backend error : request timeout. issue moving items

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    Hi all. fresh install today with the new downgrader and new version of SPT. ran my first raid, aside from FOV being set weird all was perfect.

    after raid i was unloading loot, first few items moved fine then a few didnt move, they flashed in both the original location and the new one i tried to move them too. nothing was responsive. after a few mins i got a dialogue box... Backend error: request timeout. it reloaded the main menu, i wen back to character and finished unloading and all seemed fine. i went to a trader, moved everything to sell. hit deal and same again. loading circles and eventually same backend error message.

    i wiped everything this morning and made this in a new folder as a new install with the new versions of EFT, the downgrader and SPT. any advice appreciated

    update. just tried again and froze again so i closed the game and relaunched, as soon as i press deal on a trader i get these loading circles so i cannot sell anything. ill try full pc restart and update as to whether buy or sell will work

  • Update. installed

    FIX ITEM SELLING FOR AKI 1.6.0 1.0.0

    seems to have fixed the issue. will update if i find anything else. link for the mod for anyone else with same issue: Fix Item Selling for AKI 1.6.0

    extract it and put it in spt-aki/user/mods

    Update! this worked great for traders, can now buy and sell. still get the issue wioth moving items around. sometimes is just bugs out and gives the backend error. having to restart the game around once every 3 - 4 raids. any thoughts?

  • Same issue here! Saw the fixing mod, gonna givi it a go.

    How to set the FOV to regular takov style?

    Those depht changes are giving me a headache

    Edit: Mod works beautifully! No more sell error, Thank you guys, you never cease to amaze!

    Edited once, last by Apollon ().

  • Same issue here! Saw the fixing mod, gonna givi it a go.

    How to set the FOV to regular takov style?

    Those depht changes are giving me a headache

    Edit: Mod works beautifully! No more sell error, Thank you guys, you never cease to amaze!

    thye average fov most players use is 63...says google. looks good to me though

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