Posts by MrK

    Tried this?

    I can confirm, 3.8.0 is full of stutters and low FPS, especially Lighthouse and Streets, but not limited to these.

    It goes to 20FPS on streets sometimes with boss spawns on the map, it's hilarious and makes me scream NEXT SLIDE, PLEASE!!!

    I won't mention my system specs, because I'm aware of BSG's untalented developers mixed with Unity as an unoptimized engine.

    We can only wait and hope the SPT devs will nail it in the patch as much as they can, because I lost all hope in BSG a long time ago.

    Nice! Thank you for another useful mod! 8)

    I have a question related to Borkel's Realistic Thermal Package, which includes the adjustment of scopes:

    - Better resolution

    - Higher frequency (refresh rate)

    - Better (further) range

    Are these included in the package? If not, would you guys and Borkel be willing to work together to get everything in one package?

    That would be incredible to have everything related to NVGs and Thermal Scopes in one Mod.

    Again, much appreciated. Thank you for your contribution, efforts and time!

    The Terragroup Trial quests have been added with 3.6.0, but hidden under seasonal events.

    Although (like Monvic said), they should be visible in 3.6.1, you can check in Aki_Data\Server\configs\quests.json, row #17 (?) called "showNonSeasonalEventQuests": false and set it to "showNonSeasonalEventQuests": true (I use Notepad++ to edit the files)

    The issue I encountered is that I received all quests at the same time rather than the next in line after I completed the previous.

    On a side note, also expect the quests to be a bit more tough (or some too easy) to complete, since it's not LIVE EFT.

    Good luck! :thumbup:

    FlashMode added a new version:

    Respects, FlashMode!

    I'll address the question on everyone's lips and mention the elephant. :)

    Will this be updated to 3.6.0?

    Thank you for creating it in the first place! Really helpful getting a few more FPS and less strain on our machines. <3

    Unfortunately, that's a mixture of BSG's incompetence to develop a proper optimized game after all these years together with the fact that SPT runs the server on the same machine.

    You probably noticed that if you go for a RAID without bots, it runs ok-ish in the 60-120FPS depending on your machine and map you're running.

    There are a few solutions in SPT:

    1. Limit the number of bots the game is spawning (I don't use mods for that, but edit SPT\Aki_Data\Server\configs\bot.json - Open with Notepad++, check bottom of page for number of bots on each map and adjust as you please).

    You are using SWAG and SVM, so you might want to check the options in these mods before editing the file I previously mentioned.

    2. Use a mod that limits the bots from spawning or limit the bots from moving - limiting calculations. I suggest AI Limit but I'm not sure it works with 3.6.0 right now. Haven't tested. You could give it a try and let us know it if works or post in the support thread.

    Side notes:

    1. Since BSG "optimized" the game with the latest patches, the FPS dropped even further, especially on Streets.

    2. You can further optimize the FPS when using scopes, since BSG couldn't figure it out how to develop that and made it picture-in-picture (PiP), meaning everything is rendered twice (once through the scope and once the field of view around it), which cripples any GPU/CPU. Besides Amand's mode, which you already have, another mod that helps a bit would be DERP Dynamic External Resolution Patch (DERP)
    Check if Fontaine's FOV fix or ACOG4Life mods are conflicting with DERP. They shouldn't, but I'm not using them together to confirm or deny.

    I hope it helps, though it's pretty annoying to not get at least 60FPS with pretty performant systems.

    Good luck! Cheers! :thumbup:

    Borkel added a new version:

    Welp, mister Borkel! This mod was so helpful fixing another one of BSG's incompetence.

    Would you be interested in keeping it up to date, especially with the new wipe around the corner?

    A quick update to 3.6.0 would be really nice as well, but I'm not familiar with how long would it take and how much effort it involves. :(

    Sorry, I'm just here trying to be grateful for every modder helping where they can to fix all the issues in this game.

    Thank you for all your efforts and help! Much appreciated! <3

    Tyrian added a new version:

    This mod saved me from many encounters (bosses especially) and made the TTK better, giving me a chance to fight and get a strategy to win.

    Without it, most fights end up in me hearing a shot and I'm insta-dead, regardless if it's a boss or some high-difficulty PMC brain.

    How difficult would it be to get it up to date with 3.6.0?
    Would any of the other devs be willing to help out?

    I appreciate all the effort and support so far! Thank you!

    Not sure I am allowed to post or it's helpful in any way, but I'm experiencing the same thing.

    AKI 3.5.7

    All mods are latest version:


    kmyuhkyuk-GamePanelHUD (+EFTAPI)

    SAIN (+BigBrain from Drakia)






    With no bots on any map, I get 60FPS capped. Yes, I know, I'm still on old school monitors, unfortunately. I accept donations though. Kidding.

    It's going to 30FPS when bots spawn around, especially on Lighthouse and Streets. Literally unplayable sometimes, especially when Goons/Bosses show up.

    In my opinion (I might not be the right individual to comment with no proper technical understanding of this trash coding from BSG), but scopes add up taking FPS down because it's a second display you're seeing scoped. Meaning, your system has to render once more everything in the scope. They couldn't find a different solution and I don't want to get in the details. :|

    Maybe someone from these very talented modders can explain what they see in the code when they prepare bots.

    Modders from this community have fixed so many bugs, issues and annoyances from this game, it's ridiculous at this point how BSG (and their glorious leader) can be so stubborn and not take every fix and mod into account to fix so many issues.

    From graphics, to bots behavior, various skins and other amazing quests and environment fixes.

    Sorry I couldn't help more.

    Thank you so much for everything you've done to fix some of this hot mess BSG made!
    It's amazing how some of these things should be in the core game and players only realize they were missing when someone else implements these mechanics/core properly.

    All of the mods seem to work properly, I haven't encountered issues so far and I've been using all your mods since inception.

    One thing I would like ask and I'm not sure if it's possible, but the Goons seem to ignore some of these mods.

    For example, they ignore weather and bushes/fences/objects. They also ignore burst of fire and seem to only auto you from hundreds of meters away. I might be biased, because sometimes I die so fast that I cannot tell where they were or how many bullets were shot, but as we all know, it's stupid broken.

    I had the situation where a few bushes in between made the Goons not shoot, but only voice line and eventually they pushed (except for Birdeye, which sits back, but it's working as intended) so I could spot them. It was in between the bushes from the USEC houses in the mountains on Lighthouse, where foliage is thicc.

    They also have infinite ammo and sometimes they aimbot full auto walls/houses you're in or rocks or fences for 10-15minutes. You guys probably noticed this already.

    Is there a way to make the Goons a bit more in line with smart AI using what we have in place in the game right now?

    I like it when they are tactical and for example they work together to assault you or when they slow walk, crouch or even be super aggressive after they spot you for a short while, even shooting sometimes through materials where bullets can penetrate (metal containers or doors, wood walls, windows, etc.).

    I think we can all agree that It sucks when you feel cheated by poor game mechanics and poor aimbot-only AI coding that doesn't have all the mechanics like an usual player. I'm pretty sure at some point or another we're all looking for a challenge while playing the game and being hindered by poorly/lazy typed in code just doesn't translate into a challenge, rather into disappointment and betrayal.

    Quick question about Cultists: I'm almost level 60 and never encountered them (I played just a few night RAIDs for the other not-cultist related quests). Are they broken just like the Goons? Insta 1-2 tapping you when they mark you?

    Sorry for the long wall of text! I tend to expand a lot when I'm passionate about something and want it working properly. :)