RagingBeardo added a new file:
QuoteDisplay MoreOnce you are in winter raids, there is no going back to non-snow raids until you reboot the server.
To install: Open the 7z archive and drag the userand BepInExfolder into your SPT Directory.
Configuration fields found at user/mods/ragingbeardo-swah/config/config.jsonc :
- shutErDown - this will as you may expect, will turn off the mod
- surpriseMe - determine if you want to know before-raid if its going to be snow raids via logs output on the server console.
- initialWinterChancePercentage - the configurable percentage that determines your odds at server start
- rollingWinterChancePercentage - the configurable percentage that determines your odds at the start of each raid
Shout out to Dj for the probability idea itself that I saw them post in discord.