Posts by OkinawaGaijin

    Remove the combat stances mod, it's already included in SPT-Realism. You're basically running the same code twice, so it's causing issues with itself.

    yeah new feature, check last few version's patch notes for details.

    Yo, hey Fontaine. Just a quick side note, I don't know if it was related, but have disabled the bot disarm for now. Reason being one incident, where I was at the car shop on streets next to the fuel tanker and shot an enemy who was making a run for the gate, a good 10 to 15 meters away from me.

    I killed him, went over to loot him, and he had no more rifle in his loadout despite carrying an AK. The thing is, the weapon was not lying next to his body, but where I was standing when I killed him, next to the tanker.

    It could be a mod conflict with visceral bodies though, I'm not sure. I just found it weird that his weapon jumped or spawned to where I was standing instead of being dropped close by.

    Just a mention that this is a thing that happened (once IIRC)

    Edit: I also had an issue in reserve in the command bunker with tac reload (mag drop) having the dropped mags despawn instead of lying on the floor. But again, mod conflict likely and I don't know which mod could influence this. I just try not to drop any mags, lol. Maybe even just a live EFT issue. Haven't touched live in over a year.

    Hey Solarint, I really enjoy this mod. I've already seen excellent behavior coming from bots, like some asshat on lab hiding behind a blue fence piece in the hallway outside the staircase on the lowest floor.

    He didn't make a move as I was looting two more ambitious guys, so I didn't even know he was there. As I want to enter the hallway and move towards him, fucko just sidesteps and jumpscares me, pumping me full of lead.

    I do have a few questions though regarding bot behavior. Some occurences that made me curious.

    1. Does your mod implement something like the outdated NoAI ESP mod that prevents bots from sixth-sensing you aiming at them? Sometimes I aim at the back of someone's head from some distance (3.5x magnifier) and a second later they turn around and shoot straight at me without a break.

    2. Despite using your experimental headshot protection and even lowering the difficulty / increasing their spread, I had some instances where I got just wiped by a bot. Dude on Streets fires from somewhere with a sniper rifle, misses 3 times. I rush into the Concordia building and try to identify where it came from.

    Then I use another exit with a glass front and not even half a second in the new area, I got head-nape by that Bear, like he was pre-aiming and following me through the walls to keep track.

    Overall I think whenever I bite the dust, it was either head-jaw, head-eyes, or head-nape and often from distances where I have a hard time precisely firing back under fire.

    But I also use the SPT-Realism mod, which makes recoil changes IIRC. Could it be that it is interfering with where they should hit me and by conflict "fixing" their aim to hit right where it hurts?

    3. weird behavior is bots seemingly coming straight towards my position without any active combat or noise. Like I'm on Woods in one of the three sawmill containers, looting a bag, when I hear steps outside coming closer. Scav. Keeps walking straight into my hut and gets shot in the doorway.

    Same I had on labs with 4 Raiders. I was in the room with the parking lot exfil switch, looting a dead PMC I found there.

    A minute later, a raider comes in, gets a bullet in the doorway. Silence. Minute later, I hear another raider downstairs. Walks all the way around to the stairs, up the stairs, right into my room. Headshot. Then the same happens 2 more times. 4 dead raiders on top of each other.

    So these 3 behaviors seem strange. Bots seemingly having a sixth sense or acting like I'm tagged and cursed.

    Overall really enjoying this mod. It's nice to see some bots run away, some push and some flank you.

    Hey Fontaine,

    sorry to bother again. Haven't played recently but keep wondering about one thing, especially seeing your update on the recoil overhaul to include MightyCondor's weapon conversions.

    There, you mention that you added stats for the RSH12, and SR-2M. He also has the Glock 19. I wonder are these stats only needed for new calibers (RSH12 and SR-2M) and your mod will work off the bat with added guns that use existing calibers or are based on weapons that already have similars ingame, like the Glock 19?

    Therefore, can I safely download and add new guns that will work as intended based on the caliber stats (but maybe have wrong ergonomics and recoil stats) ?

    Thanks in advance.

    Hmm that's interesting, doesn't sound like there are any major issues then. Not sure why they said SWAG isn't compatible then. At the end of the day if it's working for you and you enjoy it, it doesn't really matter. I'll look into SWAG and do some testing to see what's up.

    Let me know if I can help you in any way providing logs or anything.

    I just had a look at my latest logs out of curiosity and the only errors in the current playthrough (3.4.1 using your latest hotfix) I see are related to armor plates generation, because I started using the Realistic Plate System at one point and then removed it again as I didn't particularly like the added micromanagement.

    These are some leftovers trying to generate items with ID = null since the mod is gone.

    But I don't get any errors or hiccups related to bots with my current setup.

    Unsure about SWAG. SWAG variety states in the description that is isn't compatible with Realism Mod. You'd have to disable my mod's Bot Changes for SWAG variety at the very least, so it's up to you if that's what you want to do.

    I've just checked and am actually running SWAG without having any of your options turned off, so your Mod's Bot changes as well as the PMC loadout changes are in, but SWAG loads after your mod, so it may be overriding something.

    Though from the few playthroughs I had now, a lot of bots (raiders as well as scavs and PMCs) do spawn with the Christmas balls added by your Christmas event update. As for their AI behavior (especially that of the bots spawned in with SWAG) I am a complete noob in regard to understanding what even LowLevelAI and HighLevelAI means and how these AI classes like assault or assaultgroup interact with them.

    I have fought PMCs, Scavs, Raiders and Rogues so far, as well as two run-ins with Sanitar. PMCs, Rogues and Raiders seem to hit hard. USECs take their time before shooting, so if I place a quick head-eyes, it's an easy fight. But if they open fire, I usually end up with blackened arms and heavy bleeds.

    If there is a mod conflict, it must be something I am simply unaware of or something I simply don't notice as unwanted behavior.

    Is there a way to make it so theres alot more bots to spawn im not running into any pmcs or scavs

    Personally I am using Poop with Poop variety as well as SWAG with SWAG Variety.

    Poop switches up AI behavior. SWAG creates waves of bots spawning in every few minutes to keep the map busy.

    I also recommend Lua's custom spawn points to create a ton of new spots in which bots can spawn to break the pattern. Lua has pinned a post under the comments section with a variety of configs for the mod that supply actual spawnpoint data, as the mod itself only supplies the framework and some basic additional spawnpoints.

    You can run multiple configs together to use the spawnpoints of all configs at the same time.

    You can also try setting the raid option from "as online" to "high" or "horde". As for the SWAG mod, you will find a general config.json in the mod folder which also has AI amount and AI difficulty options specifically for the SWAG mod. The standard setting is "normal" but you can also type in "medium" or "high" there to adjust the spawn amount of SWAG.

    But even if just with the basic settings, I'm sure you'll see a ton of action. Factory specifically has become a warzone.

    From a compatibility perspective, I haven't noticed any daring issues so far. All these mods seem to play along quite nice. But Fontaine has the insight into how his mod exactly works and can tell you more about eventual compatibility issues.

    To me it's definitely playable.

    Ok so that dictionary bug might be from my client mod for NoBushESP from the bepinex/plugins folder (which i am still working on). Remove that from the folder if its there.

    Also for the legendaryPlayer mod, i think either your progress.json or legendaryPlayer.json in the donottouch folder of the mod are corrupted. Go into there and put this :


    into both json files like that. First select all text with ctrl+A in a text editor, then press delete key on keyboard, then use shift + [ on keyboard for the curly braces. See if that fixes your issues.

    1. I don't have a NoBushESP in my BepInEx folder. I just started the whole Singleplayer EFT adventure 4 or so days ago, started directly with your latest version Poop mod. There was no such file in there, I believe. I am also using PoopVariety.

    2. My current progress.json looks like this

    The upper ID hash is for my main profile. It had a winStreak above 10, but after I assumed the whole legendaryplayer thing causes the AI to stop spawning, I killed myself with a grenade in Factory to get a KIA and remove the streak. This didn't solve the issue though. I then did the above from EDIT 2 and it started working again.

    The second entry is the profile I made yesterday after I first encountered the issue on my main profile.

    I just checked the legendary.json too. I see, it's basically a copy of the user profile at the time to clone him.

    Do you know what in there could cause this to screw the script? I have pretty normal gear atm, though I use the realism mod to tweak ammo and armor among other things.

    Since disabling the whole legendary functionality from your mod in the config already solved the issue for now, I rather keep it that way to continue playing. I have reset both json files as you instructed.

    If this helps, here are my used BepInEx modfiles (apart from the base files):

    • SirTyler-BetterKeys
    • Fenix_NoAI_ESP
    • RealismMod
    • KcY-SeeItemValue
    • Faupi-HideoutArchitect
    • Faupi-MunitionsExpert
    • Kobrakon-Adrenaline
    • dvize.AILimit
    • AmandsGraphics
    • SamSWAT.OldFreelook
    • SamSWAT.GeneburnFullPack
    • Folder: kmyuhkyuk-GamePanelHUD
    • Folder: SamSWAT.ReflexSightsRework
    • Folder: SamSWAT.GeneburnFullPack

    Maybe that together with my mods has a bad interaction somewhere?

    Hey Props,

    EDIT 2 - putting it on top: I have "fixed" the no AI spawning issue simply by going to \user\mods\zPOOP\config and setting the entry enableLegendaryPlayerMode in the config.json to false. Restarted the game and the normal bot spawning happened again.

    So I highly suspect your code for the legendaryplayer thingy to have an error somewhere that crashes bot generation when triggered.

    I'm running into an issue right now and suspect this mod to be the cause.

    Yesterday I swapped a few unrelated mods (loose container loot spawner, third person), jumped back into the game and noticed that no bots were spawning - it worked flawlessly before.

    After deleting caches, temp files and reverting those mod changes, as well as using a backup from my profile, I got it running again, just lost some progress. But I thought it was me meddling with additional mods mid-game.

    Now, without these mods and after plenty of successful raids, the problem showed up again. Coincidentally, it always happens when the server live log reports "legendary PMC" entries like:

    POOP: Throwing legendary PMC of bossKilla into cachedbots (not guaranteed)

    POOP: Substituting assault with bossKilla!

    These don't show up on my prior runs without issues. So I suspect it has something to do with your legendary player functionality after 10 or so successful raids? I leveled my character all the way to Lv 18 by now without issues of this kind, but now it doesn't matter whether I spawn into Interchange, Customs or even Factory (bot amount "as online" or "high")

    And the Traces.log is spammed with lines like these:

    2022-12-20 19:10:53.846 +09:00||Info|backend|<--- response URL:, time: 1.149 seconds:

    2022-12-20 19:10:55.903 +09:00||Error|Default|Item deserialization error: No parent with id 5fe49a0e2694b0755a50476c found for item 5bd6c280d4c3e171e45b768c

    2022-12-20 19:10:55.903 +09:00||Error|Default|Item deserialization error: No parent with id 5fe49a0e2694b0755a50476c found for item 8771e1cd909ea6188d78ac06

    as well as this whole block:

    My current modlist in this order:

    • ACOG4Life-OpticRework
    • BetterKeys
    • Faupi-MunitionsExpert 1.6.7
    • HideoutArchitect
    • KcY-SeeItemValue 1.5.0
    • Lua-CustomSpawnPoints
    • RaiRaiTheRaichu-AllTheClothes-1.1.2
    • Revingly-ChooseTheWeather-6.0.0
    • ServerValueModifier
    • SPT-Realism-Mod
    • Trap-s-AIO
    • zPOOP
    • ZRevingly-FreeHealing-2.1.2
    • zzInsurancePlus

    Do you have an idea what's going on, or am I suspecting the wrong mod behind this? Because I would assume now the game wants to throw in some legendary PMC or the LegendaryPlayer to fight me, but something goes awfully wrong and the whole bot spawning just quits entirely.

    Thanks in advance for any help or advice.

    Edit: without restarting the server or anything, I logged out from that Profile, started up a new profile I made yesterday when I thought this one was trashed and jumped into a raid on Factory. All bots spawn in as usual. Back to my main profile, again these different server log entries and no spawning AI.

    I think I found the culprit: the provisions type airdrop has a bad ID, and for some reason the game just dies because of it instead of handling it correctly. I've reuploaded the mod with the fix so you can download it again and overwrite (you only need to overwrite the db folder). Thank you for bringing it to my attention!

    I'm really glad that my report helped and that my hunch was right on this one. That means it's a solvable problem and you solved it. So I can put the other mod (trader prices visible in item inspection) back in and also turn your dedicated airdrop type feature back in.

    I feared the usual trial and error mod by mod which would take time and effort, and even my initial comment here was not with certainty.

    But thank you for looking into it and for putting out a fix. I am really enjoying your realism mod.

    Hey Fontaine ,

    I just discovered AKI SPTarkov and everything 2 days ago and am having a blast. So far, everything works like a charm.

    However, I came across one specific issue and am still in the process of testing stuff.

    Sometimes, the game would "freeze", from the moment an airdrop is being called up by the server (using the latest AKI stuff with a correctly downpatched Tarkov).

    The freeze manifests itself like this:

    The last entry in my server would be [Client Request] /client/location/getAirdropLoot

    after that, no more entries come. The game is still running, but from what I have seen in the logs, it seems like some entry regarding the airdrop and then it's just HTTP exception timeouts for the keepalive and other entries.

    If at this point I try to inspect an item, the whole inventory would freeze up and only slowly recover. And if I move to an extraction point, I get the blackscreen that is also being mentioned as an issue with base SPTarkov.

    Now since I suspect the airdrop loot table causing this, as it only happened directly after my server logged the getAirdropLoot, there aren't many mods in my list that I can think of that would have an impact.

    I use one mod that changes the Airdrop chance (part of Trap's AIO tweaks), then there is your mod changing the airdrop type.

    Another mod I think could remotely be at fault would be KCY - SEEITEMVALUE (the updated edit by CWX), which shows the trader value on items in the inspection and apparently has caused other issues to some users, like stutters and whatnot.

    Or it could be a simple AKI issue. I am completely new to all this and clueless.

    I removed the SeeItemValue mod and set your mod to not change airdrop types. Then did another raid. Had an airdrop, got the getAirdropLoot entry and the game continued normally, including item inspection and extraction.

    So I still need to do more runs to see if that solved the issue or if it is something else entirely. I am clueless and don't know where to ask for advice.

    My Modlist (in this order)

    • ACOG4Life-OpticRework
    • HideoutArchitect
    • KcY-SeeItemValue 1.5.0
    • RaiRaiTheRaichu-AllTheClothes-1.1.2
    • Revingly-ChooseTheWeather-6.0.0
    • ServerValueModifier
    • SPT-Realism-Mod
    • Trap-s-AIO
    • zPOOP

    My BepInEx additionally includes:

    • Fenix_NoAI_ESP (to stop bots becoming allseeing when aiming at their heads)
    • AmandsGraphics
    • Kobrakon-Adrenaline
    • kmyuhkyuk-GamePanelHUD
    • VisceralRagdolls-3.3.0

    If you have any idea whether it could be related with your mod changing the airdrop loot table or I would need to search elsewhere, please let me know. Unfortunately, I didn't back up the log showing the bad airdrop and the following HTTP exception timeouts. Once I get the issue again, I can post that too.

    Thank you in advance for any comment on this.