Fin's AI Tweaks (FAIT)

  • Hi Fin,

    I'm having below error when launching server;

    ==========NOT=AN=ERROR========Start Debug Hash=========NOT=AN=ERROR=========


    ==========NOT=AN=ERROR=========End Debug Hash==========NOT=AN=ERROR=========

    Server is running. Happy playing!!

    (node:20476) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: Cannot read property '_props' of undefined

    at AITweaks.adjustPatronSlots (G:\Oyun\Escape From Tarkov\user\mods\zFin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:8860:39)

    at AITweaks.startGearchanging (G:\Oyun\Escape From Tarkov\user\mods\zFin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:9148:14)

    at AITweaks.main (G:\Oyun\Escape From Tarkov\user\mods\zFin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:5049:18)

    at AITweaks.delayedLoad (G:\Oyun\Escape From Tarkov\user\mods\zFin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:26:14)

    at DelayedModLoader.executeMods (G:\Oyun\Escape From Tarkov\obj\bundle.js:12313:21)

    at DelayedModLoader.load (G:\Oyun\Escape From Tarkov\obj\bundle.js:12302:14)

    at ModCallbacks.onLoad (G:\Oyun\Escape From Tarkov\obj\bundle.js:1846:24)

    at App.load (G:\Oyun\Escape From Tarkov\obj\bundle.js:16016:59)

    at G:\Oyun\Escape From Tarkov\obj\bundle.js:17694:47

    at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:93:5)

    (Use `Aki.Server --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)

    (node:20476) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). To terminate the node process on unhandled promise rejection, use the CLI flag `--unhandled-rejections=strict` (see…unhandled_rejections_mode). (rejection id: 1)

    (node:20476) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.

    Any idea how to fix this ?

  • Are you using the Olympus mod, by any chance?

    Can you post the full error? There should be additional white text beneath that, that contains some information I need.

    Is it possible to add a spawn timing function? Like spawn x bots at y time at z location? and your mod is a game changer for SPT thank you Fin <3

    Not at the moment, due to UI limitations, but it may be something I can do in the future!

  • Question, assumed and I thought in the past I was just able to edit the bot inv of each specific group to add sepcific backpacks to loot pool for them, but whenever I do any changes get reverted. Wasnt able to find anything in the readme when I quickly went through it, thought it might have something to do with the optimizedLoading setting in config but I am not sure. Dont get any errors do get a log saying changes have been made and reverting back, can make changes again and get log if need be.

  • Are you using the Olympus mod, by any chance?

    Can you post the full error? There should be additional white text beneath that, that contains some information I need.

    Not at the moment, due to UI limitations, but it may be something I can do in the future!

    Yes I was. Culprits were both Olympus and AXMC Sniper mod. Removed them and not it works fine.

    Thank you.

  • Hi Fin,
    1st off I'd like to say I love your AI-Tweaks mod, i don't play SPT updates until I see Fin updates!

    I've added the guns from SamSWAT & MC & get the errors posted below...1st just MC's mods, then just Sam's mods, then all together.

    It says it's not game breaking but the MC mods seem to break the loading of K-AIO later on...

    I did try to look this issue up but not finding anything...if there is & I missed it, apologies - hope I'm not wasting ur time!

    Should I take this up with MC or is it something else?

    Thanks in advance!

    MC mods:

    SamSWAT mods:

    MC & SamSWAT mods:


    Edited once, last by Dildz ().

  • 1)Dont use both SeeitemValue, delete older version_)

    2)For the best possible compatibility you must delete "z" in all SamSwat mods

    3) AXMC is incompatible !!!!!!!!!!!! Wait for a fix from original mod author.

  • Question, assumed and I thought in the past I was just able to edit the bot inv of each specific group to add sepcific backpacks to loot pool for them, but whenever I do any changes get reverted. Wasnt able to find anything in the readme when I quickly went through it, thought it might have something to do with the optimizedLoading setting in config but I am not sure. Dont get any errors do get a log saying changes have been made and reverting back, can make changes again and get log if need be.

    I found the same reverting behaviour, and I think that's why the new "miscellaneous bot items" have been added to the advanced inventory config.

    But I don't really understand yet how it works.

    Fin, to better understand what's happening, I added some logs to your code here:

    To try things, I only added 1 Item like this:

    "miscellaneous_items_to_add_to_bot_inventories": {

    "assaultgroup": {"items": {"item_id": "59faff1d86f7746c51718c9c", "slots": ["TacticalVest","Pockets","Backpack"], "weight": 1}}


    And on server start, I get this output (why is it executed so often?):

    Now I'm not sure I understand the weight system. From what I saw in your code, I assume weight: 1 means this item is added to the loot pool once, and weight: 100 means it's added 100 times. So if there would be 100 items in the pool before and I set the weight to 100, in average every second item on a pmc should be my item, correct? I never saw my item spawn though, neither with weight set to 1 nor 100. How many items are in the loot pool without modifications to the advanced inventory config?

