2022-12-16 20:18:46.169 -05:00||Error|insurance|<b>Insurance.</b> Insured item with id 235b390573bd6938b98bc15d is null!
2022-12-16 20:18:46.169 -05:00||Error|insurance|<b>Insurance.</b> Insured item with id
This is the error code you were getting that was creating the error (from what I've looked through so far). I just had this same issue with items I had in my stash, insured, and pending in my scav junk box. If you don't want to fully reset and redownload everything there are two things I recommend trying. If you had mods installed at any point on your profile that changed any values of items, added new items, or anything of the sort. You can either re-install those mods and try to delete them in game. (which only worked for about half of the items for me). Or you can head to line 1504 in the traces.log file you submitted and go into your profile from the user folder. Open it with either notepad++ or VS and look each item up by the id you got in the log and delete it from there. Which was what fixed my issue. If you need any help doing that let me know. I would be more than willing to try to walk you through it. Let me know if it works or not! Good luck hope it turns out well!