Posts by HarrandirSPT

    Hello nooky!

    I think there might be a bug when using the random presets selector.

    After installing your latest version of SWAG/donuts and using the random presets I noticed that I had an unusual amout of PMCs in my raids (around 70% of my kills where PMCs).

    So I edited the ScenarioConfig.json for all the "live-like"-Presets to only have like 2-3 PMCs and 10-11 scavs. But still there were much more PMCs in my raids than scavs.

    Then I noticed your response to rapa in your modpage discussion regarding @DanWs Questing Bots. I checked those PMC spawns an they were disabled.

    So I tried a raid manually selecting the "only Scavs"-Preset and it worked perfectly.

    After that I ran a few Raids manually choosing on of my edited "live-like"-Presets and the ratio between PMCs vs scavs seemed much more resonable.

    Maybe you can look into this?

    Thanks and keep up the great work! <3:thumbup:

    ..They are, actually >_>;;. I just checked the code in my releases, and I forgot to include that fix, though a very messy version exists in the dev version. They aren't **supposed** to be, but they are, because as of a few AKI updates ago USEC PMCs use the same bot type as Rogues.

    Hi, me again...

    I fiddled around some more using your config tool to spawn in some extra rogue waves. I can confirm several kills on bots with blue armband without dogtag in the following raid ( PMCs were all BEARS). But in the kill list after extraction they are all counted as scavs. ?(

    = DEBUG HASH!! If you're asking for help with FAIT, please copy and =

    = paste this in to your help request, or you probably won't be helped!!: =

    =============NOT=AN=ERROR=========End Debug Hash==========NOT=AN=ERROR============

    = =

    xĀā,541869266ą30387,2753491151ė9808ă5ĠĚ723Ďĩ06Ē3ĝĩ257760948ij,ĩĐ9ġ0ĔĕĆĚļ9659528247įIJ0ļĹ9Ŗ36350Ęį5,45ňĠ21ğŊ8ō1ēġĆš9ĴũĪ6,|œŷ,œ|assaultŵpmcboƂfollowergluharżžƀƉƋƍƏƑƓƕrscouƛƌƎƐƒƔƖsecurity,ƊƨƞƫơsnipeƶƜƩrkojaƽƵƷƝƐžƽtƖǁƸƐbƀlƵ|ŻŽſƁgrƥp,beǑuƮcŵ-0.şœ1.ěē.ň,ūǶǵǸǷǺǰŹ.3Ǹ32ǮŬǸȃūœPMCsŹȍ|ƇtnameshƐǀƮƿƗtetȗmwƳhƤmmżŵ2ǹȫǺȫŸȆȫȪǿȭŸǚƙƁŵ|ƄƆƈǒnjƟƬƗǛƚȾǃƺƭƤƦɅƹƠƭƯƱƳNJǂɌɁƼƾǀǙǣǥǧ,ƘǜtǞǠŵȴdzļăœIJŵœĎȹǮź|ū4ȹūǿǙɴŠēȫɰɫşǙš,ĺȹ4œĠȹɾşʁɾʄɯ|ŚēɽŶɸǙȲȹ-ǶŴɰȅŵȹɪȍǷĒǫĢĒśɧɣœʃɭļɯǿʐǿɲɶȫɲȪū|ʤʤǙ5şĿȹʹ,ʻǙʸʺɯʽʿʓʧɯȪʯ|ȪȪǙʖȄʙȇʛǙʝȰ1ɨǵɫʄɽǿʘˋ,˞ȭȭʵœĕȹǴ˗ɯ˦Ěʌ|˨0˪şˬʆĨʥˆ˶ʑĶɳɦʓăʕūŎȩǸɽpumǡƇȸ˔ˑʚȰʵdŋcc5ba4b9Ř7ʃĺ˰ĬȪ5cdeb229d7f˰c̞e7ce1̛ˠĔĖďa9f3ħd6ǤŰf9ƯĒʑ|ȧpȒȔȖȘ,ȚƐaȝȟeȡȣȥȧȌʑŸ˒͛Ȯ˾̎ʡȬ͢ǫʘɱ͝ʔɷȃʔˌȍͬʤœşǭɹĎȯʞȍɨ˰ͷͷ5:ʹ:͹Ȫaƌɝ΃΂l΄·ΆΈʚ white blueBG

    = =

    =============NOT=AN=ERROR=========End Debug Hash==========NOT=AN=ERROR============

    Rogues should be spawning as intended; I'm finding them when using the setting from your hash, but I'll give this a longer check over the weekend.

    Thanks for the reply!

    Are Rogues identified by blue armbands but no dogtag, just as USECs are blue armband + dogtag? I came across some bodies like this and was wondering...

    Hello Fin,

    can you confirm that rogues spawn as intended?

    I just did a bunch of lighthouse raids and the roofs in the watertreatment plant where overrun by scavs and PMCs but no rogues.

