Tyrian added a new version:
QuotePretty much exactly the same as the previous release, however I pushed a fix that stops it from spamming your console and also fixed the logic behind it.
Tyrian added a new version:
QuotePretty much exactly the same as the previous release, however I pushed a fix that stops it from spamming your console and also fixed the logic behind it.
Tyrian added a new version:
QuoteDisplay MoreAfter hours of Focus, Commitment and Sheer Fucking Will, with the guidance of others and a huge helping hand from Gasmo, S.U.W.M can now generate weapon mods more efficiently than ever before.
On top of that comes a new feature, after learning how to create my own database server and tables I have created a separate items.json that the bots use for their weapon generation. This means, that by enabling the provided setting in the config, that only YOU will be the beholder of wacky!
Provided also within the config folder is an optimization feature. A 'Recursion Limiter'. Set to 100% as default, lowering this value will 'reduce' the amount of mod recursion, making the mod easier on your computer. This works by randomly selecting an amount from the slot filters. At 50% it will randomly select 50% of the available mods in the filter. So on and so forth.
Have fun!
Tyrian added a new version:
QuoteOpened up modding even more, bot generation ability may vary. Use the aforementioned fix if you have bot generation issues.
Tyrian added a new version:
QuoteAdded a new config file with "AllHellBreaksLoose" setting. Disabled by default. Opens up more modding capability.
By enabling this you understand that bots WILL fail to generate, unless you are using a mod that overwrites bot weapon generation such as Fontaines Realism with his Bot Changes setting.
Tyrian added a new version:
QuoteImproved compatibility with SVM, thanks to Jehree.
Tyrian added a new version:
QuoteImproved compatibility with SVM, thanks to Jehree.
Tyrian added a new file:
QuoteDisplay MoreAllows you to use almost any weapon modification on their appropriately expected slot on a weapon. Handguards into handguard slots, stocks on stock slots, muzzle devices of all types may go on all barrels.
(Enable SensibleModsExtended to add certain mod types to other slots)
Use with Universal Ammo mod for increased modification. (Universal Magazines.)
Warning -Bot Generation may take longer due to the amount of mods that bot generation can now select.
Set "RecursionLimiter" lower if you are not using the default VanillaModLoadouts Setting. 50-60% is a good setting. Anything lower will severely reduce mods that bots will use. 0% makes it so they won't generate properly.
Use with a profile created with the mods SPT version, using outdated profiles may break.
Don't want bots generating with random shit? Have issues with bots generating at all?
Make sure BotsUseVanillaModLoadouts is set to 'true', if you still have issues Your best bet is to use Fontaines Realism mod and use the bot progression system in it, it overwrites bot gen with pre-set loadouts. (Bot Changes Setting)
Config -
"Universal(WeaponSlotName)" true, -- Enabling/Disabling this will enable or disable the specific slot for Universal mod pushing.
"SensibleModsExtended": false, -- Enabling this will provide a few more 'sensible' mod slot pushes.
"RemoveVanillaModConflicts": false, -- Enabling this will remove conflicts for mod items being incompatible with other mod items.
"TrulyCursed": false, -- Enabling this makes every mod capable to be put on every slot. Go crazy.
"RecursionLimiter": "100%", -- This limits how much recursion is done on mod slots, try lowering it if you have performance issues or slow bot generation. Ranges from 100% to 0%, be sure to keep the % after the number. Don't go over 100% either. Does not do anything if VanillaModLoadouts is enabled.
"BotsUseVanillaModLoadouts": true -- This makes bots use separate weapon generation rules made especially for them, this means no wacky bot weapons. Only YOU get to use the wacky shit.
Installation -
Goes in users/mods.
If you'd like to support my creations I do have a Ko-fi. (This is not for commissions, I do not do them and they are against SPT policy.) - https://ko-fi.com/tyriansuvious
Tyrian added a new version:
QuoteProperly fixed Emplacement Ammo's by pushing them to the staticAmmo pool. Now loose magazines and loose loot will correctly generate if emplacement ammos are enabled.
Refactored certain code.
Removed unused code.
Tyrian added a new version:
QuoteWorking on 3.5.5
Tyrian added a new version:
Quote- Fixed enabled ammo being made explosive by default
My apologies to first downloaders of 1.0.0, apparently during my attempt to make the code a little more optimized before full release after testing, I broke the code that checked for specific ID's of the grenades, resulting in it applying their settings to all ammo that was enabled regardless of ID it found. This is now fixed.
Tyrian added a new file:
QuoteDisplay MoreAllows individual customization of every ammunition type within base tarkov, most of the important values that ammunitions use has been seperated into their own configurable json files within the mods folder for easy configuration. Ammo can have a variety of things changed about them, from their damage and penetration to whether they are explosive or can blind enemies. Let your creative juices go wild, feel free to make presets!
Also comes with a toggleable 'All In One' ammunition that you can edit individually from all the other ammunition, an ammunition that only your PMC will use as bots shouldn't generate with it. Can be used in any weapon or magazine.
// Not all ammunition has a value for everything listed below, some even have unique values for them. But, here is a guide to help you with them.
