Game and Server - Force Shutdown.

  • Server version
    Game client version
    Client log file…ahhfa29WkJvSd1d5QL5kfusWW
    BepInEx log file…VSCoxSEKB6T8acC3b5JPLZwhd
    Server log file…6qtDa8yyH59QoCwxy3RE1bn39
    Have you read the FAQ?
    Where did you download your game from?
    I personally bought it and downloaded it from BSG launcher.
    List of used mods
    - AAAArtemTrader
    - AAArtemEquipment
    - acidphantasm-bosseshavelegamedals
    - acidphantasm-harryhideout
    - AdditionalSptGifts
    - bakahashi-pityloot
    - crustyselenium-playerlevelequalsbossspawnchance
    - DrakiaXYZ-LiveFleaPrices
    - EpicRangeTime-Weapons
    - leaves-shiny_airdrop_guns
    - maxloo2-betterkeys-updated
    - Platinum-TheBlacklist-2.0.1
    - Realistic-Thermals
    - refringe-easyammunition
    - refringe-openextracts
    - SPT-Realism
    - tyfon-uifixes
    - Valkyrie
    - Virtual's Custom Quest Loader
    - WTT-PackNStrap
    - WTT-SianydeAndG3iness
    - WTT-W.A.A.C

    Hello, this will be my first post on this forum.

    I have been playing for few weeks with no problem whatsoever, but as of today I have been getting some issues. Just FYI, the last mod I added was the one that increased boss spawn chance and that was almost two weeks ago.

    The issues I am having now is that when I try to load into streets, every single time my game will close out and sometimes even the server application will force shut. I had an issue with reserve today before I tried streets, but all I did was reset my computer and start it up again with success. However, no matter what I do streets will not load anymore despite me running the map a few days ago. Other than that, I haven't had anymore issues. I am not sure if the client sends updates out or maybe the actual BSG launcher updated which was then pulled by the SPT application, I wouldn't know.

    Please let me know if uploaded the log files properly, if not, some guidance would be appreciated; it's pretty straightforward anyways.

    Thanks for your time, take it easy. :)

  • For some reason Client logged expired, must not have put 1 month.

    SPT PrivateBin
    Visit this link to see the note. Giving the URL to anyone allows them to access the note, too.

    Here's the new one, thanks.

  • You may be running out of RAM due to only have 16GB.

    You should be increasing your pagefile to see if that helps, aside from that - you should really update to 3.9.5 and update all of your mods.

    If your SPT randomly crashes after X raids or minutes, or on larger maps like Lighthouse or Streets, or you have issues with your item icons not loading, you should increase your pagefile

    • To access your pagefile settings, press Win + R, type systempropertiesadvanced and press OK.
    • Under Performance, go into Settings, then the Advanced tab, and finally under Virtual memory press Change
    • Your pagefile should be on your fastest drive.
    • Some example values for Custom size are:
      • 16gb RAM: Initial Size = 24000, Maximum Size = 32000
      • 32gb RAM: Initial Size = 48000, Maximum Size = 64000
      • 64gb RAM: Initial Size = 64000, Maximum Size = 96000

    You should use the RAM Cleaner Fix mod even with an increased pagefile

  • Thanks acid, I'll try this out today.

  • I deleted my nvidia card driver and installed from the nvidia website and it fixed my issue. I noticed on task manager my gpu had no activity when i started any game. Thanks for your help.

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