Jehree added a new file:
Lockable Doors goes perfectly with this mod to keep bots from waltzing into your base!
Safehouse Radio:
Sold by Jaeger LL1
Place it then select Activate Safehouse to activate it. Once activated, it can be used to extract from the game. If you use the Safehouse Radio to extract, the next time you load into a raid on that same map, you will spawn at the radio. If you die, disconnect, or extract anywhere else, you won't spawn at the radio until you exfil at it again. This can be changed in the F12 config if you'd prefer to always spawn there.
By default, only 1 radio can be enabled per player per map.
Use this to set up your own little base in raid!
Bruce's Space Heater:
Thank you Bruce in the Fika discord for setting up the heater bundle for me!
Sold by Jaeger LL1
Place it in raid, and select Turn On to emit a comfort buff in a radius around the space heater. While within this radius, you will gain a buff to your energy and hydration. Use this to make it easier to set up a base without needing to constantly deal with hunger and hydration drain.
The rate of the buff is, by default, 3.5 energy and hydration per minute. It can be changed in the F12 config if desired, as well as the radius of the heater AOE.
A couple notes about this mechanic:
- It takes 15 seconds for the buff to kick in, and it will tick every 15 seconds (although the rate in the config calculated as per-minute).
- This means if you are frequently dipping into and out of the radius, never inside for 15 seconds or more, you won't actually receive any ticks of the buff.
- If you watch closely, you will still see your hydration and energy go down, but then it will tick up every 15 seconds. There isn't anything I can do about this.
- Having multiple heaters near you will not increase the buff that you receive.
And yes, this mod is Fika compatible. See notes about that here.
If you'd like to support my work, you can buy me a coffee!
Big thanks to Lacyway, both for helping me when stuck as well as just for making Fika, as it was an invaluable source of learning as I figured out how to implement many parts of this mod.
Thanks to Bruce for making the Space Heater bundle!
Thanks to Tyrian, and my friend TooDangerousForPants for helping me test this mod and squash all the early bugs.
You guys all rock!