Strange FPS behaviour

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    I have really strange FPS problem.

    Whenever Im moving my FPS drops below 10. When Im still i have over 60

  • The new versions of these mods fixed my issues as well. I was not having low FPS issues as my normal FPS was still at my 140 FPS cap at 1440p. However whenever bots spawned in my FPS would drop to 60 and i would get stutters and complete pauses that could last for up to 2 seconds which made any fights unplayable.

    So to anyone getting low or erratic FPS and stutters, upgrade to the newest versions of both Waypoints and SWAG & Donuts

  • Yes, the new versions of Waypoints and SWAG help, but the general condition of 3.8.0 seems not be as smooth as the 3.7.x, BUT that's no problem, we just have to wait a little more for new versions of 3.8.x - until than, you can still play, it's not unplayable, but just not as fine as before.

  • I'm LVL 20+ and still busy with Custom quests. I will go to Reserve and Woods and Interchange and Streets... and than I can tell you more. What I can tell you now (and I did) - on Customs it's not as good as before.
    I have 80-120 fps on Customs but it still feels like stuttering most of the time... Nothing "unplayable", everytime I died it was my mistake, not because of fps-drops... but it can be better. For sure. Because I hadn't had these issues in 3.7.x (which was the smoothest experience in all AKIs).

  • OK maybe i was not precise enough. When im still not moving either mouse or walking my FPS is ok. As soon as i put any input in mouse/wsad its going nuts. When i stop moving again FPS goes back up

  • Its connected with loot generation. When i lowered multiply for loot fps went higher

    Too much loot is generated on the map and the game needs to keep track of it all and this causes FPS drops. If you set it way too high the game will slow to a crawl. Depending on CPU and RAM this will affect some more than others.

    I use Leaves Relooted mod instead as it restores many missing loot spawns and can increase loot quantiy as well if you so choose. No issues with it at all as i am still hitting my 140 FPS cap.

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