Fin's AI Tweaks (FAIT)

  • I dunno why, but i dont have a lot of cursed weapons, ofc some of them have 2-3flashlights etc, but not always. Maybe you broke something) Btw most cursed guns will appear only on pmc, because i made mod frequency 2. 1 for scavs and 1.4 for raiders. I think this values have primary effect on tact.devices. For 3.1.1 i used Version 1.24.1a, i cant recommend others, cuz they are for 3.2.0 aki and i had some errors.

    You can try my settings(backup yourFinAi mod folder+i am using advanced spawn config.json instead of usual extra waves into Fait .exe configurator) -…lGAeddl4/view?usp=sharing…5e5cf784eb244f9/detection
    dont worry about 2 false-porisitive detection, Acronis Static Ml always detect something into fait and other mods with .exe files.
    Sprinting bots = agressive AI behaviour type for all type of AI(high, Mid, low), campers are snipers, same for default AKI bots and balanced = raider behaviour, i made 3 for agressive, so most of PMCs are runners and pushers, scavs are agressive Tagilla Followers most of the time etc. If you have a lot of cursed guns, try to lower mod frequecy and dont forget, that some mods like AleveThings remove conflicts between parts of weapon, so it's a huge impact for generating strange guns) Btw i am using Alevethings +Fin inraidmodding(cant recommend similar mods from another authors, they are more cursed then Fin's mod) and dont have a lot of troubles with SICC weaponry )

    Edited once, last by X3R0S6 ().

  • I dunno why, but i dont have a lot of cursed weapons, ofc some of them have 2-3flashlights etc, but not always. Maybe you broke something) Btw most cursed guns will appear only on pmc, because i made mod frequency 2. 1 for scavs and 1.4 for raiders. I think this values have primary effect on tact.devices. For 3.1.1 i used Version 1.24.1a, i cant recommend others, cuz they are for 3.2.0 aki and i had some errors.

    You can try my settings(backup yourFinAi mod folder+i am using advanced spawn config.json instead of usual extra waves into Fait .exe configurator) -…lGAeddl4/view?usp=sharing…5e5cf784eb244f9/detection
    dont worry about 2 false-porisitive detection, Acronis Static Ml always detect something into fait and other mods with .exe files.

    I didn't consider the idea that I may have broke something with the weapon generation, but I didn't edit anything that would cause something to fall apart as a result of it. I'll have to do a tiny bit more testing to be sure, but the most egregious thing I've seen without FAIT's weapon generation is the rare second sight on the foregrip of an AK, when it has the slot for it.

    Messing with the game and mod's latest version as I type this, so we'll see.

    GhostSignals - I took note of the Bots not sprinting in FAIT v.1-24-2a but didn't realise it was a bigger issue. With regards to the bots item generation it's totally bwarked, especially the PMC bots who have ridiculous weapon builds and it doesn't seem to change anything when editing the config file. The bots behaviour is so bipolar, one raid they can be stuck in the mud the next they could be aim bot gods, something definitely isn't linked up correctly somewhere. I believe in Fin to fix these issues! <3

    Glad it's not just me who doesn't have bots that run or sprint anymore, lol. THAT I genuinely thought I broke somehow.

  • First of all i think you are newbee's or rookies in SPT? If i am wrong, dont be angry, i am just an AKI CHAD)

    Second) not sprinting bots - Aki fault = BSG fault, its in core of AI! As a guy with 1 year of Aki playing and a half of a year on Jet, its usual bug and its from live (even in online ppl still find such bots) I updated my post, so try to use my configs.

    Third and most important part !!!! If you are using Lua custom spawn points + spawn point patterns from other authors, you'll get bugged bots more then usually, maybe from wrong spawn coordinates, maybe because something hardcoded in AKI.
    P.S. Same for lua spawn rework+ fait, they work bad with each other, so you ll met broken AI behaviours, much harder bots then you set etc

  • [snip]

    no matter what I set it to, no matter what settings I change, the cursed weapons happen near-constantly. As many tactical devices as you can stick on one weapon, scopes inside of scopes, etc. Even when I narrow it down to just one bot type, the PMCs, their guns are just off the wall non-stop.


    I'm not sure about bots not sprinting, I'll have to look into that, but the extra optics / tacticals problem was fixed in the version of FAIT for 3.2.x. The 3.1.0 update included the removal of several item values that FAIT used to determine what should and should not be allowed, and that had to be worked around.

    Sorry to tell u that but your mod is broken.

    First i thought it was my fault, but i did a clean reinstal of aki and the only mod installed is yours. Debug Hash below, and server error msg.

    The bots won't spawn, when i start a raid there are a lot of errors.

    I'm a little confused by your issue, mostly because you say there are a lot of errors when you start a raid, but the error text you've provided seems like an issue that would stop you from starting the game in the first place. Does this error not always occur?

    Either way, the error whose text you've posted is my fault, I accidentally left two 'simulation' options enabled that require there to be a player profile present to work properly, and it looks like you were starting up without a profile already made.

    I'll release a quick fix for that shortly (Edit: It's out now), but if you want to fix that yourself you can open mod.ts and find these lines:

    //Performs the functions FAIT normally does only after the game has begun. You should enable this if you're doing any debugging.

    true ? AITweaks.runOnGameStart() : null

    //Runs progressive gear without an attached profile. Pass the simulated level to the function.

    false ? AITweaks.testProgressiveGear(10) : null

    //Simulates bot generation. Options are, in order: Print weapon info, print armor info, print bot info, bots to generate per bot type

    true ? AITweaks.simulateBotGeneration(false, false, false, 10) : null

    And replace them with these:

    //Performs the functions FAIT normally does only after the game has begun. You should enable this if you're doing any debugging.

    false ? AITweaks.runOnGameStart() : null

    //Runs progressive gear without an attached profile. Pass the simulated level to the function.

    false ? AITweaks.testProgressiveGear(10) : null

    //Simulates bot generation. Options are, in order: Print weapon info, print armor info, print bot info, bots to generate per bot type

    false ? AITweaks.simulateBotGeneration(false, false, false, 10) : null

    so far in the raids ive played bots only seem to spawn if the both the bot amount and difficulty are set to as online and for some reason by default my raid settings are set to easy for difficulty and medium for ai amount so its just an inconvenience of having to set it right every time i start a raid :(((

    debug hash>


    I'm still working on fixing that particular bug, I'm afraid. -I'll see about putting in a temporary workaround to set the default selection to "As Online", though (Edit: it's up). -By the way, can you confirm that changing the difficulty selection causes them not to spawn, as well? As far as I'm aware it should only be the spawn amount that has to be "As Online"

    Hello Fin,

    can you confirm that rogues spawn as intended?

    I just did a bunch of lighthouse raids and the roofs in the watertreatment plant where overrun by scavs and PMCs but no rogues.


    Rogues should be spawning as intended; I'm finding them when using the setting from your hash, but I'll give this a longer check over the weekend.

    Edited 3 times, last by Fin ().

  • Rogues should be spawning as intended; I'm finding them when using the setting from your hash, but I'll give this a longer check over the weekend.

    Thanks for the reply!

    Are Rogues identified by blue armbands but no dogtag, just as USECs are blue armband + dogtag? I came across some bodies like this and was wondering...

  • Thanks for the reply!

    Are Rogues identified by blue armbands but no dogtag, just as USECs are blue armband + dogtag? I came across some bodies like this and was wondering...

    ..They are, actually >_>;;. I just checked the code in my releases, and I forgot to include that fix, though a very messy version exists in the dev version. They aren't **supposed** to be, but they are, because as of a few AKI updates ago USEC PMCs use the same bot type as Rogues.

  • 这看起来可能是由于mod冲突。如果只安装了FAIT运行游戏,还会出现错误吗?- 如果是这样,你介意让我知道你正在使用什么模组,以便我调查一下吗?




    = =

    xĀā,541869266ą30387ă46310659Ć332Ćă5801172ĝďĎ6ĒĖĝĞ57760948ı,į890ģ2IJ5Ćĥ,84005ı61ċ14Ķĭķ9Ŕ3ĕ50ŐĖ5,45ęĿ19ļĢ8ğ,2Ŧ0ħ71Ŗ4ğČ2,|0,ŶŸŴassaultŴpmcboƁfollowergluharŻŽſƈƊƌƎƐƒƔrscouƚƋƍƏƑƓƕsecurity,ƉƧƝƪƠsnipeƵƛƨrkojaƼƴƶƜƏŽƼtƕǀƷƏbſlƴ||ƗžƀgrƤp,beǐuƭcŴ-0.ŜŶ1.1Ŝ2.ę,1ǵǷǶǹǸǸǯŷ.3ǷĞǭŨȃȃǶŶPMCsŷȍ|ƆtnameshƏƿƭƾƖtetȗmwƲhƣmmŻŴųǺȫǷȆȍŹȬǶųȀȬŹǙżǛƁǘƃƅƇǑNjƞƫƖȸƙȿǂƹƬƣƥɆƸƟƬƮưƲljǁɍɂƻƽƿǘǢǤǦ,ǚƙǝǟŴȵdzĺăŶ2ŜŵĺŶǘǭɭ|Ƕ4ŴɱɦǘǶȀɳȪǷɱŶ3ɪ|ŞŅʀŇŅɰǘʂĸɴʅģɴ|ɿŨʀŶɳǘȳɴ-ǹ6ɣȭŴɴŴȰǷĒǪ8,ĒŘɧɣʓɰɾɰȀʀɹɴȬɺɼʧʧǘŊ, ľɴʸʺǘʷŝʽ |2ʪɴųʔ|ųųǘʘȅʛȇʝǘʟȍȫɨǵʬʃŵȁʚʕ|ųųǘʘȅʛȇʝǘʟȍȫɨǵʬʃŵȁʚʕ| ˧ňɴ˪ĥ˄ʮɰ˅ʨɮ˟ɰɸˇ | ˧ňɴ˪ĥ˄ʮɰ˅ʨɮ˟ɰɸˇpumǡɔƀʞˡʜȯ˂d52cc5ba4b9ŗ7ňĸňęų5cdeb229d7fňc̞e7ce 7ceħʔɭȧpȓȕȗșpȓȕȗș

    = =

  • [snip]

    Without you having tried running the game with only FAIT installed, I can't tell you just where the issue might be coming from. I can see you have multiple versions of the same mods installed, however, which itself can cause all sorts of issues. Your debug hash also seems to be somehow damaged, which I've never seen before. Which FAIT version are you currently using?

    I've added some speculative fixes to 1.24.2e that might help, but without that test run I really can't say more about what the issue might be.

  • 如果您没有尝试在仅安装 FAIT 的情况下运行游戏,我无法告诉您问题可能出在哪里。我可以看到您安装了相同模块的多个版本,但是,这本身可能会导致各种问题。您的调试哈希似乎也以某种方式损坏,这是我以前从未见过的。您目前使用的是哪个 FAIT 版本?

    我在 1.24.2e 中添加了一些推测性的修复,这可能会有所帮助,但如果没有该测试运行,我真的不能说更多关于问题可能是什么。

    = =

    xĀā,541869266ą30387ă46310659Ć332Ćă5801172ĝďĎ6ĒĖĝĞ57760948ı,į890ģ2IJ5Ćĥ,84005ı61ċ14Ķĭķ9Ŕ3ĕ50ŐĖ5,45ęĿ19ļĢ8ğ,2Ŧ0ħ71Ŗ4ğČ2,|0,ŶŸŴassaultŴpmcboƁfollowergluharŻŽſƈƊƌƎƐƒƔrscouƚƋƍƏƑƓƕsecurity,ƉƧƝƪƠsnipeƵƛƨrkojaƼƴƶƜƏŽƼtƕǀƷƏbſlƴ||ƗžƀgrƤp,beǐuƭcŴ-0.ŜŶ1.1Ŝ2.ę,1ǵǷǶǹǸǸǯŷ.3ǷĞǭŨȃȃǶŶPMCsŷȍ|ƆtnameshƏƿƭƾƖtetȗmwƲhƣmmŻŴųǺȫǷȆȍŹȬǶųȀȬŹǙżǛƁǘƃƅƇǑNjƞƫƖȸƙȿǂƹƬƣƥɆƸƟƬƮưƲljǁɍɂƻƽƿǘǢǤǦ,ǚƙǝǟŴȵdzĺăŶ2ŜŵĺŶǘǭɭ|Ƕ4ŴɱɦǘǶȀɳȪǷɱŶ3ɪ|ŞŅʀŇŅɰǘʂĸɴʅģɴ|ɿŨʀŶɳǘȳɴ-ǹ6ɣȭŴɴŴȰǷĒǪ8,ĒŘɧɣʓɰɾɰȀʀɹɴȬɺɼʧʧǘŊ, ľɴʸʺǘʷŝʽ |2ʪɴųʔ|ųųǘʘȅʛȇʝǘʟȍȫɨǵʬʃŵȁʚʕ|ųųǘʘȅʛȇʝǘʟȍȫɨǵʬʃŵȁʚʕ| ˧ňɴ˪ĥ˄ʮɰ˅ʨɮ˟ɰɸˇ | ˧ňɴ˪ĥ˄ʮɰ˅ʨɮ˟ɰɸˇpumǡɔƀʞˡʜȯ˂d52cc5ba4b9ŗ7ňĸňęų5cdeb229d7fňc̞e7ce 7ceħʔɭȧpȓȕȗșpȓȕȗș

    = =



    如果只启用 FAIT,那么一切都很好

  • ..They are, actually >_>;;. I just checked the code in my releases, and I forgot to include that fix, though a very messy version exists in the dev version. They aren't **supposed** to be, but they are, because as of a few AKI updates ago USEC PMCs use the same bot type as Rogues.

    Hi, me again...

    I fiddled around some more using your config tool to spawn in some extra rogue waves. I can confirm several kills on bots with blue armband without dogtag in the following raid ( PMCs were all BEARS). But in the kill list after extraction they are all counted as scavs. ?(

    = DEBUG HASH!! If you're asking for help with FAIT, please copy and =

    = paste this in to your help request, or you probably won't be helped!!: =

    =============NOT=AN=ERROR=========End Debug Hash==========NOT=AN=ERROR============

    = =

    xĀā,541869266ą30387,2753491151ė9808ă5ĠĚ723Ďĩ06Ē3ĝĩ257760948ij,ĩĐ9ġ0ĔĕĆĚļ9659528247įIJ0ļĹ9Ŗ36350Ęį5,45ňĠ21ğŊ8ō1ēġĆš9ĴũĪ6,|œŷ,œ|assaultŵpmcboƂfollowergluharżžƀƉƋƍƏƑƓƕrscouƛƌƎƐƒƔƖsecurity,ƊƨƞƫơsnipeƶƜƩrkojaƽƵƷƝƐžƽtƖǁƸƐbƀlƵ|ŻŽſƁgrƥp,beǑuƮcŵ-0.şœ1.ěē.ň,ūǶǵǸǷǺǰŹ.3Ǹ32ǮŬǸȃūœPMCsŹȍ|ƇtnameshƐǀƮƿƗtetȗmwƳhƤmmżŵ2ǹȫǺȫŸȆȫȪǿȭŸǚƙƁŵ|ƄƆƈǒnjƟƬƗǛƚȾǃƺƭƤƦɅƹƠƭƯƱƳNJǂɌɁƼƾǀǙǣǥǧ,ƘǜtǞǠŵȴdzļăœIJŵœĎȹǮź|ū4ȹūǿǙɴŠēȫɰɫşǙš,ĺȹ4œĠȹɾşʁɾʄɯ|ŚēɽŶɸǙȲȹ-ǶŴɰȅŵȹɪȍǷĒǫĢĒśɧɣœʃɭļɯǿʐǿɲɶȫɲȪū|ʤʤǙ5şĿȹʹ,ʻǙʸʺɯʽʿʓʧɯȪʯ|ȪȪǙʖȄʙȇʛǙʝȰ1ɨǵɫʄɽǿʘˋ,˞ȭȭʵœĕȹǴ˗ɯ˦Ěʌ|˨0˪şˬʆĨʥˆ˶ʑĶɳɦʓăʕūŎȩǸɽpumǡƇȸ˔ˑʚȰʵdŋcc5ba4b9Ř7ʃĺ˰ĬȪ5cdeb229d7f˰c̞e7ce1̛ˠĔĖďa9f3ħd6ǤŰf9ƯĒʑ|ȧpȒȔȖȘ,ȚƐaȝȟeȡȣȥȧȌʑŸ˒͛Ȯ˾̎ʡȬ͢ǫʘɱ͝ʔɷȃʔˌȍͬʤœşǭɹĎȯʞȍɨ˰ͷͷ5:ʹ:͹Ȫaƌɝ΃΂l΄·ΆΈʚ white blueBG

    = =

    =============NOT=AN=ERROR=========End Debug Hash==========NOT=AN=ERROR============

  • heyo, been experiencing problems using the gear progression, I'm level 24 and pmc's suddenly run around with weapons they would have at level 1 (bad durability, bad/few mods)

    sorry if this is already being investigated, I'm using the latest version on 3.2.0

  • heyo, been experiencing problems using the gear progression, I'm level 24 and pmc's suddenly run around with weapons they would have at level 1 (bad durability, bad/few mods)

    sorry if this is already being investigated, I'm using the latest version on 3.2.0

    That's odd. Would you mind pasting your debug hash? -Also, there should be a file in your donottouch/debug folder called "debugBots~~MasterInventory2.json". Are you able to upload that for me? It's a human-readable file of each bot's available gear, including weight values, created after progressive gear takes effect (MasterInventory1 is created before it takes effect, and actually now that I think about it it would be good to include that as well, so I can compare them). Unfortunately it doesn't include mods, but it would be a good first place for me to check to see if anything has gone wrong.

    Oh, and of course: Have you tried running the game with only FAIT installed, to be sure it isn't a mod conflict? -I'd recommend popping on COD mode and upping your HP to something crazy for testing purposes, and just zipping around Factory.

    Edited 2 times, last by Fin ().

  • Having an issue where bots do not spawn on shoreline after getting an error. I do not get the same error on any other map.

    Included is the error that pops up on shoreline exclusively and the debug hash.

    Edit: Seems going to manual gear loading instead of optimized gear loading fixed it.

    Edited once, last by WolfSharpS: seemed to have fixed it. ().

  • no bot spawn

    = =

    xĀā,3898500670161ĉ5,288Ċ521ą175369,55Ė1Ĝ2330ĩĊ7ă1ĩ325776094ćĮıą0Ė2ĵ5ĚĦ,4419ģ249ĦĨĔĒ3ĺ9ŕğ3Ĉō31Ē456Ĥ0ęĆŊĕę,ĠĹ81ĺ6ď2ķŇ,|0,ŵŷųassaultųpmcboƀfollowergluharźżžƇƉƋƍƏƑƓrscouƙƊƌƎƐƒƔsecurity,ƈƦƜƩƟsnipeƴƚƧrkojaƻƳƵƛƎżƻtƔƿƶƎbžlƳ||ƖŽſgrƣp,beǏuƬcų1.Ēŵ1ē,ǬǯǩǮǮ.2DzǯǶ.Ǭ0.3DzIJǫǮȀǷŸȀŵ|ƅtnameshƎƾƬƽƕtetȏmwƱhƢmmźǧǶȢǷȤǭǵȃŶȩǺȩȅȩǘŻǚƀǗƂƄƆǐNJƝƪƕȰƘȷǁƸƫƢƤȾƷƞƫƭƯƱLjǀɅȺƺƼƾǗǡǣǥ,ǙƘǜǞųȂŶ.6ăĢŵijɛăȆŴȁų|Ǭ4ɩǬǽǗɮņǭǷɪŵŘɩŞ,ćɸŵĖɩǗɹɻʀɽɦ|ɷɣǗŵɬǗǵɯ|-ǯɟɪDzȆɩȡȫǬĮǻ8,ĮĈɡǧʊɦɶɦǽĒǗǽʋʓǷɬȧųʟʟǗģ ,9ɦʳʵɿ|ʷʶēʸǘ|2ʢɩǵʪǵǵǘʐ¶

    找不到 62178be9d0050232da3485d9 的弹药,回退到默认值 -> 624c09da2cec124eb67c1046

    找不到 62178c4d4ecf221597654e3d 的弹药,回退到默认值 -> 624c09cfbc2e27219346d955

    找不到 62178be9d0050232da3485d9 的弹药,回退到默认值 -> 624c09da2cec124eb67c1046

    找不到 62178be9d0050232da3485d9 的弹药,回退到默认值 -> 624c09da2cec124eb67c1046

    Mod 54527ac44bdc2d36668b4567 与项目 6241c2c2117ad530666a5108 的插槽“墨盒”不兼容

    带有 tpl 6241c2c2117ad530666a5108 的弹匣没有弹药

    找不到 62178be9d0050232da3485d9 的弹药,回退到默认值 -> 624c09da2cec124eb67c1046

    找不到 6217726288ed9f0845317459 的弹药,回退到默认值 -> 624c0570c9b794431568f5d5

    找不到 62178be9d0050232da3485d9 的弹药,回退到默认值 -> 624c09da2cec124eb67c1046

    找不到 62178c4d4ecf221597654e3d 的弹药,回退到默认值 -> 624c09cfbc2e27219346d955

    找不到 6217726288ed9f0845317459 的弹药,回退到默认值 -> 624c0570c9b794431568f5d5

    找不到 624c0b3340357b5f566e8766 的弹药,回退到默认值 -> 624c09e49b98e019a3315b66

    找不到 6217726288ed9f0845317459 的弹药,回退到默认值 -> 624c0570c9b794431568f5d5

    找不到 62178be9d0050232da3485d9 的弹药,回退到默认值 -> 624c09da2cec124eb67c1046

    找不到 62178be9d0050232da3485d9 的弹药,回退到默认值 -> 624c09da2cec124eb67c1046

    找不到 62178c4d4ecf221597654e3d 的弹药,回退到默认值 -> 624c09cfbc2e27219346d955

    找不到 62178be9d0050232da3485d9 的弹药,回退到默认值 -> 624c09da2cec124eb67c1046

    找不到 6217726288ed9f0845317459 的弹药,回退到默认值 -> 624c0570c9b794431568f5d5

    找不到 6217726288ed9f0845317459 的弹药,回退到默认值 -> 624c0570c9b794431568f5d5

    找不到 62178c4d4ecf221597654e3d 的弹药,回退到默认值 -> 624c09cfbc2e27219346d955

    找不到 62178be9d0050232da3485d9 的弹药,回退到默认值 -> 624c09da2cec124eb67c1046

    找不到 62178be9d0050232da3485d9 的弹药,回退到默认值 -> 624c09da2cec124eb67c1046

    找不到 62178be9d0050232da3485d9 的弹药,回退到默认值 -> 624c09da2cec124eb67c1046

    找不到 62178be9d0050232da3485d9 的弹药,回退到默认值 -> 624c09da2cec124eb67c1046

    找不到 62178c4d4ecf221597654e3d 的弹药,回退到默认值 -> 624c09cfbc2e27219346d955

    找不到 62178c4d4ecf221597654e3d 的弹药,回退到默认值 -> 624c09cfbc2e27219346d955

    找不到 62178be9d0050232da3485d9 的弹药,回退到默认值 -> 624c09da2cec124eb67c1046

    找不到 624c0b3340357b5f566e8766 的弹药,回退到默认值 -> 624c09e49b98e019a3315b66

    找不到 62178c4d4ecf221597654e3d 的弹药,回退到默认值 -> 624c09cfbc2e27219346d955

    找不到 62178c4d4ecf221597654e3d 的弹药,回退到默认值 -> 624c09cfbc2e27219346d955

    找不到 62178be9d0050232da3485d9 的弹药,回退到默认值 -> 624c09da2cec124eb67c1046

    找不到 624c0b3340357b5f566e8766 的弹药,回退到默认值 -> 624c09e49b98e019a3315b66

    找不到 62178c4d4ecf221597654e3d 的弹药,回退到默认值 -> 624c09cfbc2e27219346d955

    找不到 62178be9d0050232da3485d9 的弹药,回退到默认值 -> 624c09da2cec124eb67c1046

    找不到 624c0b3340357b5f566e8766 的弹药,回退到默认值 -> 624c09e49b98e019a3315b66

    找不到 62178be9d0050232da3485d9 的弹药,回退到默认值 -> 624c09da2cec124eb67c1046

    找不到 624c0b3340357b5f566e8766 的弹药,回退到默认值 -> 624c09e49b98e019a3315b66

    找不到 62178be9d0050232da3485d9 的弹药,回退到默认值 -> 624c09da2cec124eb67c1046

    找不到 6217726288ed9f0845317459 的弹药,回退到默认值 -> 624c0570c9b794431568f5d5

    找不到 62178be9d0050232da3485d9 的弹药,回退到默认值 -> 624c09da2cec124eb67c1046

    找不到 624c0b3340357b5f566e8766 的弹药,回退到默认值 -> 624c09e49b98e019a3315b66

    找不到 624c0b3340357b5f566e8766 的弹药,回退到默认值 -> 624c09e49b98e019a3315b66

    找不到 6217726288ed9f0845317459 的弹药,回退到默认值 -> 624c0570c9b794431568f5d5

    找不到 62178be9d0050232da3485d9 的弹药,回退到默认值 -> 624c09da2cec124eb67c1046

    找不到 62178be9d0050232da3485d9 的弹药,回退到默认值 -> 624c09da2cec124eb67c1046

    找不到 624c0b3340357b5f566e8766 的弹药,回退到默认值 -> 624c09e49b98e019a3315b66

    找不到 62178c4d4ecf221597654e3d 的弹药,回退到默认值 -> 624c09cfbc2e27219346d955

    找不到 62178be9d0050232da3485d9 的弹药,回退到默认值 -> 624c09da2cec124eb67c1046

    找不到 62178be9d0050232da3485d9 的弹药,回退到默认值 -> 624c09da2cec124eb67c1046

    Mod 59e6906286f7746c9f75e847 与项目 6241c2c2117ad530666a5108 的插槽“墨盒”不兼容

    带有 tpl 6241c2c2117ad530666a5108 的弹匣没有弹药

    找不到 62178c4d4ecf221597654e3d 的弹药,回退到默认值 -> 624c09cfbc2e27219346d955

    找不到 624c0b3340357b5f566e8766 的弹药,回退到默认值 -> 624c09e49b98e019a3315b66

    找不到 6217726288ed9f0845317459 的弹药,回退到默认值 -> 624c0570c9b794431568f5d5

    找不到 624c0b3340357b5f566e8766 的弹药,回退到默认值 -> 624c09e49b98e019a3315b66

    找不到 624c0b3340357b5f566e8766 的弹药,回退到默认值 -> 624c09e49b98e019a3315b66



    at BotLootGenerator.addLootFromPool (D:\EFT\obj\bundle.js:7420:73)

    at BotLootGenerator.generateLoot (D:\EFT\obj\bundle.js:7386:14)

    at BotInventoryGenerator.generateInventory (D:\EFT\obj\bundle.js:7212:31)

    at Function.regenBot (D:\EFT\user\mods\zFin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:2861:51)

    at Function.pmcScavAlliance (D:\EFT\user\mods\zFin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:2066:36)

    at Function.generateBots (D:\EFT\user\mods\zFin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:1658:27)

    at Function.onBotGen (D:\EFT\user\mods\zFin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:182:27)

    at Object.action (D:\EFT\user\mods\zFin-AITweaks\src\mod.js:63:39)

    at $79469d862e09d5e9$export$1d24e66a30f2c3c6.handleStatic (D:\EFT\obj\bundle.js:13009:61)

    at Proxy.handleRoute (D:\EFT\obj\bundle.js:13304:41)

  • Quick question..

    1. Do the PMCs in the game roam around the map? Or do they just stay in hot spots?

    2. Will this mod change that if they don't roam around the map?

    Thanks :)

  • I'm not sure about bots not sprinting, I'll have to look into that, but the extra optics / tacticals problem was fixed in the version of FAIT for 3.2.x. The 3.1.0 update included the removal of several item values that FAIT used to determine what should and should not be allowed, and that had to be worked around.

    I was having this problem and i solved by removing Lua's Spawn Rework.
    Even with changing "disableAllSpawnChanges" to false, which was instructed on Lua's mod page, the problem still happened.

    Now the only thing that feels a problem is how no one at all shoots me when i'm in scav mode.

  • I was having this problem and i solved by removing Lua's Spawn Rework.
    Even with changing "disableAllSpawnChanges" to false, which was instructed on Lua's mod page, the problem still happened.

    Now the only thing that feels a problem is how no one at all shoots me when i'm in scav mode.

    Do you mean the no sprinting? If so, I'll have to remove LSR and see.

    EDIT: and yes, it's still a problem. Even on 3.2.0.

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