Posts by Tomo

    it’s possible that the sorting could be doing this, I have seen a few threads on support for people using it and cases and things disappear, mind you this should only be the cause if you use it, try not using it for a bit and see?

    Yeah no biggy, just noticed it happened to me and did a search to see what was happening, stumbled upon this thread and thought i'd weigh in

    Just did this with the same config, new eod profile, and just AIO and coremod. Same result. The fleece in my backpack is still stacked to two and the ripstop in my stash is reset to 1. Before and after a server restart.

    EDIT: I also tried with the new version, not that I think it matters, but same result.

    For this guys sanity I've had same issue, also changed all dog tags in stack to lvl 0

    mods running are... munitions expert, seeitem value, biggerkeytool & fin ai

    thanks for the work you put into this

    Edit: maybe has something to do with sort button?