Gambler - Trader

  • Hood added a new file:

  • Hood added a new version:

  • Hood added a new version:

  • Hood added a new version:

  • Hood added a new version:



    - Sealed Weapon Case error

  • Hood added a new version:

  • Hood added a new version:



       - Fixed invalid Armor from Armor Mystery Box that caused game crashes. (Thanks Käs)

  • Hood added a new version:



    • Headset Mystery Box
    • Backpack Mystery Box
    • Added 66 new weapons to the Weapon Mystery Box including a new weapon category "Scav Weapons"
    • Added 45 new keys to the Mystery Key
    • Ability to change trader inventory refresh time in the config


    • Altered odds and prices of multiple mystery containers
  • Hood added a new version:

  • Hood added a new version:

  • Hood added a new version:


    Updated for 3.9.0

    • Fixed a few locales
    • Minor mystery container price balancing
  • Hood added a new version:



    • Fixed bug when unboxing any Mystery Ammo container would generate an invalid amount of ammunition which caused any Gambler generated ammo sold on the flea market to error out.
      • It is probably best to delete all previously unboxed ammunition from the Gambler as these rounds can cause an unknown amount of errors.
  • Hood added a new version:


    (0.2.0) - SPT 3.8.3 - Final 3.8.3 release

  • Hood added a new version:

  • Hood

    Changed the title of the thread from “The Gambler - Trader” to “Gambler - Trader”.
  • Hood added a new version:

  • Hood added a new version:

  • Hood added a new version:

  • Hood added a new version:


    - Fixed compatibility issue with new live flea prices update mod as the gambler trader will now load after mods that alter flea or trader prices. As a result the mod folder name has changed again, any previous version of the Gambler trader must be deleted before installing this update.

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