Posts by Dildz

    Dildz added a new version:


    Like the eedit I can be, I forgot to rename the config file, very silly mistake...sorry
    If you downloaded v1.3.0 of the mod - simply rename config.json to config.jsonc.
    Download link has been updated.

    Dildz added a new version:


    Updated for SPT 3.10.X
    Additional 'Late Autumn' season implemented, 'Early Spring' & 'Storm' cause raid loading to fail & have been disabled until a fix is found.

    Dildz added a new file:

    Dildz added a new file:

    Appreciate the reply!

    1 - that was me slipping up...i usually do delete old versions. it's gone now but didn't affect anything i don't think.
    2 - removed z's in folder names & mod.js, they work now without issues - thanks

    3 - removed all MC & Sam mods & added them back 1 by 1...i have 3 mods left that still produce the "errors are not game breaking / items will be removed from bot loadouts" errors.

    I see u have them in your mod-list - SamSWAT-HKG36, MC-AK545 & MC-RD704. is there something else i need to change to get a clean server launch? my guess is the guns just won't spawn with bots - which isn't the end of the world if i can buy them

    Hi Fin,
    1st off I'd like to say I love your AI-Tweaks mod, i don't play SPT updates until I see Fin updates!

    I've added the guns from SamSWAT & MC & get the errors posted below...1st just MC's mods, then just Sam's mods, then all together.

    It says it's not game breaking but the MC mods seem to break the loading of K-AIO later on...

    I did try to look this issue up but not finding anything...if there is & I missed it, apologies - hope I'm not wasting ur time!

    Should I take this up with MC or is it something else?

    Thanks in advance!

    MC mods:

    SamSWAT mods:

    MC & SamSWAT mods:
