Posts by Argurios

    Same thing for me dude, stuck with it sinces weeks. Happened long after i installed my mods so pretty sure its not coming from there and you got no mods aswell... how much RAM do you have? Playing on a SSD ? and processor ?

    I understand, I'm a bit of a mod freak myself, currently running a Kerbal Space Program modlist 118 long and counting, attempting to get a probe on a flyby of Venus, I'm no stranger to troubleshooting, but with big modlists come big risks. The first thing to do is start removing mods until the issue goes away, but I've learnt that this in turn can corrupt a player profile so going forward I think you either need to start from scratch and test everything as you add mods or just cut down the amount you run if you don't have the patience. Trust me, I spend more time tweaking than playing in my games but it's fundamental to a hassle free experience, I'm sorry if you thought I was being rude, but most people find stating the obvious a lot worse.

    No worries ! I know that i have less knowledge about this than a majority of people and i'm used to sarcastic and all thoses kinds of answers so i m gonna fast too, my bad buddy. Hell yeah, its a lot but making all thoses mods working together create another game experience most of the time! Did you enjoyed Skyrim or Fallout4 ? :D

    Wiping is not an option for now haha, gonna keep that black screen as a close friend, almost getting used too by the time ;)

    That's one hell of a mod list and ripe for problems if you don't know what you're doing, it screams multiple conflicts at me.

    Yes, its a lot as i'm use to do on games that can be modded, like it and enjoying it. Thanks for your answer, i dont have a lot of knowledge it is true but you could have instead, maybe, telling me what is creating conflicts if you do know, that may be helpfull :)

    The logs are there, you just have to hit download (as they be chunky).
    What is famous black screen error sorry? the one when you try to extract and it blacks out?
    I think that is a BSG thing funnily enough, been with us long as I can remember, but is normally VERY infrequent. Although frustrating it just costs you the time of the raid eh.
    On subject of your mods list, this support forum is for vanilla AKI problems. Your first port of call should be to remove your mods and see if the issue persists with vanilla AKI. If so then post for support with appropriate logs. If it doesn't recur, then you should re-add your mods one by one, until you find the one that is causing the issue. Then you should post on that mods own support thread, as it is likely that only the mod author will be familiar with their code-base.

    So this is nothing more than a mod that is corrupting something ? As everything started long after i started playing (and already hell of a modded one) i though it could have been something else.

    Yeah haha pretty annoying but well i'm still getting the loot! well thats why i'm still playing it :p its like a little rock in your shoes, not a big matter but by the time it become really boring lol

    I'm playing the regular Tarkov for a real experience and this one for fun. So well in that case i will leave the things like this i guess. Wiping my profile would break my motivation lol

    Thanks for your answer Kiki :)

    (First, sorry for the language mistake and error that are coming, i'm not the greatest english speaker)

    Played 2 weeks without errors and enjoyed it like a kid but get the famous black screen error one time and then get stucked with it. Since then i'm playing and have to close the game and relaunch it after every game, as you know, and it become really annoying by the time lol (but cant stop playing it !! This SPT AKI version is fabulous, specially with the mods option, what a great work everyone and what a community !!!)

    So i went on the net and on every post i could find speaking about it, tried the certufil thing and deleting the certs (Success, when i'm trying now it just say that i already have the perm on the store) tried to switch the web socket to default and then web socket and then default x times, tried the RAM cleaning manager and using the Tarkov one too. From what i saw, people usually succed to resolve the problem with one of thoses thing but for me, nothing worked at all.

    Always got that error "[INFO] onUpdate: aki-dialogue doesn't report success or fail" or "[INFO] onUpdate: aki-ragman-player doesn't report success or fail", is it linked ? I dont know :/

    I am just really annoyed playing like that, it become so boring ! If i can grab some help to resolve that, would really appreciate it !