Posts by KBod8802

    sounds like bot gen, what options do you have enabled?

    Assuming you mean what options for the AIO config file?

    I enable what I perceive as quality of life aspects, like all items examined, skill fatigue disabled, stack changes on barter items, equipping armor with rigs, and container restrictions.

    Previous versions of the AIO I have enabled a lot more options, and never have had an issue, its literally just been with this 2.3.1 version. This has been the go to mod for me since using AKI, so I'm just confused to why all of a sudden with this version I am having issues. I'm not a computer guy so maybe its a my end deal, idk.

    In raid the game freezes on and off for a few seconds, but not the actual UI/gui, as I can move my mouse around but not interact with the inventory/menu, or move when outside of the inventory. It happens off and on for the first few minutes of the raid then simmers down and happens every once and awhile throughout the raid. I don't know what the causes of the freezes are throughout the raid, but it always happens at the start of every raid. I also know that it is aio mod, as this doesn't happen after I removed it from the mod file, everything ran as usual afterwards. :(