"Enabled": false, - This will determine whether or not the round is enabled or not for editing, without this set to 'true' nothing will change.
"BulletID": ["5e81f423763d9f754677bf2e"], -- Leave this alone, do not edit it under any circumstances.
"Weight": 0.015, -- Changes the weight of the round.
"InitialSpeed": 340, -- Changes the speed of the round.
"Damage": 72, -- Changes the damage of the round.
"ammoAccr": 0, -- Changes the accuracy of the round, this is a percentage based value shown. A value of 10 is +10% accuracy, a -10 is -10% accuracy.
"ammoRec": 0, -- Changes the recoil of the round, this is a percentage based value shown. A value of 10 is +10% recoil, a -10 is -10% recoil.
"PenetrationPower": 25, -- This is the actual penetration value of a round, 10 pens class 1 armor, 50 pens class 5. So on and so forth.
"ProjectileCount": 1, -- This determines how many projectiles that the round will fire.
"MisfireChance": 0.03, -- Chance of the round misfiring in the chamber, 0 is pretty much no chance where as 1 is high chance. Values between 0 and 1 are used, mostly lower than 0.1
"MinFragmentsCount": 1, -- Minimum amount of fragments the round will fragment into if it fragments.
"MaxFragmentsCount": 1, -- Mmaximum amount of fragments the round will fragment into if it fragments.
"FragmentationChance": 0.01, -- Chance of the round fragmenting on a hit, percentage based between 0 and 1, 0.01 is 1% chance of fragmenting.
"Tracer": false, -- Enables or Disables Tracers on the ammo.
"TracerColor": "red", -- Changes the tracer colours, red, green and yellow are confirmed to work. Some rounds may have other values.
"ArmorDamage": 36, -- How much damage the round does to the armor itself.
"StaminaBurnPerDamage": 0.2016, -- How much stamina you or your target loses upon being hit by this ammo.
"HeavyBleedingDelta": 0, -- Percentage based value from 0 to 1, a value of 0.1 is a 10% chance to heavy bleed on being hit.
"LightBleedingDelta": 0, -- Percentage based value from 0 to 1, a value of 0.1 is a 10% chance to light bleed on being hit.
"MalfMisfireChance": 0.175, -- Chance of the round malfunctioning in the weapon and causing a jam after being fired, 0 is pretty much no chance where as 1 is high chance. Values between 0 and 1 are used, mostly lower than 0.1
"DurabilityBurnModificator": 1, -- A value of 1 means that the round doesn't have an increased or decreased burn modifier, 0.9 means that the round will have a -10% burn modifier where as 1.1 has a +10% burn modifier. So on and so forth. Lower value is better for the weapon.
"HeatFactor": 0.9963, -- How much heat the round generates, the lower the value the less heat it generates. I've seen values above 2 for this.
"MalfFeedChance": 0.02, -- Chance of the round malfunctioning in the weapon and failing to feed, 0 is pretty much no chance where as 1 is high chance. Values between 0 and 1 are used, mostly lower than 0.1
"Explosive": 0, -- A special config I've setup for ammo, a value of 0 means it isn't explosive, a value of 1 means it's a smol explosive similar to what one might expect out of an explosive round, while a value of 2 is pretty much grenade level explosive.
"FragmentsCount": 15, -- Used on certain grenades and explosive ammo in particular, determines how many fragments the explosion creates.
"FuzeArmTimeSec": 0.05, -- Used on certain grenades and explosive ammo in particular, determines how long it takes for the fuze to arm before it has a chance to explode. Means if you shoot it too close to yourself it won't explode, typically.
"ExplosionStrength": 80, -- The strength of the explosion, I believe this is the damage the explosion causes to those within its distance.
"MinExplosionDistance": 1, -- The minimum distance that the explosion has for it to cause damage.
"MaxExplosionDistance": 4.5, -- The maximum distance that the explosion has for it to cause damage. Those outside this range do not take damage, though there's always the fragments. Not sure if they are limited by this value.
"Blinding": false -- A special config I've setup for ammo, a value of false means the ammo will not stun or blind enemies, where as a value of true makes the round blind and stun enemies it hits.
Installation: Goes into user/mods/
If you'd like to support my creations I do have a Ko-fi. (This is not for commissions, I do not do them and they are against SPT policy.) - https://ko-fi.com/tyriansuvious
Tyrian added a new version:
QuoteSo, guess who figured out how to fix the infinite loading loose loot magazine issues when emplacement ammo's were enabled?
That's right, now you can get into your raids with 'EmplacementAmmos' enabled, no longer is it just a fun 'hideout' feature.
By replacing the function causing the issues in the first place, it hopefully fixes those issues for good.
Tyrian added a new version:
QuoteAdds a config.json along with a readme file within the config folder to enable/disable game breaking features, these are disabled by default to prevent game breaking issues.
Tyrian added a new version:
QuoteAdded in requested ammo types.
My apologies to those having conflicting issues with other mods, specifically SVM. Loading SVM after my mod fixes the issues. Not sure what's causing it however, as the All Items Examined setting does not mess with ammunition filters at all. Perhaps it somehow breaks filters in general, I'm not sure and sadly lack the time to look into it completely.