
    • Official Post

    Just did this with the same config, new eod profile, and just AIO and coremod. Same result. The fleece in my backpack is still stacked to two and the ripstop in my stash is reset to 1. Before and after a server restart.

    EDIT: I also tried with the new version, not that I think it matters, but same result.

    I'm at a loss then as when CWX tried it was working fine, I'll have CWX stop by at some point if he has any ideas.

  • I'm getting an error when setting the "DisableSkillFatigue" to Custom in order to enable the skill point adjustments. skill fatigue.PNG

    May have resolved it by looking through the errors.json. Seems it needs to be entered as "Custom" with quotes.

    Edited once, last by L1T ().

    • Official Post

    Just did this with the same config, new eod profile, and just AIO and coremod. Same result. The fleece in my backpack is still stacked to two and the ripstop in my stash is reset to 1. Before and after a server restart.

    EDIT: I also tried with the new version, not that I think it matters, but same result.

    unfortunately I'm unable to replicate this at all on my side, kinda frustrating ngl, I'd suggest not using it if you are having issues, better than loosing some items

  • Just found something in your readme.pdf that made me scratch my head a bit to get around it

    1. EnergyDrain - The text in "()" I think is swapped for "time" and "rate" value

    2. HydrationDrain - same as above

    3. By percentage, you mean the value in 0-100(%) or 0.0-1.0(0%-100%) and can it go above it? Because I see the readme mention something like 50% and 100% (Player Value - SkillMinEffectiveness) but never above it

    4. I remember somewhere that for insurance time, you can't put decimal value. Is this also a thing in this mod?

    5. MaxInsuranceStorageTime - Is the value set to hour or second?

    I've dealt with it, so it would be nice if you want to change some of these for other to not run to the same problems as me XD

    • Official Post

    indeed that’s some very good points, thank you, I’ll give it a go over when I got time

    • Official Post

    indeed that’s some very good points, thank you, I’ll give it a go over when I got time

    #4 is correct, insurance values are hours and decimals are not accepted as it's an int. An int for programming is a whole, rounded number.

    #5 is hours and is a max of 720 which is equal to 30 days.

  • CWX added a new version:



    Updated "akiVersion" to 2.3.1

    should be nothing to change, any issues let me know on the support thread of this modd



    WEEWOO :kekw:

  • In raid the game freezes on and off for a few seconds, but not the actual UI/gui, as I can move my mouse around but not interact with the inventory/menu, or move when outside of the inventory. It happens off and on for the first few minutes of the raid then simmers down and happens every once and awhile throughout the raid. I don't know what the causes of the freezes are throughout the raid, but it always happens at the start of every raid. I also know that it is aio mod, as this doesn't happen after I removed it from the mod file, everything ran as usual afterwards. :(

    • Official Post

    In raid the game freezes on and off for a few seconds, but not the actual UI/gui, as I can move my mouse around but not interact with the inventory/menu, or move when outside of the inventory. It happens off and on for the first few minutes of the raid then simmers down and happens every once and awhile throughout the raid. I don't know what the causes of the freezes are throughout the raid, but it always happens at the start of every raid. I also know that it is aio mod, as this doesn't happen after I removed it from the mod file, everything ran as usual afterwards. :(

    sounds like bot gen, what options do you have enabled?

  • Just did this with the same config, new eod profile, and just AIO and coremod. Same result. The fleece in my backpack is still stacked to two and the ripstop in my stash is reset to 1. Before and after a server restart.

    EDIT: I also tried with the new version, not that I think it matters, but same result.

    For this guys sanity I've had same issue, also changed all dog tags in stack to lvl 0

    mods running are... munitions expert, seeitem value, biggerkeytool & fin ai

    thanks for the work you put into this

    Edit: maybe has something to do with sort button?

    Edited once, last by Tomo ().

    • Official Post

    it’s possible that the sorting could be doing this, I have seen a few threads on support for people using it and cases and things disappear, mind you this should only be the cause if you use it, try not using it for a bit and see?

  • sounds like bot gen, what options do you have enabled?

    Assuming you mean what options for the AIO config file?

    I enable what I perceive as quality of life aspects, like all items examined, skill fatigue disabled, stack changes on barter items, equipping armor with rigs, and container restrictions.

    Previous versions of the AIO I have enabled a lot more options, and never have had an issue, its literally just been with this 2.3.1 version. This has been the go to mod for me since using AKI, so I'm just confused to why all of a sudden with this version I am having issues. I'm not a computer guy so maybe its a my end deal, idk.

    • Official Post

    Assuming you mean what options for the AIO config file?

    I enable what I perceive as quality of life aspects, like all items examined, skill fatigue disabled, stack changes on barter items, equipping armor with rigs, and container restrictions.

    Previous versions of the AIO I have enabled a lot more options, and never have had an issue, its literally just been with this 2.3.1 version. This has been the go to mod for me since using AKI, so I'm just confused to why all of a sudden with this version I am having issues. I'm not a computer guy so maybe its a my end deal, idk.

    Can you provide your config file please?

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