Posts by 4nub15

    I've had the issue where enabling either "Remove secure container restrictions or Remove 'cant be dropped in raid' tag" (cant remember which) causes items in secure container to get insured on insurance screen before raid.

    I don't have either of those on and my keys in docs case are still popping up for insurance.

    Is there anything else I should check that could be causing this?

    Deleted old files and replaced them with the new ones you just posted.
    Same issue, as far as I can tell.

    [Exception] : NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

    GamePanelHUDCompass.GamePanelHUDCompassPlugin.CompassPlugin () (at <db97796701674e7281af50fba630afda>:0)

    GamePanelHUDCompass.GamePanelHUDCompassPlugin.IUpdate () (at <db97796701674e7281af50fba630afda>:0)

    GamePanelHUDCore.Utils.IUpdateManger.Update () (at <9b947924214b4385baafcaf09246005f>:0)

    GamePanelHUDCore.GamePanelHUDCorePlugin.Update () (at <9b947924214b4385baafcaf09246005f>:0)

    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)

    Class311:UnityEngine.ILogHandler.LogException(Exception, Object)

    UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)

    I am getting an error in console every second after update.

    [Exception] : NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

    GamePanelHUDCompass.GamePanelHUDCompassPlugin.GetGearTemplateId (System.Object data, System.Collections.Generic.HashSet`1[T] hashset) (at <1c49f5194be641078732d19cd172a951>:0)

    GamePanelHUDCompass.GamePanelHUDCompassPlugin.CompassPlugin () (at <1c49f5194be641078732d19cd172a951>:0)

    GamePanelHUDCompass.GamePanelHUDCompassPlugin.IUpdate () (at <1c49f5194be641078732d19cd172a951>:0)

    GamePanelHUDCore.Utils.IUpdateManger.Update () (at <9b947924214b4385baafcaf09246005f>:0)

    GamePanelHUDCore.GamePanelHUDCorePlugin.Update () (at <9b947924214b4385baafcaf09246005f>:0)

    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)

    Class311:UnityEngine.ILogHandler.LogException(Exception, Object)

    UnityEngine.Debug:CallOverridenDebugHandler(Exception, Object)

    Thought I'd also mention that I noticed the leak isn't just on lighthouse, Just saw it on Interchange.
    It just hasn't gotten to the point where I've crashed on any other map.

    Reporting again, Updated to newest version of your mod.

    Played a match on lighthouse and Ram just kept climbing.
    Let it keep going and it crashed.

    I didn't want to mess with my main account so I made a test account Lv1 and tested on that and had no leak.
    Went back to my lv31 account and leak occurred.

    I removed all other mods and ran just GPHud and Memory kept leaking on lv31 account.

    Weird that it didn't show up on a low level account.

    Hey, Been using this mod for a long time.
    Don't know if it was after the update or whatnot.
    But I get a bad memory leak when using this mod on lighthouse.
    To the point where the game crashes. I have 32gb ram and it was using more than 90%

    Went through my mods one by one and after removing the GPHud mod the ram leak went away.
    Got through a whole session of lighthouse without crashing or going above 50% of my total ram.

    So until its fixed, I noticed that moving things while doing OTHER things is a no-no.
    Moving stuff while filling magazines or searching containers seems to make it happen more often, and slowing down and giving stuff time seems to make it happen less often.

    Had it happen to me 6 times the other day.

    Can't seem to increase loose loot, I don't believe I have conflicts.
    Have loose and static loot set to 10 and its still only spawning 200-300 items on customs.

    Any idea of what I could do to fix?