Sets crafting time for (almost) all recipes in hideout to 2 seconds (instant production time has possible drawbacks, sorry!).
Sets upgrade time for all hideout areas and stages to instant.
Sets trader insurance return time to 0 hours and storage time to 7200 hours.
Sets insurance check interval to 60 seconds (less might stress the server).
Massively reduces scav case time (10-50 seconds depending on which option you pick).
Sets scav cooldown timer to 2 minutes.
Enhances the Bitcoin farm tenfold to allow up to 500 graphics cards on level 3.
Almost everything mentioned above is configurable through the config.js file in the cfg/ folder.
Bitcoin and Superwater crafting times CAN be reduced, but it seems either I'm too dumb or the 2.1.2 SPT server has a bug with continuous production, which results in server errors when trying to pick up the second produced item. Restarting the SPT server seems to solve that problem (until the next 2 items have been produced).
Scav case jobs aren't instant or close-to-instant because they basically give you free stuff. Modify the config if you want