Posts by Maru

    Hello, Fontaine after last realism 0.14.10 i cannot list items on flea and also buy from flea. I normali play with hardcore flea unchecked but in 0.14.10 doesnt matter what settings i have i cannot list single item + buy single item from flea. Pmc lvl 60.

    Hello Fontaine, thank you again for new version. I found small bug when i played with stances in spt realism, i have Active Aim on toggle btw. when i use active aim and i start aiming down sight i can walk at full speed.

    I personally run with Realism loading last and cannot replicate the issue so I don't know why it's happening to you, load order should have no effect on these two mod's compatibility

    I dont know why its happening only to me :D , but its rly small bug + most of the time i use different sights so its not big deal at all. Thank you for your time.

    Ok so i downloaded Geff's scope overhaul and bug is still there.

    When i use this mod order everything works just fine - "order": ["ACOG4Life-OpticRework","SPT-Realism","Fontaine-FOV-Fix"]

    But if i use this order that sensitivity bug is happening = only happens on 1x zoom 3x zoom is fine on this scope - "order": ["ACOG4Life-OpticRework","Fontaine-FOV-Fix","SPT-Realism"]

    Hello , i found small bug when using EOTech HMS-1 hybrid sight - the issue is when switching between zoom levels while aiming , when i first time aim with zoom x1 sensitivity is fine, but when i aim and switch between 1x and 3x zoom - 1x zoom bugs out and have very low sensitivity. Bug only exist only when i use Fov Fix with Spt realism. If you use only Fov Fix without Spt realism than there is no bug. Bug seems to by fixed when i put Fov Fix below Spt realism in order.json

    Hello , i found small bug when using EOTech HMS-1 hybrid sight - the issue is when switching between zoom levels while aiming , when i first time aim with zoom x1 sensitivity is fine, but when i aim and switch between 1x and 3x zoom = 1x zoom bugs out and have very low sensitivity.