
    • Official Post

    I have an issues where when i set the StackableBarters options, stack some items, do a raid, then when i come back out the stack is back down to one again.

    Ooo haven’t heard that one before, I’ll have a looksie later see if I can replicate this issue and go from there, thanks for letting me know

    • Official Post

    Ooo haven’t heard that one before, I’ll have a looksie later see if I can replicate this issue and go from there, thanks for letting me know

    Heyo, i just tried this, i stacked 3 gpu's, i did a raid, i restarted my game and server, i even added them to a junk box and run a raid and restarted, no issues, are you able to give any more details to the issue? like which items you are stacking that is getting lost, etc, as much info as you can

  • Heyo, i just tried this, i stacked 3 gpu's, i did a raid, i restarted my game and server, i even added them to a junk box and run a raid and restarted, no issues, are you able to give any more details to the issue? like which items you are stacking that is getting lost, etc, as much info as you can

    Above is my currently active mods.

    I can share configs too if it helps. I just did a raid with two screws stacked in my stash and two wrenches stacked in a junk box. Upon exiting the raid they were both just at one again, the other having disappeared.

    • Official Post

    Above is my currently active mods.

    I can share configs too if it helps. I just did a raid with two screws stacked in my stash and two wrenches stacked in a junk box. Upon exiting the raid they were both just at one again, the other having disappeared.

    yeah can you send your config for it in this i didnt test with tools on electronics atm

  • Hey, just added 3 options to your mod for fast recovery of hydration and energy in hideut. Would like to share. Pls contact me if interested.

    Did not touch health, but probably also can do.

    • Official Post

    hmm this is weird, running your config it works fine.

    this was running a raid and restarting my server

    can you try removing the mods other than AIO and AKIconfig as its the two I run of your lot atm?

    can I ask you to send your profile with the code paste website as you did for your config?

    • Official Post

    Hey, just added 3 options to your mod for fast recovery of hydration and energy in hideut. Would like to share. Pls contact me if interested.

    Did not touch health, but probably also can do.

    hey, sure send it over and ill take a look, use this link to post it

  • hmm this is weird, running your config it works fine.

    this was running a raid and restarting my server

    can you try removing the mods other than AIO and AKIconfig as its the two I run of your lot atm?

    can I ask you to send your profile with the code paste website as you did for your config?

    Ill do this tomorrow. I'm actually heading to bed right now. Thanks for checking it out though.

  • hey, sure send it over and ill take a look, use this link to post it


    SPT-Aki CodePaste
    Visit this link to see the note. Giving the URL to anyone allows them to access the note, too.


    SPT-Aki CodePaste
    Visit this link to see the note. Giving the URL to anyone allows them to access the note, too.


    SPT-Aki CodePaste
    Visit this link to see the note. Giving the URL to anyone allows them to access the note, too.


    SPT-Aki CodePaste
    Visit this link to see the note. Giving the URL to anyone allows them to access the note, too.

    options i've added:

    "player": {
        "RegenerationLoopTime":1,  //or false (server default is 3)
        "EnergyRestoration":100,   //or false (server default is 1)
        "HydrationRestoration":100 //or false (server default is 1)

    i've tried to put additional code in logical places.

    • Official Post

    Ill do this tomorrow. I'm actually heading to bed right now. Thanks for checking it out though.

    no worries, when you have the time, i personally dont see how they would effect the mod but something is throwing it off ;(

    • Official Post

    thank you i'll take a look at this for the next version, seems like a cool addition imo

  • hmm this is weird, running your config it works fine.

    this was running a raid and restarting my server

    can you try removing the mods other than AIO and AKIconfig as its the two I run of your lot atm?

    can I ask you to send your profile with the code paste website as you did for your config?

    So I just did this with a fresh EOD profile and only the coremod, aki configurator and the AIO.

    I put a stack of two Fleece into my backpack and a stack of two ripstop in my stash. The fleece in my pack is still a stack of two but the ripstop in my stash is one.…WbC5ewgvoDKjeyiuCD4BpVNKf

    • Official Post

    So I just did this with a fresh EOD profile and only the coremod, aki configurator and the AIO.

    I put a stack of two Fleece into my backpack and a stack of two ripstop in my stash. The fleece in my pack is still a stack of two but the ripstop in my stash is one.…WbC5ewgvoDKjeyiuCD4BpVNKf

    Can you try with only AIO and CoreMod?

  • CWX added a new version:




    WEEWOO :kekw:

  • Can you try with only AIO and CoreMod?

    Just did this with the same config, new eod profile, and just AIO and coremod. Same result. The fleece in my backpack is still stacked to two and the ripstop in my stash is reset to 1. Before and after a server restart.

    EDIT: I also tried with the new version, not that I think it matters, but same result.

    Edited once, last by thaelina ().

  • I get this:

    "[ERROR] Trace:

    TypeError: Cannot read property 'Fins-Choke-Me-Harder' of undefined"

    But cant find the "Fins-Choke-Me-Harder" line in the .json file?

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