because of varying difficulties, so spawns might be a bit slower.


    - Killa default spawn chance decreased 35 > 30

    - Cultists default spawn chances increased: Customs 10 > 15, Woods 10 > 15, Shoreline 10 > 12

    - All sniper default spawn chances decreased 65 > 55

    Now and going forward this is how squad spawns work at the start of raid:

    Solos or groups may or may not spawn (depending on preset/SpawnChance) and fill to your PMC cap at the start of raid. If your PMC cap has been reached, then no more starting PMCs will spawn (note: this only applies to START OF RAID PMCs)

    Additionally, lets assume that 10 PMCs have spawned and your cap is 12. If the next spawn that is triggered is supposed to be a 5-man, Donuts will instead spawn a 2-man so that it doesn't go over the cap. This is so that if you want to spam PMC squads you won't get 20+ PMCs at the start.


    Please install the latest release here on the hub for squad compatibility.

  • For anyone wondering about the current status of development:

    Major changes are in progress and have been for quite some time - I'm taking it slow intentionally to avoid any potential burnout and hopefully bugs. When we have something to share we will do so!

    This is a passion project for me and is something I don't plan on abandoning any time soon, so I ask for your patience while we make things great for all of you 8)

    Happy 1 Heart 14
    • Thanks a lot for your hard work, keep this great mod alive.!!cheers

      Heart 1
    • No worries, improvements are appreciated but the mod works very well as is, so there's no rush.

    • LETS GOO!!! Thank you Nooky!!! :D

    • Thanks a lot for all you do, we all appreciate it and it makes playing the game SO MUCH BETTER! <3

  • I have huge perfomance drop with SWAG on Reserve. Only this map. Anyone who have same ploblem? Help

    • Search for "Lossless Scaling" on Steam and use it to play with maximal fps and performance. Just be sure not to activate the Scalemode and set only the Frame-Generation to x3. Cap your Game-Frames to 1/3 of your Display Hz. eg 55fps for 165Hz or 48fps for 144Hz and then cap the "Lossless Scaling" Framerate to your Display Hz (144/165 etc.). I use Nvidia Control Panel > 3D-Settings > Programsettings for capping the fps of both.

    • How does this help me? The problem is with the mod when it is enabled. Without the mod 80-100 FPS, with the mod enabled 28-40 and only on one map.

  • Hello, what do I have to set up to get the following scenario. At the beginning only 6-10 PMCs spawn and after about 10 minutes SCAVs are added. No more bots should spawn, if someone dies then the place remains empty and the bots become less and less. At the moment there are 35 bots at the beginning and it sounds like a war, there's shooting everywhere and you can't even loot a corpse because 3 more come around the corner and again and again, there's no time to take a deep breath or reloading.

    I've already adjusted SAIN, so it's not that, it's just the spawn behavior.

  • Hi, I have a question for the bot spawns. What happens when I set max pmc to 6 and max scavs to 6 in the ScenarioConfig.json, but in the config.json the bot cap is set to like 20. will there be 20 bots in Game or is it capped to 12 because scavs and pmcs combined are at 12?

    • The SWAG config.json doesn't seem to do anything based on my testing. The only way I could get EXACT SWAG bot limits in my game was to set the caps in scenarioconfig.json and enable the bot hard cap option, and disable group spawning for both PMCs and Scavs. No issues getting exact bot numbers with vanilla SPT and Questing Bots.

      Note: I spent 12hrs testing this. With each config change I restarted the game and server. Example: If I set a limit of 6 total bots in the vanilla SPT config, 6 total bots in the SWAG config.json, but set 6 PMCs and 6 Scavs in a scenarioconfig.json (and I select the scenario in the F12 menu + bot hard cap option) I will always get up to 12 total bots. If I disable the bot hard cap options I can get over 12 bots, counted up to 26 once. Not using the bot hard cap option is a crap shoot.

      If the 3.9 update has the same issue I'll do more testing and do a bug report.

  • Looking for some context here trying to do a close to live hardcore experience, Not running realism mod

    1. Does enabling the PMC HOT SPOT option force the max PMCS to spawn every time,
    2. Does this max PMC number run off the config file or tarkovs max pmcs per raid
    3. Would running the Live Alt 2 with mixed spawns be better for 12+ PMCs

    I've got a custom version of the Terminator PMC's and Questing Bots running. With the either 12+ PMC's in the config file or the PMC HOT SPOT boost im finding the PMCS are dying too quickly either from SAIN profiles just running down gunshots, too many PMCS in a small area or questing bots making them just run it down?

