• Thunderbags added a new version:


    Fixed custom rigs interfering with the rigs they copy from (MPPV and Osprey Assault) - the custom rigs now use their own grids that leave the base game ones unaffected.

  • I've tried with a completely empty mod folder (save for Bigger Bang) and still got the same error, although maybe it's tied to a magazine I have in my current profile's inventory ?

    I've done a bit more investigating and it looks like your error is coming specifically from trying to create the Ash-12 Bolter variant this mod adds - not sure if that helps your debugging?

  • I've tried messing around by putting basically everything on false in the general config file and removing the weapons config file paragraph about the Bolter. The former changed the error to something else (see spoiler) that wasn't affected by the latter. Could this be because of me still being in SPT AKI 2.2.0 ? This is about as much code knowledge I have sorry pepeclown

    Edit : I should mention I also tried to remove the Bolter from the weapons.js but only managed to get syntax errors so far

    Edited once, last by Saven_ ().

  • Keeping my inventory as is (had no completely new items added by any mods but had vanilla items with modded properties e.g. bigger max stack for ammo), I managed to launch the game without any mods installed (I verified said properties were gone and they were) and play a quick Factory raid with no issue without even my profile corrupting. Don't know if it's any use to you.

    The error shows whenever Bigger Bang is in the mods folder and it's either of the two I've shown depending on the config settings ("_props" related to Magazines or "0" related to Ragfair).

    Edited once, last by Saven_ ().

  • [ERROR] Trace:

    TypeError: Cannot read property '_props' of undefined

    at BiggerBangMagazines.load (C:\Battlestate Games\EFT\user\mods\ZThunderbags-BiggerBang\src\BiggerBangMagazines.js:458:42)

    at Function.executeMods (C:\Battlestate Games\EFT\obj\src\loaders\ModLoader.js:147:13)

    at Function.load (C:\Battlestate Games\EFT\obj\src\loaders\ModLoader.js:17:19)

    at Object.load [as aki-mods] (C:\Battlestate Games\EFT\obj\src\callbacks\ModCallbacks.js:9:19)

    at Function.load (C:\Battlestate Games\EFT\obj\src\utils\App.js:22:13)

    at Function.main (C:\Battlestate Games\EFT\obj\src\Program.js:26:13)

    at Object.117../Lib.js (C:\Battlestate Games\EFT\obj\src\Program.js:30:9)

    at o (C:\Battlestate Games\EFT\obj\node_modules\browser-pack\_prelude.js:1:1)

    at C:\Battlestate Games\EFT\obj\node_modules\browser-pack\_prelude.js:1:1

    at Object.209.../Program.js (C:\Battlestate Games\EFT\obj\src\ide\ReleaseEntry.js:4:1)

    Edited once, last by Sounger: fixed ().

  • For the record, if you're encountering the following error, put ""EnableAllAvailableOffers": on false in the AKI Configurator config file. This worked for me no problem afterwards.

  • Hey got an issue recently i'm curently on spt aki 2.3.0 and idk why or how but since i got this i can't even go in raid X) kinda sus but when i remove your mod from my list mod it works kinda strange i know but the strangiest things is that i didn't got any error i just got his warning message:

    [WARNING] trader with ID borisbangski not found, falling back to default refresh time of 3600

    I don't know if anyone can help me ^^'
    And for SVM i don't run "all trader lvl 4" or "all quest aviable" Kinda trying to keep gettint the feeling of playing tarkov

    Edit: Kinda fix it by desactivating the Insurance system BUT i do not fix the "trader ....."

    Edited once, last by Yasuni ().

  • Thunderbags added a new version:


    MASSIVE thanks to GhostFenixx and Spartacus for doing all the work of updating this to work with SPT-AKI 3.2.0+ - you're legends!

  • Hello! New to SPT but familiar with modding, I've gone over all the base parameters and only have 3 mods installed (Priscilu, Lua Fleamarketupdater, and Bigger Bang)

    Consistently getting an error (attached below) when trying to use the scav-case, i have both enabled and disabled the scav-case rewards feature in the base of BB, and it still appears, when i remove BB mod it goes away and works normally, curious if there is a problem on my end and I may have removed something shouldn't have, or if anyone else is experiencing this.

  • Hello! New to SPT but familiar with modding, I've gone over all the base parameters and only have 3 mods installed (Priscilu, Lua Fleamarketupdater, and Bigger Bang)

    Consistently getting an error (attached below) when trying to use the scav-case, i have both enabled and disabled the scav-case rewards feature in the base of BB, and it still appears, when i remove BB mod it goes away and works normally, curious if there is a problem on my end and I may have removed something shouldn't have, or if anyone else is experiencing this.

    If you're using the most recent version of SPT, that could be your problem as modding was changed with a recent update.

    You used to be able to get away with having SOME "outdated" mods, but now it's "Current version or expect bugs. Possibly really bad ones that corrupt profiles." Check out the big yellow box of text at the top of the mods page.

  • If you're using the most recent version of SPT, that could be your problem as modding was changed with a recent update.

    You used to be able to get away with having SOME "outdated" mods, but now it's "Current version or expect bugs. Possibly really bad ones that corrupt profiles." Check out the big yellow box of text at the top of the mods page.

    Thanks for the clarification! Luckily its just the scav case so ill do w/o it for now until updates come, or just go back a version

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