Posts by Rj0lnir

    I'm still getting the same issue with the above, terminating as soon as launched with the following .log file entry:

    2023-07-31 09:15:27.840 +03:00 [INF] Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.19045.0

    2023-07-31 09:15:27.843 +03:00 [INF] -<>--<>- Running PreChecks -<>--<>-

    2023-07-31 09:15:27.844 +03:00 [INF] PreCheck: .Net Framework 4.7.2 (Optional) -> Passed

    Detail: .Net Framework 4.7.2 or higher is installed. Installed Version: 4.8.9037

    2023-07-31 09:15:27.866 +03:00 [INF] PreCheck: .Net Core 6 Desktop Runtime (Optional) -> Passed

    Detail: .Net Core 6.0.0 Desktop Runtime or higher is installed. Installed Version: 6.0.10

    2023-07-31 09:15:27.897 +03:00 [INF] PreCheck: Free Space (Required) -> Passed

    Detail: There is enough space available on e:\ to install SPT. Available Space: 569,05 GB Space Required for EFT Client: 34,95 GB

    Tried running original EFT and even creating a character there, didn't work.

    It looks like you are having very similar issues to me. Have you tried downgrading or perhaps doing a fresh re-install of 3.5.4? I can’t even get 3.5.4 to work which is strange.

    I managed to fix the issue by using SPT-Installer instead of manually installing 3.5.5

    But now I have a different problem; My inventory doesn't show up (the GEAR tab) as well as traders' inventories.

    Maybe a mod is conflicting, will have to check one by one :)

    Edit: Yeah, found the culprits; it was Faupi's Hideout Architent and Munition Experts mods. I guess they got broken somehow with 3.5.5 update.

    I have the same issue after switching to 3.5.5

    Server seems to be working fine according to the messages on its window.

    But when I click Launch on the Launcher, it says "Patching..." and then stops doing anything, Launch button goes black. Server keeps giving "Profile changes saved" message.

    Tried removing all the mods and the outcome is same.

    Didn't have such issue with 3.5.4 but now I can't play as I updated EFT Client :)

    Any help?

    Hello, great utility, thanks!

    After installing the latest version, I'm getting the following error:

    Input string '1656852044.256' is not a valid integer. Path 'characters.pmc.Quests[0].statusTimers.AvailableForFinish', line 21054, position 42.

    After clicking OK, I get: There is no data to display. The profile is empty. Log into the game under this profile and try again.

    Is it on my side or is it due to something with the program?

    Thanks in advance.

    Edit: After running the server and logging into the game and exiting, the error message changed as follows:

    Input string '1656852044.256' is not a valid integer. Path 'characters.pmc.Quests[0].statusTimers.3', line 21054, position 25.

    As of 3.2.0, I am getting a "Type Error: Cannot read property '_id' of undefined" error when I try to start a Scav Case timer. Don't have any issues with other collectibles in the Hideout (Water Purifier, Booze Collector, Bitcoin Farm, etc.)