    What is the best option for a full feeling raid without having them spawn in waves?

  • This mod says 3.8.0 only. Does that mean 3.8.0 only or does it mean 3.8+ and nothing lower?


    • You can go to the version page to select anything lower than 3.8, this will support up to 3.8.3 currently

  • I was going through the bossconfig.json and saw "punisher" and "legion". Are they added into they mod and I have to turn them on or is just infrastructure for another compatible mod? If so, what mod(s) adds those bosses?

    • Only used if you have those mods. Punisher comes from Rogue Justice and Legion comes from Raid Overhaul

      Thumbs Up 1
    • Can you recommend those mods or no?

    • I use Fika which has compatibility issues with Raid Overhaul so I don't have input on that one. I do have Rogue Justice but have yet to run into him, so that one is hard to say as well. The gear he has is pretty cool though. They're both pretty popular mods so their comments/review section would be much more beneficial than my review.

  • Something feels wrong with spawn count, my modlist is pretty basic. Only use Swag and Sain, no questing or looting bots.

    Did some more testing with impossible raids scenario, using dynamic maps so i can watch the bots and their count. In f12 everything at default, except Bot hard cap option set to on and despawns for pmcs and scavs off.

    The result after 10 raids in Shoreline is that i don't get more than 5-6 pmcs and 4-5 scavs spawned.

    I did a clean install of swag and increased the bot cap in scenario config and did 10 more raids with the same results except once i saw 7 pmcs spawned and 5 scavs ( 10 scavs and 10 pmcs was the cap in config).

    Tried other maps too but only did 3-4 raids. Ground zero. factory, lighthouse all had similar issues, none of them reach the bot cap. Interchange had more spawns but still 1-2 less than the cap.

    The spawn frequency between scerarios doesn't seem to change and the bot cap doesn't seem to matter.

    I always read about how others have trouble with too many spawns but i have the opposite problem. i wonder if anyone had similar issues and if there is anything that can be done?

    • Are you using FIKA and possibly have Dynamic AI Range enabled?

    • No none of those. I did test some more today in Shoreline with crazy raids, cool down timer down to 1.0, despawns off and bot cap off in shoreline and the map got heavily populated. Left the raid, started a new one with same settings and it was very quiet.

      Another raid with despawn on and 15 minutes in only 1 bot despawned and didn't notice it spawning again. But it's only time i tested despawns since i don't care about that option.

      Also pmcs always spawn in the exact same locations at start of raid no variety in spawns at all.

      I don't know i'm tempted to delete spt and the mods and clean install again with only Swag + Donuts, maybe something's broken.

      EDIT: I reinstalled SPT and Swag + Donuts with no other modes active, everything works fine.

    • Glad it's working. I'm curious what was conflicting with it now.

  • I feel like I'm missing something with Donuts and its despawning function.

    I'm currently trying to improve performance for my clients on a Fika server, so we've opted in to using Questing Bots's AI Limiter functionality.
    Well, having the bots limited tends to make maps feel emptier because enemies are less active and don't move around as much, so we figured that we could tweak Donuts to cull distant AIs and place them closer via the spawn points.

    Well we have Despawn for PMCs and Scavs enabled, and have the Hard Cap turned off, so they should be free to fluctuate above the configured limits and then be culled back down to the limit by the despawner every 10 seconds... or so we thought.

    The general idea seems to be working out, but we're noticing that the Despawning portion of it doesn't seem to be working like we expected. We figured that we were meant to set the Bot Counts for PMCs and Scavs in the ScenarioConfig and that the Despawner would remove all AIs above those limits every time it reached the Despawn timer amount we set in the config (10 seconds by default unless that isn't measured in seconds), but using Questing Bot's debug tools to see what AIs are up to and Dynamic Maps to watch them from a top-down, we're observing that tons of AI are just sticking around on the map far longer than we expect them to, especially when they should be counted as the "furthest" away for the despawner.
    For example, on Customs we set the Scav limit to 8, but there's no fewer than 18 Scavs on the map at any given point outside of the start of the raid.

