i'm confused, does the M700 .277 not use the appropriate (.277) ammo?
Posts by JimLim
You probably use a VPO-215 which is not an AK-based weapon
ah, so it need AK based weapons correct? excluding the VPO101 & 215
Does Svetlana first quest only applies to player who's BEAR PMC? cos I've killed multiple scav with VPO guns and the progress is not updating.
That’s not right, can you post your console
logs from after you load into a raid?
I tested your config with only SWAG and I get full raids with PMCs and SCAVs, somethings messed up it seems.
sorry, how to do that exactly?
you play with higher bot caps, try using pmcWaves: true now and see, or turn up your pmcChance to 100
with the above config, i changed pmcChance to 100 and "pmcWaves" set to true, i only get two pmc on the whole map. no boss, no scav.
try the new version 1.2.1, set pmcWaves: false and play with the pmcChance setting.
New problem: now I cant see PMC. Even with the settings below i dont see any PMC.
Display More"pmcChance": 80, "RogueChance": 20, "RaiderChance": 20, "SniperChance": 50, "pmcWaves": false, "pmcSpawnWeight": 80, "scavSpawnWeight": 40, "ScavInLabs": false, "MaxBotCap": { "factory": 30, "customs": 30, "woods": 40, "shoreline": 40, "lighthouse": 30, "reserve": 30, "interchange": 30, "laboratory": 30, "tarkovstreets": 30 },
50 might be a little low but it's mostly just for testing to see if you can tell a difference
50 is still somewhat high. i have set it to 30 and still scav are hard to find. maybe the scav are too badly equipped to fight off PMC with level 5 armor.
anyways, to you have any idea for me to change?
what other mods are you using? stuff like realism can spawn more PMCs than expected, depends on your settings.
odt item info
Skwizzy no discard
zzDrakiaXYZ-Waypointsmy swag config.json
Display More{ "aiDifficulty": "normal", "aiAmount": "horde", "RandomWaveCount": 30, "BossWaveCount": 1, "SkipOtherBossWavesIfBossWaveSelected": false, "GlobalRandomWaveTimer": { "WaveTimerMinSec": 10, "WaveTimerMaxSec": 30 }, "BossChance": { "gluhar": 20, "killa": 20, "tagilla": 20, "zryachiy": 100, "sanitar": 20, "reshala": 20, "shturman": 20, "goons": 20 }, "RogueChance": 80, "RaiderChance": 80, "SniperChance": 50, "pmcWaves": false, "pmcSpawnWeight": 20, "scavSpawnWeight": 100, "ScavInLabs": false, "MaxBotCap": { "factory": 14, "customs": 25, "woods": 27, "shoreline": 28, "lighthouse": 30, "reserve": 24, "interchange": 24, "laboratory": 14, "tarkovstreets": 25 }, "MaxBotPerZone": 14, "UseDefaultSpawns": { "Waves": false, "Bosses": false, "TriggeredWaves": false }, "DebugOutput": false }
Display More[ { "MapName": "all", "MapGroups": [ { "Name": "SCAVs", "Bots": [ { "BotType": "assault", "MaxBotCount": 4 }, { "BotType": "assault", "MaxBotCount": 5 }, { "BotType": "assault", "MaxBotCount": 4 }, { "BotType": "assault", "MaxBotCount": 4 }, { "BotType": "assault", "MaxBotCount": 4 }, { "BotType": "assault", "MaxBotCount": 5 }, { "BotType": "assault", "MaxBotCount": 4 }, { "BotType": "assault", "MaxBotCount": 4 }, { "BotType": "assault", "MaxBotCount": 4 }, { "BotType": "assault", "MaxBotCount": 4 }, { "BotType": "assault", "MaxBotCount": 5 }, { "BotType": "assault", "MaxBotCount": 4 }, { "BotType": "assault", "MaxBotCount": 4 }, { "BotType": "assault", "MaxBotCount": 4 }, { "BotType": "assault", "MaxBotCount": 5 }, { "BotType": "assault", "MaxBotCount": 4 }, { "BotType": "assault", "MaxBotCount": 4 } ], "Time_min": null, "Time_max": null, "RandomTimeSpawn": true, "OnlySpawnOnce": false, "BotZone": null } ], "MapBosses": [] } ]
ok got it, another question tho:
how do i increase number of scav spawn? do i edit all_scav.json in patterns folder? i cant any scav in raid right now, i only see pmc bots
Hi Nooky, i would like to set the bot to easy but i notice that it keep changing back to medium in the json file. Any idea how to fix the bot to easy difficulty?