archon0ne added a new file:
QuoteExtract the LoEDD folder to SPT-AKI base dir (Next to Aki.Launcher.exe)
- Automatically gets all mods in ./user/mods and creates a load order list from them.
- if you already have an order.json, it will reorder the items to match those. (Your load order persists)
- When you press save, it dumps the list items to order.json after backing the old order up as order.bkp.
- You can hover each mod for more information about it (pulled from package.json)
- name: modName (from package.json)
- folder_name: folderName (in user/mods)
- version: 1.0.0 (from package.json)
- author: Author Name (from package.json)
- akiVersion: ~3.8.x (from package.json)
Preview (OLD VERSION):
hover info: