Posts by deveagle

    one of your mods wants to generate stuff for the AI at spawn that it can't handle. Maybe you should start removing the mods one by one and run them to see which mod might be the bad one.

    bonjour a tous , suite a un bug , j'ai du réinstaller STP ,mais depuis le HUD ne fonctionne plus (ainsi que camsnap) quelqu'un serait pourquoi?

    Nem tudom. Talán próbáld meg angolul a kérdést feltenni egy angol nyelvet használó oldalon :D

    Yes! Same issue it. Insurrance my docs case. give me up the case and the items duplicated.

    You asked me to remove it from the recommended section, and reported the bug to me directly, so I assumed it was directed at me. Please only report bugs related to this mod in this thread, and only if using the latest version of SPT and Realism.

    as you think. fight those who report mod conflicts ;)

    Yes, working for me.

    If not working this method, try the SVM mod (KMC) and the insurrance tab set the trade insurrance method. This options available 0 rubels insurrance (or any other) and set time. I'm using prapor 1-1 hour, therapist 1-3 hour. And working.

    I should manually go through the recommended mods section constantly because some people are incapable of checking if a mod is up to date or not before trying to use it?

    I understand what you want to say.

    I reported the problem, since the mod went this far until 3.5.6, and I used it regularly. But now it doesn't work. I'm pointing out that if anyone else doesn't want to deal with the problems (can't, doesn't want to), let them see what's wrong.

    All the best and keep up the good work.

    This bug is my guess is it could be the realism mod or incompatibility with it.

    Because I have modded the game through 4-5 versions so far, with 10+ mods, but never used the realism mod. This bug is never see in the past.

    I'm sorry, but the problem might be with this mod. I look forward to your feedback.


    Delete the realism mod, and making the new "test03" profile with EOD acc.

    The problem not solving, this problem not the REALISM mod.

    I trying solved today the "isurrance" bug what you wrote on this forum, I downloaded the 357 files again and overwrote everything. Since then this error has appeared. Could it be that you messed something up in this quick fix?

    The problem is FAUPI munition expert mod. This delete and working fine!

    This mod is not listed my modlist because this is folder, not single file in my beepinx folder.

    Recommended by the creator of realism mod in the list of recommended mods.

    The problem solved, please closed this thread.

    If duble click the ammo any type, load the window and all data the ammo, and picture. But if click the "X" or escape (close the window) the game is freezing. Not really freezing, the window is moved, but any other interaction not work. Only one way, ALT-F4.

    Hy master! The "Blablabla" bug did you manage to figure out what could be causing it?

    or is this a bug that is built directly into the mod?

    Duble click the munition and load the window the data and the munition picture. But not closed it. only one way, alt+f4


    Your recommended mods the Munition expert mod is problem. Delete the recommended mod list in the mod page, please.

    when i try starting a game with spt realism i just keep getting


    over and over again

    This is few information. Post the log file uploaded version, what spt version, what realism? Any other mods? Fresh install the game and the realism mod? Sometimes solved the issue, when reinstall everything.

    Could someone send me what they use for 3.5.7? modlist (server and client) and loadorder list?

    I want to use the mod, but there are some mods that I wouldn't want to do without, but I don't feel like testing my mod list from the beginning one by one again. E.G. morecheckmarks poppies? Svetlana mod? And lots of mods. (see my profile "wall")