    Do AIs disabled by a limiter no longer count as valid for the despawner to remove?
    Does editing the despawner timer require a reboot of the server, raid, or exe in order to update properly? (the only Donuts options seem to be live-editable in raid) I ask because even set to 0.1, the bots don't seem to be getting culled all that much.

    • Do you have Dynamic AI Range enabled in Fika? I'm troubleshooting the same issue and I think this might be the cause.

    • No, I had all of the AI Limiter functions in Fika disabled because we were using the AI Limiter in Questing Bots

  • Got a couple of questions: how can I max cap raiders or rogues? Are Goons going to stop spawning if I disable the rouge spawns completely?

  • Some maps like factory spawn way less bots than the cap in the scenario config, especially pmcs. Tested for hours using Dynamic Maps so i can see how many bots spawn.

    With livelike scenario 70% of the raids had 1-2 pmcs spawning and when they die no pmcs spawn ( i know about starting pmc only scenarios). Tried other scenarios with same results. I've never seen 4 or 5 pmcs spawn in Factory, other maps work well most of the times.

    When i remove Swag folder everything seems to be working fine so my question is, can Donuts work as a standalone and if yes what is the downside of not using Swag when it comes to spawn number and variety?

  • Hello,

    First off I want to thank you for the excellent mod.

    Quick question, my friends and I are using Fika and the Starting-PMCs-only-like-live preset. Sometime when we spawn in certain areas IE Road to customs on shoreline, Back of Oli on Interchange or crossroads on customs we get an ai pmc spawn right on top of us despite having increased the range on all the minimal global distances on all the maps. Is there something we're doing wrong?

  • question. will this version still work for 3.8.3 with realism

  • are the all-scavs/all-PMCs presets removed from donuts? not seeing them when i check the f12 menu

    i get it if it's for balancing reasons but i like all-scavs because of shitty quests like make ultra great again etc :(

    • you can force all scav or all pmcs through the force bot type option, f12 menu, that's why I removed them, redundancy.

    • bruh i'm dumb how did i not see that smh, thank you

  • For some reason sometimes bots spawn either in textures or they are invisible. This is noticeable when viewing the dynamic map. They are present on the map, but they are not present in the raid itself. How can I fix this problem? Could the problem be in Donuts or in the dynamic map?

    • Im having the same problem


    • Oh, in my case they don't have any gear visible at all, can't see anything at all)

    • I've seen reports of this happening with bot types other than pmc/scav, do you remember what bots these were?

    • I had them marked as pmc on my map (red arrow). Ground Zero map

    • I've been seeing this as well. I think it has something to do with FIKA Dynamic AI Range. You can replicate this with Dynamic AI Range enabled and distance set to 150, and then looking at the Sniper Scav spawn in Customs on top of the tower. For me, I only see the rifle until I'm within 150m and then he spawns in.

      I'm also wondering if this is somehow related to all the reports of dead raids or bots not being culled properly. @nooky, I think a lot of the issues being reported lately are due to Fika popularity and it's settings. I'd like to help troubleshoot compatibility between the two if you have any input/ideas to start with.

  • Hey Nooky, I was watching the bot spawns and had two questions.

    1. Is there was a way spread out the PMC spawns a bit?

    I currently play with the live like (random) preset and I notice on maps like customs the PMCs seem to favor the west side of the map (RUAF to big red) regardless of whether or not I spawn there as well.

    2. Could we have a feature in the future or is there a way to allow us to hard cap the live PMCs but also allow them to respawn to a total PMC map cap.

    For example, on customs I would only want 7 PMCs at once but if they die early, I would like the total allowable to be 13 so only another 6 can spawn.

  • Hello!

    I apologize for my probably stupid question, but due to the fact that I don't know English perfectly, I don't quite understand the meaning of weight parameters for randomness? Does "weight" have a literal meaning referring to how much carrying weight the bot will have? Could you please describe what exactly they affect and which parameters a little bit more in detail?

    • weight in this instance is a weighted function. Meaning you can give certain elements more influence than others in a set of elements. Basically, having a higher chance to affect the outcome of something. Higher chance of being picked.

    • Then it's probably more appropriate to ask about what those elements are?

  • SWAG doesn't work for 3.8.3 FYI , nothing in the config menu ( F12 )

  • Hi, I read the instructions on GitHub and there are many values\points for settings that are not in the Config of the mod folder. How do I change these settings correctly?

