Posts by !!!

    it will pick a random number between one - five for the botcount.. if you want a guaranteed 5 bots, then yo u have to list the bot 5r times in the group.

    Like this?

    "MapName": "all",

    "MapGroups": [


    "Name": "Group1",

    "Bots": [


    "BotType": "assault",

    "MaxBotCount": 1



    "BotType": "assault",

    "MaxBotCount": 1



    "BotType": "assault",

    "MaxBotCount": 1



    "BotType": "assault",

    "MaxBotCount": 1



    "BotType": "assault",

    "MaxBotCount": 1



    "Time_min": 10,

    "Time_max": 20,

    "RandomTimeSpawn": true,

    "OnlySpawnOnce": false,

    "BotZone": null


    Is this where we write support questions?

    I changed the settings to this


    "aiDifficulty": "normal",

    "aiAmount": "asonline",

    "RandomWaveCount": 7,

    "BossWaveCount": 1,

    "BossChance": 0,

    "SkipOtherBossWavesIfBossWaveSelected": false,

    "GlobalRandomWaveTimer": {

    "WaveTimerMinSec": 200,

    "WaveTimerMaxSec": 360


    "MaxBotCap": {

    "factory": 30,

    "customs": 30,

    "woods": 30,

    "shoreline": 30,

    "lighthouse": 30,

    "reservebase": 30,

    "interchange": 30,

    "laboratory": 30,

    "tarkovstreets": 30


    "MaxBotPerZone": 8,

    "UseDefaultSpawns": {

    "Waves": true,

    "Bosses": true,

    "TriggeredWaves": true


    "DebugOutput": true


    I also deleted all patterns accept for Example Pattern, and set all the
    "MaxBotCount": 5
    "OnlySpawnOnce": false,

    and in ClassDef.ts I changed the amount to this.

    export const aiAmountProper = {

    low: 4,

    asonline: 4,

    medium: 4,

    high: 4,

    horde: 4,


    But it does not feel like I am getting multiple waves of 5 bots every wave.
    The first wave is massive but then it tapers off and I just have like 1 or 2 bots per wave.
    And by that time the friendly bots outnumber the hostile bots so even when a hostile spawns, by the time I get there, the firefight is finished.

    This was mainly tested on Factory Day.