Posts by JohnDoesNotExist

    Simply put, whenever raiders spawn in Reserve, they automatically know where I am and actively try to kill me.

    The series of events go like this:

    - I turn on the power

    - Raiders spawn (I set the % higher so they spawn more often)

    - Instances happen when they spawn in front of me, in the bunker control room (if this does happen, they usually instantly turn to me and down me).

    - When they spawn far from me, I can hear them spamming the "locals have arrived", or "Scavs have arrived", this happens when I'm playing PMC.

    - They actively try and seek me out, usually either instantly rushing me or tossing grenades to where I am.

    - As soon as they spot me they just gun me down instantly, making it extremely difficult to peek them.

    I want to know why this happens, and if there's any configuration I can do to any of the server/mod files, I can provide video evidence if necessary or any other mods/files/logs.

    Thanks in advance! :)

    Update: Did a clean install, behavior is the same. Spamming "scav spotted", "locals have arrived" regardless of being a PMC or not - Scavs actually have a better chance since I checked one of the json config files and the behavior towards scavs seems to be set to "warn" instead of "attack".

    Update 2: Tried doing the same in offline mode in actual Tarkov, the same didn't appear to happen - raiders are much more tame and don't repeatedly spam the voice line.

    Update 3: Realized that both raider AI and Guard/Boss AI are reacting the same way. After getting spotted, I get instantly shot with pinpoint precision, regardless of repositioning. Tested in dorms. Got spotted by a guard, on the 3 story dorm while I was on the second. Tried peeking through different windows and on the last attempt got instantly downed.

    Final update: Downloaded Poop and then poop variety and followed a comment on the mod page, switching overallAIDifficultyMod from -0,5 to -3, the raider AI went so dumb that they started shooting at the ceiling and I didn't get hit once. Going to mess around with the poop config since it seems to do what I need. The raiders still seem to detect me as soon as they spawn, but they are not stupidly deadly anymore. This can be L&A, problem fixed.

    Hey, sorry, I typed a lot of shit and none of it made sense.

    I can't for sure determine if it's 100% related to the mod or not - What I'm trying to say is that raiders are in fact spawning, but they spawn while I'm looking at them or in the same room as them, instead of just spawning somewhere out of sight in the bunker and patrolling.

    It happened several times, I pull the power, a raider spawns in the bunker control room, right in front / next to me.

    Edit: Unrelated, but just tested this out a little further. I went into a raid, both as PMC and scav, whenever there's raiders around I can constantly hear them say "Scav over there" (regardless of me being PMC or scav), and I'm getting instantly nailed as soon as I leave cover, they actively seek me out.

    PS: Sorry if this has nothing to do with the mod, I wasn't sure where to post it.

    PSS: Thanks for the swift reply and help!

    Hey there!

    I noticed I was getting no raiders in Reserve especially when I pulled the lever for any sort of power (bunker/depot doors), so I decided to enable the bots menu on SVM and cranked the spawn chance up to 70. I pulled the lever and one raider spawned, I killed it, and while looting, I kept seeing raiders spawn in the corridor and a total of 6 raiders spawned. Could this be some sort of bug or is it intentional?