    Then I tried adding more than 1 item like this:

    "miscellaneous_items_to_add_to_bot_inventories": {

    "assaultgroup": {"items": {"item_id": "59faff1d86f7746c51718c9c", "slots": ["TacticalVest","Pockets","Backpack"], "weight": 1}},

    "assaultgroup": {"items": {"item_id": "5c94bbff86f7747ee735c08f", "slots": ["TacticalVest","Pockets","Backpack"], "weight": 1}}


    but only the last item is added:

    So that's apparently not the way to add 2 items, had several tries with adding item arrays to just 1 assaultgroup entry, but then the server crashes on startup xD So how do you add more than 1 item? :)

    Sorry for the long post, have a great day everyone!

  • Appreciate the reply!

    1 - that was me slipping up...i usually do delete old versions. it's gone now but didn't affect anything i don't think.
    2 - removed z's in folder names & mod.js, they work now without issues - thanks

    3 - removed all MC & Sam mods & added them back 1 by 1...i have 3 mods left that still produce the "errors are not game breaking / items will be removed from bot loadouts" errors.

    I see u have them in your mod-list - SamSWAT-HKG36, MC-AK545 & MC-RD704. is there something else i need to change to get a clean server launch? my guess is the guns just won't spawn with bots - which isn't the end of the world if i can buy them

  • Item id "errors" are not critical, so forget about it. This is how Sam and other gun makers converted new weapons from newest patch, they made unusual id's for some items, so Fait cant see them, i think so. Fin said, that he'll try to fix this problem in some of releases soon.

    P.s. 90% of time bots will spawn with new guns, but without specific optics or something else (its unfounded ID's of that things, like new G36 optics or new RD704 handguard)

  • Yes I was. Culprits were both Olympus and AXMC Sniper mod. Removed them and not it works fine.

    Thank you.

    There'll be a fix for that error in the next minor update, but at the moment they're incompatible, unfortunately x.x

    Question, assumed and I thought in the past I was just able to edit the bot inv of each specific group to add sepcific backpacks to loot pool for them, but whenever I do any changes get reverted. Wasnt able to find anything in the readme when I quickly went through it, thought it might have something to do with the optimizedLoading setting in config but I am not sure. Dont get any errors do get a log saying changes have been made and reverting back, can make changes again and get log if need be.

    That is an optimizedLoading thing, yes. You want to turn that off, and turn "Load from file" on.

    I found the same reverting behaviour, and I think that's why the new "miscellaneous bot items" have been added to the advanced inventory config.


    That's my mistake, I forgot that objects can't have duplicate entry names. It just needs to be converted to an array format instead, and I think one extra line needs to be added to mod.ts, so it'll be out in the next minor update as well. And it runs all those times because it's been attached to a function that runs once for each bot, because I was lazy. I'll need to change that as well >_>;

  • had this as well. It was preventing my game from saving, so i had to remove the mod. Hoping to get a solution soon.

  • remove the mod that you added that triggered this error. its most likely one of the weapon mods from the newest wipe.

  • Hello! It appears that this mod causes Aidrops to not spawn. I did some testing I posted about in this support thread airdrops not working

    I would add the debug hash, but I seem unable to copy it from the console and I can't find it in the server logs either, as if the server log starts logging AFTER the hash was printed in the console.

    Best I can do is this screenshot for the hash:

    But in short summary of my testing:

    1. Cleared all mods and reset server values to see if Airdrops work in general: They do.

    2. I had a suspicion that it was caused by KMC's Server Value Modifier. Installed, changed values, tested: Airdrops still worked.

    3. I installed FAIT, used the config I usually play on with progressive gear on: Airdrops STOPPED working.

    4. I tested turning off progressive gear as I remember it caused issues in the past: Still not working.

    So this is a bug generally caused by FAIT it seems.

  • I am using ServerValueModifier (25% chance to drop on every possible map for it) and FAIT, i had a lot of airdrops. You tested it with Airdrops 100 value on any map? But i dont use progressive gear at all, so....) Who knows.
    Technically Progressive Gear have no parameters, that can change something into airdrops

  • I am using ServerValueModifier (25% chance to drop on every possible map for it) and FAIT, i had a lot of airdrops. You tested it with Airdrops 100 value on any map? But i dont use progressive gear at all, so....) Who knows.
    Technically Progressive Gear have no parameters, that can change something into airdrops

    Yes I set the values to 100% for testing purposes.

    I also just realized that I was apparently using an outdated version of FAIT so I downloaded the new one and installed it.

    Airdrops seem to still not work.

    But at least updating fixed the hash not being properly logged in the logs:

    Edit 1:

    Now I wish I hadn't downloaded the latest version and deleted the previous, because alongside with Airdrops not spawning I also get an error in the console now that if I ignore it it will fuck with my save's progress and not properly save it. I can't find the error in the logs but I got a screenshot yet again.

    The error hints towards this being a problem caused by FAIT and if I remove FAIT the error is gone. This is without modifying the config at all.

    The debug hash for this one in particular is:

    I also did a full clean install of SPT using the installer and patcher.

    I will probably have to play without FAIT until this is fixed or my progress won't be saved.

  • Is server value modifier compatible with this mod?

    I have this weird issue where i try to use FIAT to set the server time but it still runs off my computers clock instead, the setting in FIAT basically does nothing. Ive checked it a couple times. do i need to set mod compatibility in SVM?

    Thanks for your mod

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