flir added a new file:
QuoteDisplay MoreATTENTION: with version the layout changed from just a dll in BepInEx\plugins to a real directory in BepInEx\plugins\dvize.GTFO\ with multiple files in there.
If you want to upgrade from previous version you MUST remove the single dll located at BepInEx\plugins\dvize.GTFO.dll
This is a port from 3.10 with Props authorization.
Want to learn maps visually for quests or extracts? Use this visual learning tool that will show extracts and quest objectives that are available to you and the distance from your player's current position.
Installation Instructions
- unzip the file into your SPT root folder and it will go into a `BepInEx\plugins\dvize.GTFO` directory.
How to Use:
Press the 'O' key (which is configurable in the Bepinex Menu) to display the extracts
Press the 'P' key (which is configurable in the Bepinex Menu) to display quest objectives that have a location in the current in-raid map
Display Time : determines how long the extract or quest indicators display on the screen in seconds.
Description Max Character Limit: limits how many characters are displayed in a description (in case something is like a novel)
Description Word Wrap Character Limit: how many characters are displayed before wrapping the description text to next line.
Text Font Size: the size of the text for the indicators
Extract Distance Limit: Determines which extracts to display that fall under the designated distance limit.
Quest Distance Limit: Determines which quests to display that fall under the designated distance limit.
Display Only Necessary Quest Conditions: will filter quests on whether they are necessary for the quest to be completed.
Quest Selection: a dropdown that will appear once you are in-raid. It will allow you to control and filter which specific quests you would like to see, or you can choose the default 'All' option which will show all quests. Distance Limits and other options still apply on top of this selection.