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Make Meds Great Again! is a mod that lets your PMC move while performing surgeries, so you're not a sitting duck every time you patch up. It also allows you to sprint while healing. Customize HP values for medkits, as well as the number of uses for painkillers, bandages, and other medical items.
Walking in surgery
Running while healing
Just place the user and BepInExfolder in your game's SPT installation directory.
In the folder config, you will find config.json, where you can customize the following settings:
General Settings for Medkits and Items
- Usage counts for consumables:
- calocUsage, armyBandageUsage, analginPainkillersUsage, etc.: Define the number of uses for each item (whole number).
Custom Settings for Specific Items
Each medkit has customizable properties, such as HP, ability to heal specific injuries, and associated costs:
Note: If the property medKitNameChanges is set to false, the medkit will revert to its default values.
- Grizzly:
grizzlyChanges (true or false) - Enable or disable the following changes.
grizzlyHP (Whole number) - Amount of HP the medkit have.
GrizzlyCanDoSurgery (true or false) - Enable or disable the ability of the medkit to do surgery like the CMS and Sur12
GrizzlySurgeryCost (Whole number) - Cost of the surgery
GrizzlyCanHealHeavyBleeding (true or false) - Enable or disable the ability to heal heavy bleeding.
GrizzlyHeavyBleedingHealCost (Whole number) - Cost of healing a heavy bleeding.
- GrizzlyCanHealLightBleeding (true or false) - Enable or disable the ability to heal light bleeding.
- GrizzlyLightBleedingHealCost (Whole number) - Cost of healing a light bleeding.
- GrizzlyCanHealFractures (true or false) - Enable or disable the ability to heal fractures.
- GrizzlyFractureHealCost (Whole number) - Cost of healing a fracture.
- Car Kit:
- carKitChanges (true or false) - Enable or disable the following changes.
- carKitHP (Whole number) - Amount of HP the medkit have.
- carKitCanDoSurgery (true or false) - Enable or disable the ability of the medkit to do surgery like the CMS and Sur12
- carKitSurgeryCost (Whole number) - Cost of the surgery
- carKitCanHealHeavyBleeding (true or false) - Enable or disable the ability to heal heavy bleeding.
- carKitHeavyBleedingHealCost (Whole number) - Cost of healing a heavy bleeding.
- carKitCanHealLightBleeding (true or false) - Enable or disable the ability to heal light bleeding.
- carKitLightBleedingHealCost (Whole number) - Cost of healing a light bleeding.
- carKitCanHealFractures (true or false) - Enable or disable the ability to heal fractures.
- carKitFractureHealCost (Whole number) - Cost of healing a fracture.
- Salewa:
- salewaChanges (true or false) - Enable or disable the following changes.
- salewaHP (Whole number) - Amount of HP the medkit have.
- salewaCanDoSurgery (true or false) - Enable or disable the ability of the medkit to do surgery like the CMS and Sur12
- salewaSurgeryCost (Whole number) - Cost of the surgery
- salewaCanHealHeavyBleeding (true or false) - Enable or disable the ability to heal heavy bleeding.
- salewaHeavyBleedingHealCost (Whole number) - Cost of healing a heavy bleeding.
- salewaCanHealLightBleeding (true or false) - Enable or disable the ability to heal light bleeding.
- salewaLightBleedingHealCost (Whole number) - Cost of healing a light bleeding.
- salewaCanHealFractures (true or false) - Enable or disable the ability to heal fractures.
- salewaFractureHealCost (Whole number) - Cost of healing a fracture.
- ifakChanges (true or false) - Enable or disable the following changes.
- ifakHP (Whole number) - Amount of HP the medkit have.
- ifakCanDoSurgery (true or false) - Enable or disable the ability of the medkit to do surgery like the CMS and Sur12
- ifakSurgeryCost (Whole number) - Cost of the surgery
- ifakCanHealHeavyBleeding (true or false) - Enable or disable the ability to heal heavy bleeding.
- ifakHeavyBleedingHealCost (Whole number) - Cost of healing a heavy bleeding.
- ifakCanHealLightBleeding (true or false) - Enable or disable the ability to heal light bleeding.
- ifakLightBleedingHealCost (Whole number) - Cost of healing a light bleeding.
- ifakCanHealFractures (true or false) - Enable or disable the ability to heal fractures.
- ifakFractureHealCost (Whole number) - Cost of healing a fracture.
- afakChanges (true or false) - Enable or disable the following changes.
- afakHP (Whole number) - Amount of HP the medkit have.
- afakCanDoSurgery (true or false) - Enable or disable the ability of the medkit to do surgery like the CMS and Sur12
- afakSurgeryCost (Whole number) - Cost of the surgery
- afakCanHealHeavyBleeding (true or false) - Enable or disable the ability to heal heavy bleeding.
- afakHeavyBleedingHealCost (Whole number) - Cost of healing a heavy bleeding.
- afakCanHealLightBleeding (true or false) - Enable or disable the ability to heal light bleeding.
- afakLightBleedingHealCost (Whole number) - Cost of healing a light bleeding.
- afakCanHealFractures (true or false) - Enable or disable the ability to heal fractures.
- afakFractureHealCost (Whole number) - Cost of healing a fracture.
- AI-2:
- ai2Changes (true or false) - Enable or disable the following changes.
- ai2HP (Whole number) - Amount of HP the medkit have.
- ai2CanDoSurgery (true or false) - Enable or disable the ability of the medkit to do surgery like the CMS and Sur12
- ai2SurgeryCost (Whole number) - Cost of the surgery
- ai2CanHealHeavyBleeding (true or false) - Enable or disable the ability to heal heavy bleeding.
- ai2HeavyBleedingHealCost (Whole number) - Cost of healing a heavy bleeding.
- ai2CanHealLightBleeding (true or false) - Enable or disable the ability to heal light bleeding.
- ai2LightBleedingHealCost (Whole number) - Cost of healing a light bleeding.
- ai2CanHealFractures (true or false) - Enable or disable the ability to heal fractures.
- ai2FractureHealCost (Whole number) - Cost of healing a fracture.
In-Game Configuration
Two settings can be adjusted in-game using the BepInEx Configurator (press F12) :
- Can walk in surgery: Enables or disables walking while performing surgery.
- Can sprint using meds: Enables or disables sprinting while using medical items.
- If you enable Surgery in a medkit (e.g., Grizzly) and disable the "Can walk during surgery" option in the BepInEx configurator (F12), your player will stop walking (similar to CMS and Surv12).
- Not So Realistic - SPT Mods Workshop - My other mod (This mod includes all the features of this mod)
- Medical Attention - SPT Mods Workshop
- Jehree -> Big thanks to Jehree for the incredibly helpful Client Modding Quick Start Guide, which made this mod possible!
- NoNeedName -> Thanks for the Slightly Boosted Meds mod, which served as a great example and inspiration!
- Cj and Lacyway -> Also huge thanks to these legends for helping me find the classes to patch and answering countless questions.
If you enjoy my mods and want to show your appreciation, feel free to buy me a coffee on Ko-fi. Your support means the world to me! ☕💖