Critical error receiving profile data

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    Game worked perfectly fine a few hours ago, hopped off to eat something and when I wanted to start the game up again I get this error message while loading my profile data:

    Critical error receiving profile data. Cose the game and contact us at forum In response to :
    Error converting value {null} to type 'System.Int64'.
    Path 'SCAVCAT.currentSalesSum', line 1, position 244942

    Already tried looking for the path the error says, deleting the SCAVCAT mod and reinstalling it but nothing seems to work.

    • Helpful

    I had this problem before and I did this to fix it temporarily:

    Go in to your user/profiles and double click your profile, edit the profile with Notepad++ or what ever you use and press CTRL + F, then search for SCAVCAT.

    There should be 1 instance for this and it should look like this:-

    SCAVCAT": {

    "currentLevel": 1,

    "currentSalesSum": 539300, <<<<< (if this line says 'null' there is something wrong, more than likely the ScavCat mod)

    "currentStanding": 0.2,

    "NextLoyalty": null,

    "loyaltyLevels": {

    "0": {

    "minLevel": 1,

    "minSalesSum": 0,

    "minStanding": 0

    I can't say for certain why this happens, you may need to do this every time you start your local server because I had to do this. As for what you should put there I'm not really sure, I think this just shows how much Rubbles I currently have but I would have to look in to this myself to make sure.

    Give this a try and let me know if this works!


    Edited once, last by Kippa ().

  • Does make sense to check the profile files now that you said it, kek.

    Found the exact lines you quoted and to me it looks like the "currentSalesSum" is the money exchanged in trades with the SCAVCAT trader, I made a new profile and compared the lines.
    For some reason the "currentLevel" was set to 0, I think tarkov went full confusion and set the value to "null" because of that.

    Thank you very much for your help kind person from the internet,
    Glhf in your future raids!

  • HooDini

    Selected a post as the best answer.
  • Glad to be of some assistance to you bud and happy gaming!


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