UI Fixes

  • Tyfon added a new version:

  • Tyfon added a new version:

  • Tyfon added a new version:


    - Fix nonfatal exception due to unupdated "Keep Windows on Screen" patch

    - Enter key accepts/confirms quests

    - Fika compat: Fix resize up/left not working

    - Fika compat: Fix for eye button during raid load updated to work with fika

    - Fika compat: Change rebind grenades feature to be optional, and to handle fika slightly differently. May have contributed to desync issues.

  • Tyfon added a new version:

  • Tyfon added a new version:


    Fixed multiselect "Keep Original Spacing" setting behaving like "Same Row or Below"

  • Tyfon added a new version:


    - Fixed BSG bug where BTR won't take money from backpack or secure container if you're carrying grenades

    - Fixed BSG bug where trader items don't populate their "compatible with" information.

    - Inspect windows that are too tall will now position themselves such that the title bar is always visible

    - Fika: Requiring a multi-tool for in-raid weapon modding should now properly check the correct player's inventory.

  • Hello sorry to bother you but when i put the mod in the mod files the moment i launch spt server it tells me that there is no "package.json" how can i fix that ?(fixed it sry for the bother )

  • Heyo,

    Been having some issues with game crashes that seem to be caused by the mod, I am using Fika, and Please Just Fight by Shibdib for reference.

    Whenever a mod is removed from a gun or equipment and then sold on the flea, the game either crashes outright or there is a desync of sorts, where the item being sold starts flashing in the stash and nothing else can be moved around in the stash, and attempting to start a raid pops up a message saying that the raid is being initialized which remains until the game is restarted.

    We have also encountered the same behavior, though a lot less frequently, when moving items from either the PMC or scav inventory after a raid.

    There are no messages or errors that pop up in the server terminal when this happens, the issues stop when UI fixes is removed, any ideas?

  • Tyfon added a new version:

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