Posts by takenmake

    takenmake added a new version:


    Recompiled for SPT 3.7.3.

    It was tentatively working beforehand, but this is just insurance.

    takenmake added a new version:


    Updated for SPT 3.5.7.

    Now using a less intrusive (and easier to maintain) method of patching, so hopefully the mod will have improved compatibility in general. This should have been done to begin with, but I didn't so here we are now.

    takenmake added a new version:


    A small patch to constrain the factor values within "reasonable" limits. The factor is not limited between 0 and 1000 for the factor (naturally, you'll have to type in the text box beside the slider the ConfigurationMenu plugin added automatically for any degree of precision).

    Negative values seem to behave the same as 0 in my testing, so I removed them since they were both unnecessary and I don't trust them to not create issues.

    1000 is the maximum because at that point you're already basically immobilized when hit, and I want to reduce the chance someone will accidentally overflow the data type.

    takenmake added a new file: