Most likely you're missing `ConfigurationManager` from bepinex plugins, that wasn't imported in first iterations of 2.3.1.
Redownload and paste-replace in game folder and you'll likely have one.
I don't know what 2.3.1. is, unless you're talking about the newest SPT-AKI 2.3.1 which I don't intend on upgrading any time soon. But I did install SPT-AKI 2.3.1. anyways to steal the ConfigurationManager.dll from the latest release and put it inside SPT-AKI\BepInEx\plugins but it did not make the mod work, typing 'twc' in console does not bring up any GUI, Pressing F12 does not show any configurations for Time & Weather Changer and pressing the Home key still does not open a GUI.
It's ok if this doesn't work yet, I usually just alt tab to another monitor while I wait for night time to start a raid.