Posts by StormyTroopr

    This is a place for support with unmodified AKI. You have dozens of mods installed. It is impossible for someone else to troubleshoot that for you.
    You would need to remove all of your mods, then add them back until you find what is causing your issue.

    Ah I gotcha. It's ok anyways. I found that the bug doesn't happen with continuous sprinting so it isn't as important as other issues. Thanks though.

    I've started to encounter a bug where sometime after pressing the sprint button multiple times either due to panic or some other reason, my PMC becomes unable to walk and will constantly sprint. Holding S causes him to sprint forward. Holding A or D causes him to walk sideways at an accelerated rate. Attempting to move while crouching will instead have him stand and start sprinting again. Prone is unaffected. Another weird thing I noticed is when this bug happens, stamina will constantly decrease. But even when the bar is completely empty, my PMC is still stuck with sprint being the only movement option and is able to move at full speed as if he still has stamina. Attached is a video showing what I was experiencing. For anyone else that experiences this, I think avoiding toggle sprint and using continuous can help to avoid this bug.