Load Order Editor Drag-Drop

  • archon0ne added a new file:


    Extract the LoEDD folder to SPT-AKI base dir (Next to Aki.Launcher.exe)


    • Automatically gets all mods in ./user/mods and creates a load order list from them.
    • if you already have an order.json, it will reorder the items to match those. (Your load order persists)
    • When you press save, it dumps the list items to order.json after backing the old order up as order.bkp.
    • You can hover each mod for more information about it (pulled from package.json)
      • name: modName (from package.json)
      • folder_name: folderName (in user/mods)
      • version: 1.0.0 (from package.json)
      • author: Author Name (from package.json)
      • akiVersion: ~3.8.x (from package.json)

    Preview (OLD VERSION):

    hover info:

  • archon0ne added a new version:

    • config file
    • warning when closing without saving
    • persistent window size
    • config option to choose whether the app should add new mods to the start or the end of the list
    • general refactor
  • archon0ne added a new version:


    Initial version of the port to QT6. Gets rid of python, which should speed things up, and make compiling less goofy.

    If you were using the old Python version this should be functionally identical.

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