Posts by KlownKiller

    • Enable 'RAM cleaning' in the game options + regularly press escape in-game (event for just a second) to run ram-cleaning. - Yes and I have an additional Cleaner -
    • Use mods that disable far away AI, e.g. `AI Limit`- Yes I have it limited to like 55 meters -
    • Use mods that disable grass/clutter e.g. `GRASSCUTTER` and `DE-CLUTTERER`- I tried this, but to be honest I did not like the look of it -
    • Close programs like Discord and web browsers while playing - Yes, minus one browser for my Map on my 2nd Monitor -
    • Spawn fewer bots (set bot amount to low) - I do not know how to do this -
    • Avoid large maps like Streets or Lighthouse - Happens on every map but factory -
    • Disable AI mods that improve AI (e.g. SAIN) - Do I have tooooooooo -
    • Check if your CPU/Graphics card is overheating and stop it - All temps are normal -
    • See if you can enable XMP for your computer memory - XMP is enabled -
    • Look into overclocking your hardware - Never done it, not sure if I am comfortable with it. -
      • Research negative voltage offsets / curve optimizations if your hardware supports it
    • Buy and install more RAM - I have 32Gb, but am looking to push up to 64Gb -
    • Buy and install a faster CPU - 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700KF 3.61 GHz - What would be faster than this? - I also have it on a 1Tb SSD not that, that matters.

    Thank You for reaching out. I did try most of those listed. I should have added that in my orig post.

    First, Thank You to all whom have contributed to this/these mods and created an amazing place for us all.

    So this is my first time posting an issue, I have looked through others' posts to see if anyone was having a similar situation and the only close one I was able to find is Game Closes after about 10 minutes without any errors popping up.

    I can start a raid run through, and 30/45 min goes and it just closes, no errors pop up in the server. I researched the linked post and installed a Memory Cleaner and that seemed to fix for a while, now I don't get over 34-50% load (32GB).

    I have tried multiple re-installs and fresh starts to no luck.

    One theory is I'm looting too many items, but I am not sure.

    If one of you wonderful people get some time please look over my issue. I think I uploaded or linked everything requested...

    *Note the error log is huge and just repeats

    Thank You all again very much