Leave It There

  • Jehree added a new file:

  • Jehree added a new version:


    For SPT 3.10.X Only

    Bug fixes:

    • Fixed Issue with certain maps (like Woods) being entirely broken and not allowing you to loot anything.
    • Removed "Place Item" interaction from dead bodies.
    • Fixed issue that caused placed insured items to duplicate.
      • Sorry about this, you'll be receiving an insurance return for every single raid you did on a map with an insured item placed LOL. ;(
      • There is still small a bug related to insurance. If you: place an insured item > leave the raid > start a new raid > "Reclaim" and pick up the item, it will not be insured again until you exit the raid. If you die with it, insurance won't apply. Once you DO exit, though, the insured status will return. This is not a priority for me to fix right now, so call it a T.A.R.K.O.V. Anomaly. :D
    • Altered how I'm patching EFT interaction code to fix incompatibility issues with other mods like Use Loose Loot.


    • Server mod now does these things (configurable, see the config tab)
      • remove_in_raid_restrictions
      • everything_is_discardable
      • remove_backpack_restrictions
    • BepInEx/plugins/LeaveItThere/placeable_items_filter.json config created. This is really only for advanced users who want to be very specific about what is place-able. See config tab for how to use.
    • I discovered in testing that item cases do not qualify for the check I'm doing that checks whether an item is a "container" or not for calculating item costs. I find it really cool, so I'm not fixing it! What does this mean? It's a feature, Not a bug!
      • Item cases like weapon cases, junkboxes, etc. will be MUCH cheaper to place than other items with inventories like backpacks. This should encourage you to use them as caches, and make obtaining them feel way more rewarding!
      • They will instead cost their outer size like any non-container item would (a junkbox costs 16, for reference).
  • Jehree added a new version:


    For SPT 3.10.X

    New placement feature!
    Yes.. it is cheesable. There *may* be some things in the future that I add to try and make it more balanced, but for now just don't abuse it unless you enjoy the cheese.

    Be careful not to clip your item into the floor and activate physics for.. obvious reasons lol.


  • Jehree added a new version:



    • Fixed rotation of placed items not saving if you use 'MOVE' mode

    Feature additions:

    • Balancing features for 'MOVE' mode:
      • Sprinting cancels the move mode menu
      • If your inventory cannot hold the item, you cannot use move mode
      • Both of these things are configurable (defaulted on) if you don't like them
  • Jehree added a new version:

  • Jehree added a new version:


    HOPEFULLY fixed insurance issues.. yell at me if it's still broke broke

  • Jehree added a new version:


    For SPT 3.10.X Only

    • BIG code cleanup in preparation for some future projects.. 8o
      • Should also mean better syncing with Fika, and generally just less jankiness (hopefully, maybe, probably...).
    • Move Mode menu no longer flickers when you look at other interactable objects.
    • Rotation mode now locks the player camera's rotation, should feel way better to use now
      • See F12 config for rotation speed and direction inversion things.
  • Jehree added a new version:

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