Bot Callsigns - Reloaded

  • harmony added a new file:

  • harmony

    Changed the title of the thread from “Helldiver's Bot Callsigns - Reupload” to “Bot Callsigns - Reloaded”.
  • harmony added a new version:


    - Now contains original names that go by from SPT.

    - In total added 585 more names, including names from various EFT leaderboards.

  • harmony added a new version:


    This update includes folder changes - It is not necessary to remove the mod completely in order to update, nothing will break.

    Added ~1246 more names in total for both sides
    Renamed 'cfg' folder to 'names' containing the.. names.
    Cleaned up both files from duplicates containing ~160 names. This will make names less repeating i.e while looking at the flea offers.

  • harmony added a new version:

  • harmony added a new version:


    What's new
    - Added support for TTV Players mod
    - Added a biit more names
    - Now config file has logInvalidNames feature - Will print in the console skipped names if you screwed up some. The mod will not use them!
    - Some small tweaks and code optimization on how it loads the names files

  • harmony added a new version:


    Technical update

    - Supporting compatibility requirements for Twitch Players mod.

  • harmony added a new version:


    What's new

    - Cleaned files from duplicate names. Now they won't appear. Ever.
    - Improved logging

    - Added ~350 names and split them so now both USEC and BEAR names count even, resulting in total of 4147 unique names!

    Much love, SPT Community! <3

  • harmony added a new version:

  • harmony added a new version:


    - Possibly fixed prefix names showing up. This might've been caused by names that exceeded SPT char limit for names.

  • harmony added a new version:


    Thanks to paincoast88 for making this update possible!

    What's new

    - Added Cyrillic BEAR and English USEC names. They're separated from usual ones, if you wanna use them, enable useBEARCyrillicNames or

    useUSECEnglishNames in the config file!
    - Again,
    more, and even more names. This time resulting in whopping 5857 names!

    - Some logging changes for Live Mode

  • viewmodel added a new version:


    This update was possible with bushtail and S3NN0M0 help and suggestions! Thanks a lot!
    - Added more names related to EFT streaming - S3NN0M0

    - Added addExtraNames option which would prevent every mod update from overwriting your own names you've added. The usec/bear_extra_names files will be located at /config once you have ran the SPT server once and stay with you throughout updates. Now you're safe! - bushtail

  • harmony added a new version:


    What's New

    - Added junklessLogging option in configuration file. Turned on by default. Will minimize logging to SPT console on server start up.

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