LightoftheWorld added a new version:
QuoteI have no words.
Thank you X-Static.
LightoftheWorld added a new version:
QuoteI have no words.
Thank you X-Static.
LightoftheWorld added a new version:
QuoteA few fixes.
I know it's been a while, friends. Do not worry.
Awesome, thanks! Starting tomorrow, I'm gonna work on fixing / updating this mod, so if you find any other bugs like this, please let me know!
LightoftheWorld added a new version:
QuoteI changed the second quest to have a fail condition... and didn't make it restartable. Incredible.
Also, since I forgot to mention it the past 2 uploads... all Mag Drills quests work with MagTape and BlackCore
LightoftheWorld added a new version:
QuoteFixed the folder name
Originally I would have just edited the previous update, but with 200 downloads already on it, I figure it's best just to push a new version so that everyone sees it.
I also slightly changed the first couple quests so that it's now based on not killing anything instead of getting a run-through, just makes things easier imo
LightoftheWorld added a new version:
Quotethis took so long
there were so many ids
I'm sure I got one wrong somewhere, please let me know if any quests don't work
99% of this is just a 3.10 update for GL, though there are a couple quest changes here and there. Bug fixes, inconsistencies patched, spelling corrections... Again, generally speaking, if you're still on 3.9 you really aren't missing much. Though, since 3.9 cannot be downloaded, I do not plan on updating 3.9 in the future.
Don't think there's any conflicts. I have noticed similar issues with the latter two, I need to get them fixed when I come back to this mod. Haven't tried the first quest yet
LightoftheWorld added a new version:
QuoteKorean translation by Rising_Star! Thank you so much!
There are no other changes, if you are not using the KR translation, you do not need to redownload. I am aware of multiple bugs and will fix them over the weekend. Currently prioritizing video editing and a different mod for a different game.
This is a re-upload of the same version from last night, but with the KR locale files in the correct position. My bad
LightoftheWorld added a new version:
QuoteDisplay MoreAiming for weekly-ish updates until release.
0.9.5 Update 1
-Completely changed Light Vests 2. Please read the task in game.
-Changed all 24 hour time gates to 16 hour time gates. I wanted the quests to be "come back the next day", but 24 hours meant the quests weren't unlocking until the end of the play session rather than the beginning. There were 8 quests affected by this.
-Fixed "While They're away" (I think, let me know)
-Reduced Light Vests 4 from three repair kits to two
-Increased the amount of kills needed for Light Vests 3 (20->25)
-Reduced the amount of kills needed for SR1 (10->5)
-Slightly adjusted Strength 3 (you must now survive the raid after completing the challenge)
-possibly other things I forgot, I don't actually track these very well
Please continue reporting bugs, I really appreciate it!
LightoftheWorld added a new version:
Virtual's Custom Quest Loader must be downloaded separately (and, preferably, first)
Guiding Light is nearing completion. There will be multiple small updates after this, however, this is the last "large version" until full release.
There are too many changes to list, both because of how much has been added, changed, or removed, and because I have been working on this on and off and have simply forgotten every small thing. THE IMPORTANT ONES ARE THE FOLLOWING:
-Added three new endings to the storyline, as well as added quest rewards for the first ending and the fourth ending. I will look at the other two and decide what their reward will be.
-Roughly 50 new quests have been added
-A significant amount of the original skill quests have been fixed, and some have been changed.
-Multiple custom items have been added, exclusively as quest rewards.
-A large number of the quests have been given images. This is also why the file size has jumped massively.
Again, please. Delete both guiding light folders before updating.
LightoftheWorld added a new version:
QuoteMultiple bug fixes and quest changes. Troubleshooting 4 is still broken :rambottrollface:
LightoftheWorld added a new version:
QuoteRemoved the model now that it has its own page. This mod now only has the preset.
...What, you were expecting a config file?
LightoftheWorld added a new file:
QuoteDisplay MoreThe return of cringe.
Please find Christ.
I have nothing more to say.
Ok, for real though. This is a 3.9 port of most of the GFL stuff. Originally found from this link: GFL2 CHARACTER and VOICE
This mod includes the model AND the voice changes (THANK YOU CJ AND CWX) but does NOT include the SkinHide mod.
Refer to previous mod pages for installation instructions
LightoftheWorld added a new version:
This mod was updated and released at 4:25 am. I opened the server and got to the main menu without errors but did not run a raid and playtest to that extent. I have a fairly large mod list and they are running nicely. However, I do not use Questing Bots because I need the performance.
Questing bots has had issues with the previous attempts to update this mod. If you use questing bots and do NOT understand how to report a bug or do NOT want to deal with mod issues, do not download this quite yet. If you have QB and are willing to test this mod, please, please do that. DM me on discord or leave a mod comment.
Additionally, those with "ADD MISSING QUEST WEAPON REQUIREMENTS" may experience errors. However, I have tried to fix this. Please let me know if I succeeded, as again, I do not use this mod.
-Updated to 3.9.3 (does this even matter?)
-Fixed the following quests (and this is just the ones I remember!):
-GL_12M (maybe? Was it ever broken?)
Changed the following quests:
-E1 and E2 have been swapped, with the new E2 becoming more difficult to compensate. The new E1 stays the same. A testament to how bad I was at balancing quests back then.
-E3 has been completely changed. Enjoy the challenge.
-WM4 has been completely changed. This one isn't a challenge, you just aren't completing it quickly. It's ok, WM is useless because enchantments don't work
Probably other things I forgor it's 4:43 am why am I still up
LightoftheWorld added a new version:
Quotehow about that, I took 5 minutes and uploaded this thing. Never bothered because no one asked for it and I no longer use it, but hey. Let it never be said I don't get around to my stuff eventually
Noted. I'll look into it. You might have a very old version
LightoftheWorld added a new version:
QuoteAnime will rise.
This mod now includes the model, which has been updated to work in 3.9.x. The model will be removed from download if / when 0alias updates the standalone mod. If you just want the model for yourself, simply delete the "PMC outfit preset ANIME" folder after installation.
Anime will rise.
LightoftheWorld added a new version:
QuoteThis update has brought about a lot of issues. If you are paranoid about your profile and don't know how to back it up, do not download this version until this message is removed
-Updated to 3.9
-All the update I made while playing my solo profile (pinned comment bugs still exist but are high priority)
Nope I messed up, fixing as soon as I get home
Ah, yes! That quest is bugged, I can't believe I forgot to mention that in the comments. Sorry about that!!!