  • well swag doesn't work for me it made so all bosses just didn't wanna spawn at all so I removed and just kept DONUTS and used server value to add bosses

    But does anyone know why the bosses don't want spawn when I use swag?

    and before anyone asks yes I turned off both server value and relimsen preset you need to do so it is not that

  • Sorry for this dumb question, but if I use the 'More PMC' preset for both PMC and Scav preset selection, will the bosses still spawn?

  • Attempting to get Bloodhounds to spawn on customs. Set the chance to 100 in config. Still no spawns. Running Realism as well. Not sure if theres conflicts?

  • I am using SAIN, should i live PMC/SCAV difficulty to "asonline"? Thanks!

      • DONUTS now spawns only "normal" tier AI by default, so all same bots have average abilities. Find and tweak "PMC Difficulty" and "Scav Difficulty" and tweak them to your liking. I use "asonline" because I like randomness and variation (which you can see why That's Lit exist), "asonline" randomly configure bots ability from all options, this plus SAIN personality system gives a mixed bag of AIs.

      (from That's lit mod)

  • Hello, is anyone having issues with the bots constantly swarming you as if you're tagged and cursed? Recently updated latest SP Patch and server says the mod isn't compatible but it's only one version behind so it should be fine. I tried using the SAIN mod to tweak the bots to be super easy (even manually went to personality to make them basically dumb as bricks) yet they constantly attack me in hordes and practically one tap me. If it's just a simple awaiting newest update then no rush on the author, I understand it's a work in progress and greatly appreciate the work author does I just wanna make sure it's not user error. Thanks again for the amazing mod

    • hello, this mod doesn't effect AI in any way, once bots are spawned the rest of the game takes over, any AI behaviors are caused by your AI mods/BSG. with that being said if you're finding too many bots then you can adjust that in a lot of ways, see the mod page guides.

    • Oh I see, thank you so much for that I greatly appreciate it I'll look into it right now.

  • tagged 3.8.3, latest version is 3.8.0 only? what gives?

    • works on 3.8.3, I just haven't pushed an update in a while

      Thumbs Up 1
    • if only half the mod works, it doesn't work.

  • Quick Question hopefully an easy answer, how do you stop Boss's from constant spawning late into raid under boss mania, they keep spawning until my fps gets cratered and they ignore the hard cap.

    • its a semi-buggy preset, there is no cap for bosses atm so they'll keep spawning for now

    • thanks for the heads up, i ended up just turning off the first setting and i think it made it so no other spawns happened and only bosses so i was able to play smooth throughout and try and kill boss's as it wasnt max capped like before plus the non stop boss spawns.

  • Anyone else unplayable in bossmania? i do have a turd of a PC, but the two times I've tried to play with this settings, my frame rate drops to an unplayable level, so laggy there's no way to survive.

    AMD Ryzen 5 1600 Six Core

    32GB RAM

    Radeon RX5700.

    def maxes out my VRAM on streets, so i tried bossmania on shoreline and it was just as bad. any pointers would be greatly appreciated!

  • Hi Guys. I would like to set a 30% chance for all bosses to spawn on all maps without any restrictions (all of them may spawn in the same location, etc). Which file should I edit?

    Looking at BossConfig, should I leave TotalBossesPerMap at -1 (random I assume or crank it to 10)?

    Do I also need to edit individual boss records in SWAG\config\bosses?

    Thanks a million!

    • -1 means any number of bosses can spawn

      in your case I would just increase the global spawn chances for all in the bossConfig file, however, consider that bosses cannot spawn in the same location at the same time, if you want to avoid this you'll need to define zones for each (so that they don't overlap).

      additionally, you may need to adjust your SWAG caps (config.json) since all bosses are a lot of bots.

      Heart 1
  • I'd like to request that the Spawn Hard Stop value be per map. I'd like a fairly high hard stop, but that would affect factory more than intended.

    • in the future possibly, we're working on a GUI, that's priority atm

      Thumbs Up 1
    • go into the mod files and find the presets you want to use. Go into the the configs and change the max pmc & scav bot cap for day & night etc. Theres a file for each map that has a max pmc and scav cap each set for a values 4-8

    • The bot cap isn't the same thing as the hard stop. Lowering the bot cap would result in overall quieter raids, which isn't the goal, a hard stop mimics raids dying down after people have died off, which is the goal.