Posts by WestParkGuy1104

    That's the initial way the mod handled that problem, but I eventually moved to the loot-destroying system because it's still unrealistic to have less loot on the map that has the same range of desirability. It would be like everyone is picking up garbage loot and occasionally maybe some nice stuff.

    If you want the very simple solution, you can leave adjust_raid_times.can_reduce_starting_loot=true. However, my recommendation is leaving destroy_loot_during_raid.enabled=true. Of course, I'm biased because I spent months working on that system. ;)

    I will give it a shot. Thank you again for all of the help! I really do appreciate it.

    "Of course the purist in me has to point out that spawning into a half-completed raid with a map full of loot is just... unnatural! ;)" You are absolutely right here. I never thought about that. In that case I am assuming just change adjust_raid_times.can_reduce_starting_loot=true??

    Thanks for the update, and I appreciate you letting me know about the incompatibility update. That'll save me some testing time. :)

    While you were testing, I looked through your config changes for my mod, and without you saying anything, that answered my question. I could feel your frustration just by seeing some of the changes you made, so I think a GUI is something to add to my to-do list. It'll take some time to develop, but considering how much this mod has evolved over the last few months, I think it's necessary now.

    While I can't help you with your SWAG incompatibility, if you have any other issues/questions with this mod, feel free to reach out. It's good to hear from people with other perspectives to avoid getting tunnel vision with developing it.

    Sorry to bother you agian. I got SWAG figured out! Very much looking forward to a GUI in the future. In the meantime, I would still like to use this mod, is it even useable with the config that I had edited or would you recommend starting fresh with a new config?? Thanks again for all of your time!

    Yesterday and today I was testing 'Late to the Party' and I was thinking that it was causing some spawning issues. I was doing some testing and when I disabled the LttP mod I noticed that I was still seeing spawning issues. Thinking that it must have been a mod compatibility issue, I went to my "vanilla" SPT build and added just the necessities. I was still seeing the spawn issues.

    **Spawning issues: I am on woods, and I have Shtruman, goons, and bloodhounds all set to 0. Out of 10 raids I had one of those 3 if not 2 of the 3, spawning 7 times out of the 10. Only 3 raids, did I have no boss type spawn.

    I attached my "vanilla" mod list as well as my SWAG config. I did very minimal changes to the config. so I don't think that is the issue.

    If there is something that I am missing/doing wrong please let me know! I am still sorta new to SPT so I am sure I did something fucked up...Thank you for all of your time!

    **EDIT: yea so I am a fuckin dumb ass, I was doing more testing and just couldn't figure it out...After going through every setting in the config I found what was fucking with my bosses, it was the last config...

    "UseDefaultSpawns": {
        "Waves": false,
        "Bosses": false, <-- I had this one set to true because I thought this was "spawn location" and I wanted the bosses spawning in their 'default' locations. It finally hit me that this is not "spawn location" but "default percentages"...I set it back to false and ran 5 raids in a row with no bosses.
        "TriggeredWaves": false

    **Please see EDIT on original support thread post.

    Reply to this post: I do not think that splitting the mod apart is necessary. If you had A GUI that would allow the user to enable/disable what they wanted to do I think that is a really good idea!

    posting the config files that you asked about. I am attaching my config from SWAG and also LttP. Thanks a ton for the rapid response on this as well as coming up with a solution rather than just brushing me off. That is much appreciated!!

    Edit: I thought I should also note, I only did testing on Woods, with the goons and Shturman.

    EDIT: I just ran 10 raids with the configs that I posted. Only diff. is that I set Bloodhounds to 0 in the config as well. 7 out of the 10 raids, some form of boss spawned. HOWEVER!, I disabled the mod, ran another 3 raids and got a boss every time...So it is not this mod that is acting up. Needless to say, for now, I deleted my review as I overstepped and didn't do proper testing. My mistake.

    I will continue testing things on my end to get things working and let you know if I find any issues. Again, my apologies.

    Cant you attach your profile?

    So before I attached the profile, just to be sure, I re-booted the game. I had an insurance message from therapist. Once I claimed that insurance I got 16 messages that popped in that all have attachments. It appears everything is working at this point.

    Thank you for the quick replies and your time!

    Did you enable the mod?

    I have the mod installed here: F:\SPT_3-5-3\user\mods\TorturedChunk-LevelRewards-1.0.2\

    this is my main config:


    "Enabled": true,

    "EnableGiftItems": true,

    "EnableSkipLevelRewards": true,

    "RandomTrader": true,

    "LimitRewardsToTrader": false,

    "RewardsFoundInRaid": true,

    "DontTouchMyProfile": false,

    "RewardBlackList": [



















    "debug": false


    Just installed the mod, and I set EnableSkipLevelRewards to 'true' and I did not receive any reward for my previous levels. I was thinking that with this enabled in the config that I would get rewards for my past levels gained? Am I incorrect there?