Posts by Saven_

    For the record, if you're encountering the following error, put ""EnableAllAvailableOffers": on false in the AKI Configurator config file. This worked for me no problem afterwards.

    Keeping my inventory as is (had no completely new items added by any mods but had vanilla items with modded properties e.g. bigger max stack for ammo), I managed to launch the game without any mods installed (I verified said properties were gone and they were) and play a quick Factory raid with no issue without even my profile corrupting. Don't know if it's any use to you.

    The error shows whenever Bigger Bang is in the mods folder and it's either of the two I've shown depending on the config settings ("_props" related to Magazines or "0" related to Ragfair).

    I've tried messing around by putting basically everything on false in the general config file and removing the weapons config file paragraph about the Bolter. The former changed the error to something else (see spoiler) that wasn't affected by the latter. Could this be because of me still being in SPT AKI 2.2.0 ? This is about as much code knowledge I have sorry pepeclown

    Edit : I should mention I also tried to remove the Bolter from the weapons.js but only managed to get syntax errors so far

    I've tried with a completely empty mod folder (save for Bigger Bang) and still got the same error, although maybe it's tied to a magazine I have in my current profile's inventory ?