Tyfon added a new version:

Features that are no longer needed
- Add offer context menu: implemented by BSG
- Wishlist anywhere: implemented by BSG
- Clickable market prices in Add Offer Window: implemented by BSG, but UI Fixes still adds bulk support
- Add Offer window double scroll bar fix: fixed by BSG
- Flea market masking fixes: fixed by BSG
- Sorting without moving containers: BSG implemented pinning/locking for a better experience, but…
QuoteDisplay MoreThis release only works with SPT v3.10. It will not work with earlier versions of SPT.
Features that are no longer needed
- Add offer context menu: implemented by BSG
- Wishlist anywhere: implemented by BSG
- Clickable market prices in Add Offer Window: implemented by BSG, but UI Fixes still adds bulk support
- Add Offer window double scroll bar fix: fixed by BSG
- Flea market masking fixes: fixed by BSG
- Sorting without moving containers: BSG implemented pinning/locking for a better experience, but UI Fixes still consolidates stacks
- Unload last bullet from mags fix: fixed by BSG
- Deterministic Grenades: default grenade selection is now in order, by type (G will use the same type until exhausted, then pick the next type in order)
- Quick Access bar visibility fixes: fixed by BSG
- Stack found-in-raid money with non-FIR money: all money is now considered non-FIR
New features
- Adding tagging to vests and backpacks
- Multiselect support for pinning/locking
- Improved mag preset name textbox/placeholder
- Fixed BSG bug with clicking eye button during raid load
Updated features
- Overhauled config categories: there are now many more categories, hopefully makes the settings less daunting
- Linked search keybind now defaults to empty so as not to conflict with built-in "Lock Mode" keybind
- Hotkeys added for pinning/locking. Note that the game has built-in keys (default P and L) for pin and lock "modes". Recommend changing those to something else, or just unbinding them completely and using UI Fixes hotkeys (which are better, imo)
- Locked items cannot be multiselected
- Hold/Toggle tactical device updated to override BSG's crude extra hotkey that swaps between toggle and hold mechanics
Removed features
- Unload ammo boxes in place. This feature is more trouble than its worth and BSG completely changed the underlying code.
- Old sorting table button placement. With the addition of more buttons, and the removal of places that still had the old button, this feature to keep the old placement is being retired.