    = DEBUG HASH!! If you're asking for help with FAIT, please copy and =

    = paste this in to your help request, or you probably won't be helped!!: =

    =============NOT=AN=ERROR=========End Debug Hash==========NOT=AN=ERROR============

    = =

    xĀā,1068979947Ć439,6377202312ĄČ78,558011Ė330ĩą7,Ěĩ325ĕ60ċ8Ĵįĩć0Ĥ2ĕ518Ħ,Ĺ9ķĆ3Ć934ĴĮŎćĊŋ3504ō15,ŏ6ģĘ19ćģ8ĜįĹĉĪĢ1ďŋė,|0,ųŵűassaultűpmcbožfollowergluharŸźżƅƇƉƋƍƏƑrscouƗƈƊƌƎƐƒsecurity,ƆƤƚƧƝsnipeƲƘƥrkojaƹƱƳƙƌźƹtƒƽƴƌbżlƱ||ƔŻŽgrơp,beǍuƪcű-0.Ŝų1.ś,2.şăDz1dzǵǴǷǬŴ.3DzIJǪǮǿǿǴųPMCsŴȉ|ƃtnameshƌƼƪƻƓtetȓmwƯhƠmmŸű2ǶȧǷDzŶȂǵȦǼȩȃȊǗƖű|ƀƂƄǎLjƛƨƓŹǘƣȻƶƩƠƢȺƿɃƞƫƭƯdžƾƵƜƩƹƻȵǟǡǣ,ȳǙǛuǝ|ȰǺ6įġųijűųĪȵǪųǕǴ4ȵǴǼɭɣɯȦȩɟɨŜǕŏņɺ|4ųĤȵɻŜĹȵʀņɬǕŖǮɾųɯǕȮȵ-ǷɢɟȪűȵɧȉȩĮǧĠĮŗɤűĄŝʊɨʊǼɾǼʐʗȩɵDz|ʢʢǕĢ,ňȵʶʸǕʵŜʻʲʾʊ|ŰʈʑŝȵȦȦǕʔȀʤʘ|ʚŲʜdzɥăʨɽűǼʖ˃ĒɰȨʱʢ7ɾDZĄʊˢăʥʼ|ˤ0˦ŜĦ˂ęʣʑųʴ˒Ķ˞ɲ˜ɾˌ2ʐɶġſumǝƃŽˑɠŶɷ5d52cc5ba4bō67ʀĹ˭ąȦ5cdeb229d7f˭c̜e7ceħɯ6ŀ5Ī3a9fĔ2d6ǠĈf9ƫĮ˒|ȣpȎȐȒȔ,ȖƌașțeȝȟȡȣȈ˒ȱȱ̊ǵ˵˓ǴŲ.Ġɠ̉ǰˎʈǿʒɱ˓Ȧ˕ͭǮͰʢ͞ǩͰĪȫ˓Ŷėͷŵ5:Ģ:˭Ͱaƈə΄΃l΅Έ·Ήʘ white blueBG

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    =============NOT=AN=ERROR=========End Debug Hash==========NOT=AN=ERROR============

    Can you confirm that this still happens when FAIT is the only mod you have installed? X.X I'm scratching my head over this, because FAIT really should not be making things like knives spawn in rigs. As far as I and my ctlf-f just now are aware, it shouldn't even touch that particular inventory array.

    Oh, actually.. -One other thing I just thought of: Would you mind uploading a copy of your bot_inventories folder? Rig items should be contained in that, so it would be useful to have as a point of comparison against my own version using your config settings.

    I've send you a PM with my bot inventories.

    Thanks for the report, was able to reproduce and fixed the bug, can i get you to download 231 again please?…leases/releases/tag/2.3.1

    This update should fix the issue... at least did it for me.

    Interestingly I initially had the same issue as YukiSPT. After comparing my modlist with his I noticed that we both use "Thunderbags-ResponsiveFence" or "Thunderbags-BiggerBang" which includes ResponsiveFence.

    After disabling ResponsiveFence I was able to purchase items from the fleamarket again but was in turn unable to collect things from the hideout. Thats when I found the other thread with the solution link to the update. This seems to address both issues.

    Hi FIn,

    It seems like this mod effects the inventory of the bots in a way that makes the probability of them having a knife, half mask, and blue gunpowder is very high. Every bot I kill has the same stuff in their inventory with the exception of a few things. Do you know if there is a fix for this I can implement? I don't believe the loadout can be looked at through the debug, but I pasted anyways


    FAIT doesn't affect loose loot (Except to remove a few weird items like wooden AK grips and other ultra-low-value weapon parts), facemask selection (Except when it comes to the armored facemask), or melee weapons, at the moment.

    In addition, you seem to have gear changes disabled, so any issues you're experiencing shouldn't have anything to do with FAIT, unless that debug hash is from a period when you weren't having issues. -And while the hash doesn't include loadouts, it does include the settings necessary to regenerate most loadout issues a player might be having, so I very much appreciate you including it.

    Hello Fin,

    first and foremost thank you for your great mod! :thumbup:<3

    I would like to come back to the issure SHunt05 raised regarding half masks, gunpowder kite and hunting knives spawning excessively in bot inventories. I#m having the same issue and thought it might help to clarify that those items only spawn in chest-rigs/armoured vests. Depending on the size of the rig you end up with having several half masks gunbpowders and knifes filling up the "empty" slots in the rig.

    On a sidenote, esmarch and single use bandages also seem very prevelent in pockets and rigs but i guess this could be changed advanced inventory config. Another question... are injectors also handled via the advanced inventory config?


    Did some testing on factory. All of the above items as well as medical bloodset appear in chest-rigs/armoured vests on PMC-Bots. Also found all those item included in "TacticalVest" in bear_ai.json, usec_ai.json and bosstest.json.

    Here's my config hash:

    DEBUG HASH !!If you're asking for help with FAIT, please copy and paste this in to your help request, or you probably won't be helped!!:


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