House16 added a new file:
QuoteDisplay MoreLegs the Trader - 3.9.0 compatible
I was tired of buying fully built weapons and stripping them myself/filling my inventory with garbage mods. 22 quests that start at lvl 5 that will slowly unlock more weapons platforms. First weapons are 5.45 AKs and Adar. After levelling trader and completing quests, things like m4a1, 7.62 AKs all the way to MCX Spear at the very end are unlocked for purchase.
When Updating:
Please delete the old House-thelegstrader mod folder in user/mods. Then install new version and merge/replace anything that pops up. Not sure if updating mid playthrough is viable or not. May have to use Terkoiz's Skipper for progress.
1.3.0 Release
-Housekeeping fixes
-1 new quest to the DMR chain that unlocks the M1A.
-Adjusted early quest experience rewards.
-Should be fixed in 1.3 release. :
Notice for 3.9.~ : Having problems recreating a bug where the trader image doesnt show in menu. Simple fix is changing mod folder name
From: "house-legsthetrader-1.1.1"
To: "house-legsthetrader-1.1.0"
I made some adjustments that should have fixed it buttt as I cant test it myself atm there's no guarantee.
Notice for 3.8.~ versions : I created a patch that can be installed after main file installation so that the requirements for the intro quest (Intro quest unlocks Legs and is given out by mechanic. "A Friend In Need" ) are removed. I only recommend doing if your not starting fresh but it is an option if you really just hate gunsmith lol
Dependency : Virtual's Custom Quest Loader
Install: If you have VCQL already installed just drag and drop into the root folder of SPT.
-This literally wont work without it.
Unlock: Completing Gunsmith 1 and reaching lvl 5 will grant access to his unlock quest.
lvl2: requires level 20 and some spending.lvl3: requires level 25 and some more spending.
Max: requires level 30 and lots of spending.
This is my first mod so I am expecting some issues. Please comment as they appear. Same goes to questions and recommendations as well.